Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 291 Whitebeard, you are also a Dragon Ball? (fifth update)

Otsutsuki Hamura roared uncontrollably and tried to struggle, but it was useless as he was swallowed up bit by bit by the darkness.

Su Han stood in the void, closing his eyes and feeling the energy flowing in his body, calculating in his heart.

It should be enough for me to cultivate to perfection in the Four Symbols Xuanwu realm, and...

After a brief silence, Su Han opened his eyes again, and his pupils showed a deep blue. This is exactly the Tenseigan.

Reincarnation and reincarnation, Su Han sighed quietly, I don't know if I can integrate these two pairs of eyes into one... But thinking about it, it's not a big problem.

After all, Su Han's current unified state ensures that all the power in his body comes from the same source.

They are from the same origin... As long as he fumbles a little bit, he should be able to complete the fusion smoothly.

Shaking his head, Su Han stopped thinking about it and fell back towards the earth.

Uchiha Madara's face was calm. He held the body of the Six Paths Sage with both hands and used the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path to crazily devour the evil energy in the enemy's body. Recite the sacrificial words loudly to completely transform these evil energies...

In this situation, the Immortal of Six Paths had no ability to resist at all, and his body collapsed bit by bit.

The curtain also fell on Whitebeard's side. Only Tony Stark, All Might, the three little girls, and the ninjas from the Five Great Nations... Because the number of evil creatures was so huge, they couldn't kill them no matter what.

Boring. Uchiha Madara's mouth curved with a cold arc. After a brief silence, he looked at Su Han, No. 10, please ask everyone to evacuate the scene.

Su Han didn't answer. He simply landed on the ground. The vector control suddenly started, causing huge waves on the ground, repelling countless evil objects that rushed towards him into the distance. He turned his head and looked at the people around him, saying simply, Go in.

Why did we go in when you said we should? Jiraiya muttered, but his body still got into it very honestly.

Even if we don’t talk about the deep impression Su Han left on him the last time he met Su Han...

This time, the person who used various abilities to commit suicide in mid-air was suspected to have been killed by Su Han using some strange illusion... The person who committed suicide was so powerful before, possessing the power to destroy the world, but what happened Still.

Moreover, Su Han directly set off a huge wave of earth and rocks with one kick, defeating all the evil creatures without harming the ninja... This method and control were earth-shattering... No matter from any angle, He couldn't even afford to offend Su Han.

The ninjas from the five major countries evacuated, and three little girls stood beside Su Han. Tony Stark and All Might stood at the door of the Secret Magic Gate, and Whitebeard rushed back in a few breaths.

Almost. Uchiha Madara suddenly clasped his palms together. He was suspended in mid-air, looking down from above, with a cold expression on his face.

Evil creatures, be completely destroyed.

In the distance, meteorites were pulled over one after another and began to crash down.

Everything was being destroyed, and the moon was smashed and disintegrated. But then, Uchiha Madara forcibly used the Earth Blast Star to condense the moon.

However, this time, Uchiha Madara sealed the evil object and the body of the Ten-Tails together.

Then, he landed on the earth, recited the words of sacrifice, and began to absorb the evil things in the Earth Explosion Star that he had condensed.

...This method is too rough. Tony Stark swallowed. If Su Han hadn't stood in front of them to protect them...even the armor on his body would not have been able to destroy the world at that level. In the midst of disaster, save his life.

All Might remained silent, his heart heavy.

Gu la la la, Whitebeard suddenly laughed, his eyes a little deep, I just learned about a fatal flaw in my body today.

Old man...what are you talking about? All Might was a little surprised.

Although I am powerful, and even the shock wave I can strike with my full strength can cause the moon to automatically disintegrate...but I may not be able to survive in space. Whitebeard was very calm, Even I don't have effective means to move in space. , Return to Earth.”

Whitebeard thought to himself, feeling that although he was powerful, if he was thrown into space, he might have no choice but to wait quietly for death.

Su Han's mouth twitched and he glanced at Whitebeard strangely. Strong but unable to survive in outer space? You are also a Dragon Ball.

Although he complained in his heart, Su Han was not surprised. Uchiha Madara's use of Six Paths Mode can be said to be a leap in life level... However, no matter how deeply Whitebeard's armed Haki is practiced, he is still far away from the leap in life level. It feels a little bit worse.

It's a very simple reason. In the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki state, Uchiha Madara is no longer in danger of running out of life. But Whitebeard still has the problem of running out of life...

In the distance, Uchiha Madara returned to normal after the sacrifice was completed, and landed in front of Su Han.

Now that the problems in your world have been dealt with, it's time for us to go back. Su Han spoke calmly. He canceled the mirror world and the moon returned to its original state.

Uchiha Madara's face was expressionless. If he hadn't known that this was the mirror world, he wouldn't have dared to turn things upside down like before.

See you in the council. After Uchiha Madara said, he stepped directly into the secret door.

This guy, Tony Stark laughed and scolded, can't bear to leave us, so I'll spare a few words! Will he die?

All Might whispered, I really can't imagine Uchiha Madara trying to keep us.

Illya thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

Actually, I really want to see what the ninja world is like. Xiaoyu carefully glanced at the opposite side of the secret door, with a flash of longing in her eyes.

Gu Xun'er thought for a while and said softly, If you really want it... then I will accompany you to that world.

Is it really possible? Xiaoyu's eyes lit up for a moment.

Our fighting power is enough to protect ourselves in that world. And there is also Mr. Madara. Since we have decided to stay, he will definitely take care of us. Gu Xun'er's words were very certain.

Although she looks young, her state of mind is much more mature than Xiaoyu. After a slight pause, Gu Xun'er continued, And if you want to go back, you can go back at any time.

Mr. No. 10, is there really no problem? Xiaoyu looked at Su Han with some anxiety. Su Han remained silent and just nodded.

Suddenly, Xiaoyu excitedly rushed into the door of the secret method. Gu Xun'er didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She bowed slightly to Su Han and then entered.

It’s the fifth update, let’s leave it like this for now… There is one more picture that I probably can’t hold back, I’m tired, I’ll continue to push it to tomorrow… Crying

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