Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 270 Gathering the stars of Sword Art Online? Gu Yi Master’s Guess (fourth update)

Ah Xing's mouth opened wide, his expression dull, filled with shock and disbelief. He subconsciously rubbed his eyes and glanced at the plot stars floating behind him. It took him a while to calm down.

Interesting, Uchiha Madara looked at Ah Xing, who was shrouded in fog, with an incomprehensible expression. It looks like he is some kind of great martial arts master?

Although the scene flashed by, Uchiha Madara's dynamic vision was extremely strong... It could even be said that he saw the most of everyone present.

Council martial arts, add one more person. Zhang Sanfeng stroked his white beard, with relief in his eyes.

Song Que looked A Xing up and down, without comment, still sitting calmly on his chair.

Master Gu Yi was silent, her brows were furrowed and her mind was shaken.

She can actually be considered a new member of the parliament... This is her first scene where the stars of the plot come together.

No wonder, Tony Stark told me that if you watch the plot of Stars Gathering once, you can understand everything. Ancient One Mage sighed silently.

Indeed, it is impossible to understand the shock of watching the long river of destiny by simply describing it in words.

The river of destiny flows endlessly, and countless scenes gather in it. They watch the scenes quietly, as if they are gods transcending the long river of fate. Quietly watching all the living beings among them who still have not escaped their fate...

Perhaps, this is the perspective of the Speaker of Parliament. Master Ancient One murmured. She seemed to be narrating to other people at the scene, and she seemed to be talking to herself.

The world that remains unchanged... is too boring for the Speaker of Parliament, so we hope that we, the variables beyond destiny, can stir up the originally fixed destiny of the world to be more exciting.

The Wine Sword Immortal paused while stroking the wine gourd around his waist. He looked at Master Gu Yi with a strange expression, his expression changing.

Aizen no longer leaned back on the chair and straightened his back. He glanced at Su Han thoughtfully, and then glanced at No. 10, who had been silent.

So, Yuuki Asuna, aren't you going to watch your future? Number 10 suddenly spoke, his voice without any emotional texture.

No, sorry, I was distracted.

Yuuki Asuna recovered instantly, her cheeks turned red. After a long time, she suppressed the shock in her heart. She raised her head and stared at Su Han, who was shrouded in mist, and whispered, I want to see my future. ……please.

Su Han didn't reply, he just lightly knocked on the back of the chair.

The splendid and dazzling river of destiny rises again. It is the story of the death game called Sword Art Online.

The scenes are flowing, but they end extremely quickly. The rivers of fate quickly converge and turn into plot stars, hanging behind Yuki Asuna.

Virtual... game? Uchiha Madara frowned tightly. The information he saw was the most among everyone present, but it was actually incomplete.

In addition, Uchiha Madara lives in the world of ninjas and is very unfamiliar with computers and so on, so he couldn't understand the virtual game at the beginning of Sword Art Online.

Could it be that? It's similar to an illusion? And a group of people are trapped in that Sword Art Online... The more I think about it, the more familiar it becomes. Could it be the Infinite Tsukuyomi?

Uchiha Madara's eyes lit up as he thought about it. Could it be that there are people with similar interests to myself in another world? And used similar methods to pursue peace?

This is really exciting. Uchiha Madara's mouth curved. After thinking about it, he immediately entered the plot of Sword Art Online.

Eh?! Asuna Yuki reluctantly calmed down. Although she saw very little, her future self seemed to be trapped in a different world... Just as she was thinking, she saw Uchiha Madara enter directly, There was a look of confusion on his face, Can I watch it now?

Although it is a parliament in name, the atmosphere is relatively relaxed. Whitebeard laughed in a low voice, Don't think too much. Although you are shrouded in fog, the Speaker of the Parliament is a being worthy of our reverence and respect...not just because of Him the power of.

Whitebeard meant something, Perhaps... for us, He is closer to the existence of creation like father and mother.

Whitebeard's words stopped, and he also entered the world of Sword Art Online.

Yuki Asuna stayed in place with a dull expression on her face...similar to a father and mother? God? The existence of creation...could it be said that it is similar to the Western God? Is there such a thing as the Haotian God in the East?

Yuki Asuna's heart was beating fast, and she couldn't calm down for a long time. The thoughts in her brain were so chaotic that she finally shook her head, forced herself to calm down, and then entered her own plot star.

My future, Ah Xing repeatedly looked at the plot stars behind him, then turned to look at the Sword Art Online stars, Other people's futures...are very attractive.

No... In this case, no matter what, you should look at your future as soon as possible, right? Conan's mouth twitched.

No! Ah Xing flatly rejected, This is the first time I have seen the existence of other worlds...

Are all other worlds supposed to be the underworld and the fairy world? Axing made an inference and suddenly realized, Could it be that the heaven is actually divided into many worlds, and that lady's world... is one of them?

You are wrong, but this is very troublesome to explain, Zhang Sanfeng sighed, Also, it's not just Miss Yuuki! Everyone present is a different world than you.

Ah Xing fell into silence for a long time. He glanced across the audience and looked at the plot stars. He seemed to understand something and looked a little embarrassed. He slipped directly into the Kung Fu Star without making a sound.

The reason why Asing was hesitant before was because he felt in his heart that the world Yuuki Asuna was in might be the heaven.

After all, the image of Yuki Asuna in the long river of destiny, with tall buildings and endless crowds, is completely different from the world he lives in.

But now, since others have denied that it is the fairy world, and there are so many stars from other worlds around... is there any need to hesitate?

Ah Xing said that he should look at his future first, and then talk about other things after reading it.

Zhang Sanfeng laughed dumbly, and after bowing his hands to Su Han, he also stepped into the Kung Fu star.

Seeing that the number of people present was getting smaller and smaller, Su Han's expression remained unchanged. As soon as he had a thought, his figure turned into mist and disappeared directly from where he was.

The Speaker of the Council has left. After a brief silence, Aizen turned to stare at Master Gu Yi beside him, his voice as calm and gentle as ever, Master, you seemed to have discovered something interesting before? Can you tell us about it? .”

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