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Chapter 285 Let us mourn for three seconds of silence for the poor Hyuga clan (5th update)

The flow of real illusions is not as fast as the river of fate. Although the screen keeps switching, it is still within the acceptable range.

Hyuga Hinata was kidnapped and brought to the moon. The Otsutsuki clan existing on the moon is another lineage with the same origin as the Byakugan. They are all descendants of the Otsutsuki Hamura...

Later, the power of the reincarnation eye, which evolved the Byakugan to its extreme, was gradually introduced, alongside the reincarnation eye...

What? Uchiha Madara's expression changed for the first time. He connected the blue eyes in front of him with the eyes of the man who stared at the earth from the moon before, and his mind was shocked, The same level as the Samsara Eye. Eyes?

The Hyuga clan...can actually let their eyes evolve like this.

Although nominally, the Hyuga clan is the top clan alongside the Uchiha clan, in fact, Uchiha Madara has never thought highly of this clan. The Uchiha clan as a whole also upholds this attitude...

Although Hinata's Byakugan has a strong peeking ability, the Sharingan can continue to evolve. When using the three magatama, not only does it have super strong dynamic observation capabilities, it is also able to see through illusions and simulate the enemy's ninjutsu... Needless to say after entering the kaleidoscope.

The Byakugan can only be used as a support. The early effect of Ninja is huge, but the later stage... is not worth mentioning.

But now, looking at the various abilities of the reincarnated eye, Uchiha Madara's view of the Hyuga clan has changed, Hyuuga... an interesting race, maybe we should focus on this lineage appropriately.

Huang Rong's body trembled, and she subconsciously glanced at Uchiha Madara, silently mourning for three seconds for the Hyuga clan in her heart... Being targeted by Shura on the battlefield, I can only wish you good luck.

The pictures are still flowing. In the end, Naruto Uzumaki rescued Hinata Hinata, defeated the enemy, and returned to Earth.

The real illusion dissipated, and no one spoke in the foggy space for a moment.

That guy just now was Toneri Otsutsuki...that's not right. Sawada Tsunayoshi was only halfway through his words when he suddenly realized. Not to mention that there is a certain difference between the other party's appearance and Otsutsuki Toneri. Simply speaking of time... they don't match up now.

The mother he's talking about...is Kaguya Otsutsuki, right? Conan said abruptly.

These words were like a bolt of lightning flashing through my mind. Uchiha Madara's eyes narrowed and he said in a low voice, No wonder that guy looks familiar...it turns out to be Hamura Otsutsuki.

Otsutsuki Hamura, the second son of Otsutsuki Kaguya, and the younger brother of the Sage of Six Paths.

If it's that guy, it's normal. Tony Stark rubbed his eyebrows, He himself is the ancestor of Otsutsuki Toneri, and he moved himself and his descendants to the moon in his later years. .”

Wait a minute, Tony Stark suddenly realized something was wrong and looked strange, There's no reason... shouldn't that guy have died like the Sage of Six Paths a long time ago?

The most I can do is keep a soul...and give my descendants a chance...

The Sage of Six Paths is dead, but Hamura Otsutsuki is still alive and kicking? Could it be that because he was the younger brother, he was born a little later and lived a little longer?

It's not right to say that... The Immortal of Six Paths has been dead for hundreds or even thousands of years. How did you change your fate against the will of heaven?

No, Huang Rong helplessly covered her forehead, Otsutsuki Toneren suffered such a big loss, but Otsutsuki Hamura didn't appear... I personally feel that he might have really died later. .”

There are indeed not many people like the Immortal of Six Paths who will never die. Conan spoke from the bottom of his heart.

Su Han glanced at the people present, and after thinking for a moment, he immediately controlled No. 10 to speak, Look at the scene just now, haven't you guys reacted yet?

Sawada Tsunayoshi recalled the previous scene, his eyes flickered. He was still in the Death Flame mode at the moment, and his words were very calm, Has the body been invaded by evil forces, causing my lifespan to be greatly increased? It's not just that... …I think even my own ideas have been distorted.”

Otherwise...he would never think of releasing Kaguya Otsutsuki after he was transformed.

This makes sense, Tang Hao thought thoughtfully. After all, he went to the moon in the first place to guard the body of the Ten-Tails and ensure that Kaguya would not escape... If something hadn't gone wrong, his concept would not have been completely reversed. .”

Those corpses wearing vests that fell to the ground before, All Might said in a heavy voice, should they be ninjas from the major ninja villages on the earth, right?

Indeed. Uchiha Madara nodded expressionlessly, I have recently practiced the Flying Thunder God Technique. Although it does not help me in fighting, the space series of techniques can help me send people to the moon.

Damn it... there are actually enemies on the moon. I am primarily responsible for their deaths. Those who kill them... whether they are evil creatures or descendants of evil gods, I will kill them with my hands.

This looks a bit like the leader of the Ninja Village. Tony Stark nodded with satisfaction.

What should I do? It's not your turn yet. Uchiha Madara said coldly. He was obviously in a very bad mood at the moment.

Su Han spoke. He interrupted the communication between the two and spoke slowly, Who wants to participate in this mission?

Me. All Might raised his palms, his expression serious and solemn, Mr. Madara is in trouble, and I can't just sit idly by.

Gla la la la, then let's add me. Whitebeard's voice was low, and he moved his body bones, It happens that I haven't moved for a while. If I don't fight... my body bones will rot.

Su Han stared at Whitebeard with a strange expression. If you want to go, just go, as for finding such a lame excuse?

If you don't fight, your body and bones will rot, and the day of the decisive battle is still hanging in the sky... If you want to fight, you can fight ten evenly matched battles in a day.

Then let me go over and count the soldiers. Tony Stark said dumbly.

Well, Illya raised her palm carefully, I have recently been able to perform dream summons, and I have a SABER card in my hand... Do you think I can go there?

You can go there if you want. Xiaoyu waved her wrist and said enthusiastically, I want to go there too, just to test my newly acquired power.

You two. The corner of Gu Xun'er's mouth twitched and she spoke seriously, Don't go too far. What use did you two have in the past? You just caused chaos!

Look, Mr. Song Que and Mr. Ah Xing, they are pretty good... just about as strong as you, but they still don't want to participate? Why?

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