Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 279 The secret of the Holy Lord’s lifespan? A shock wave capable of destroying the world (th

There was silence. Zhou Guowu and Qian Yunwen did not dare to speak, and even held their breath, their minds were shaken and they couldn't control themselves.

An Lushan, the source of the Anshi Rebellion during the Tang Dynasty, indirectly led to the decline of the Tang Dynasty... However, this was a figure thousands of years ago...

The theoretical lifespan of the Holy Lord is extremely long, but basically no Holy Lord ever dies in peace. Because this world is too dangerous... and the more powerful a being is, the more he will be hunted by high-ranking evil beings...

According to the Tai Chi Bagua Diagram, the longest living Holy Lord in history was six hundred years old. However, it was meaningless, because the Holy Lord still did not live to the end of his life, and was eventually surrounded and killed by three sixth-level evil beings.

It was not until modern times that relatively complete formations were constructed in major cities, and the death rate of the Holy Lord was reduced. But it is still terrifying, let alone the world... Just in Huaya, an average of two Holy Lords die every year...

Zhou Guowu and Qian Yunwen at the scene were over a hundred years old. But on the surface, they look like young people in their thirties or forties... Although they are not young, they can still be classified into the modern category.

Suddenly told that the person in front of them was an ancient person from thousands of years ago, they were shocked and fell into a trance for a while.

Good guy. An Lushan's narrowed eyes suddenly opened, and he looked Su Han up and down with a serious face, Have you ever seen me? No, you have a very young spirit... You should not be younger than Thirty years old, I have never set foot in China in the past two hundred years.

Then how do you know my identity? An Lushan was puzzled. Even those guys who sacrificed to me don't know either.

Silently, four figures appeared behind An Lushan. These figures were all dressed in black robes, and their auras were comparable to those of the Holy Lord.

Two high priests of evil gods, two evil creatures of the sixth stage. Zhou Guowu's eyelids twitched a few times, and his expression became serious.

We're in big trouble. Qian Yunwen murmured, suppressing the shock in his heart. Because there is no time to think about that now.

The High Priest of the Evil God, this is an existence transformed from the master of the Holy Lord on the human side, and it must also be the Holy Lord of the Soul. Therefore, the combat effectiveness of the Evil God High Priest is no weaker than that of the human Holy Lord, and is even a little stronger on average...

The evil creatures in the sixth stage are easier to deal with. One Holy Lord can deal with two or three. If they simply faced off against two evil priests, there would still be no problem... coupled with the sixth level of evil beings...

Is it difficult for you to deal with them? Su Han suddenly asked.

Qian Yunwen and Zhou Guowu looked at each other and spoke almost at the same time.

do not worry.

We will never let them bother you.

That's not what I meant, Su Han glanced at the two of them with a dumbfounded look, Actually, what I want to say is... if you are having trouble, then I will help you deal with it later.

Oh? An Lushan narrowed his eyes, You know my identity, how dare you...

With the next breath, Su Han appeared in front of him, grabbing An Lushan's neck with his palm, and white brilliance rose from it, Having lived for thousands of years... you are still a semi-saint! You are better than Taikangzi. This guy needs to be even more embarrassed.

The shock fruit ability was activated, and An Lushan's body exploded in an instant. At the same time, the terrifying shock wave spread, and the bodies of the two evil god high priests and the two sixth-stage evil creatures behind him exploded into a blood mist that filled the sky.

The building beneath my feet collapsed instantly. One crack after another spreads in all directions, and the shock wave spreads.

The shadow ninja summoned by Su Han died in large swaths, turned into shadows again, and entered the shadow kingdom to be resurrected. But the more serious casualties were caused by the evil objects...More than half of the evil objects had their bodies exploded...

Zhou Guowu flew into the sky, but it was precisely because he looked down from a high place that he could better understand what happened at the scene. Zhou Guowu's lips were trembling, Is this... the power of a god king?

No, Qian Yunwen appeared next to Zhou Guowu. He quietly watched the scenes below, feeling his hands and feet were cold. After a long moment of silence, he whispered, This may be the power of the sages.

Zhou Guowu's body stiffened. He stared at Qian Yunwen in disbelief and said in a voiceless voice, This is impossible... Do you know what it means to be a sage?

But didn't you hear what King Su Shen said before? Qian Yunwen also looked a little dazed, An Lushan...the person whom King Su Shen said to compare with is President Huaya.

Tai Kangzi, the president of Huaya, is a master at the semi-saint level. Almost all the Holy Lords of Huaya know about this matter...

But if everything is true...Shen King Su can shatter the body of the Half-Saint with one blow, what kind of terrifying existence would he be?

Just as the two sides were silent, the scattered blood mist quickly gathered in the air, and An Lushan's cold voice sounded again, It's interesting... I underestimated you, but don't think that you can...

I knew you guys were going to die. Su Han raised his palm with no expression on his face.

Endless darkness spread out and instantly enveloped An Lushan's body. An Lushan was no longer as strategizing as before, as if everything was under control, and his words were full of panic and disbelief.

No...what are you doing? You guy, who are you...stop, ah...

Time passed bit by bit. At first he was angry and scolding, but then he begged for mercy.

But no matter whether he scolded or begged for mercy, Su Han's expression did not change at all... he swallowed it up bit by bit.

Not bad harvest. Su Han withdrew the darkness, and then glanced below. The ghost ninja group had basically dealt with all the evil objects on the scene.

Su Han felt it and frowned, It's very troublesome...it's still a little short of a real breakthrough.

If another semi-holy evil thing comes... No, just one god king evil thing, or hundreds of thousands of ordinary evil things, is enough. Su Han felt a little regretful.

Wait a minute. Su Han's eyes flickered, and he suddenly realized something. He stared at the crack in the sky with interest, and then rushed directly into it.

What? Zhou Guowu's brows twitched, but he didn't wait for him to speak.

The surrounding mirror world collapsed instantly. Not only that, the ghostly ninjas in all directions also disappeared.

Zhou Guowu and Qian Yunwen appeared out of thin air on a crowded Liangxi street.

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