Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 268 Two new members have joined the foggy space (second update)

Friday plans to set up a company in the name of Su Han, and then sell domestic robots to obtain huge wealth.

Of course, Friday made a lot of money because of the nuclear fusion incident. But the gains in this area are one-time, and scientific research has always been expensive, so Friday must find new ways to make money.

I'm back. Su Zhu walked into the door, and she immediately saw Su Han sitting on the sofa, staring at her sideways.

After thinking for a while, Su Zhu glanced at the people behind him, then very obediently walked to the kitchen to make tea.

The tea is Lingcha Dahongpao. The last time a certain Holy Master paid a visit to Su Han, the gift given to him was relatively precious. But Su Han didn't care about tea, so he took it as a gift to entertain guests.

King Su Shen. Li Hongxue entered first, followed by Murong Xuncheng.

Murong Xuncheng stared at Su Han, took a deep breath, and presented a small gift box, A small gift...is not respectful.

Sixth-grade elixir? Su Han's eyes narrowed, and he instantly realized what this gift was. After thinking for a moment, he raised his head and stared at Murong Xuncheng, If you need my help if you want anything, just tell me. .”

The sixth-grade elixir is the elixir of the Holy Master Realm, although it is of no use to Su Han, who is in the Semi-Saint Realm. But the price is extremely high.

In Huaya, for a whole year, the alchemist may not be able to refine thirty sixth-grade elixirs. In the case of auction, the price is calculated in billions...

This is not the first meeting after the birth of the God King. At that time, there was still talk of giving gifts. After all, a large part of the gifts at that time was to congratulate the current area for having another giant, which to a large extent stabilized the security of the area. …

Well, Murong Xuncheng hesitated and said cautiously, Look, are you willing to move to Suzhou?

Gusu University also has rich teaching resources. If you are willing to go... I will discuss it directly with Mr. Zhang, and you don't need to worry about anything else.

After a pause, Murong Xuncheng continued, And the training resources provided to you and your sister will be calculated as three times that of Jinling!

Su Han's cultivation has never enjoyed the resources provided by Jinling University... In other words, Jinling University cannot provide the resources for a god king's cultivation. That is too huge. The principal of Jinling is also at the Holy Lord level.

Therefore, Murong Xuncheng's target this time was Su Zhu.

Old man. An angry scolding sounded from behind Murong Xuncheng. He was obviously worried that this was Su Han's dormitory and did not contain any spiritual energy, but the anger in it was clear. The construction of the Jinling Formation has not been completed yet. Let's start now. Are you poaching someone? You are really awesome.

Haha, I don't need to say anything here... Zhang Mingxuan is still in school. Do you believe it or not? I just sent a message... Just lie down and go back to your home in Gusu.

Murong Xuncheng looked behind him with a sneer on his face. He treated Su Han with great awe, but that was not the case with other people. After all, he had always disliked these guys in Jinling, I'm talking to King Su Shen. What are you interrupting?

Moreover, everything is based on the will of the God King...Xu Changnan, do you want to make decisions for God King Su?

Old man. Xu Changnan walked in with a gloomy expression. Unexpectedly, his warning had no effect at all. Just wait... I hope you have mastered the art of rainbow transformation.

Not only have I reached the pinnacle of the art of transforming the rainbow, but I am also not afraid of anyone with my Heavenly Exaltation Technique. Murong Xuncheng was noncommittal.

Besides, this isn't Gusu, and I'm not afraid of a fight... If you really want to fight, the worst you can do is go to the Huaya headquarters in the end, and you'll both be punished.

You... Xu Changnan was so angry that his tooth ached when he saw Murong Xuncheng acting like a fearless old gangster.

Shut up. Su Han took a sip of the tea handed over by Su Zhu and looked at the two in front of him speechlessly.

When he was still in Jiangzhou, he still thought that these holy masters were all tall and powerful...but he had really seen more of them. He discovered that Holy Lord was actually not much different from normal people...even more casual and free.

The two of them immediately stopped talking. Li Hongxue sat on the sofa nearby, silently, lowering her head and drinking the tea handed over by Su Zhu. She made it clear that she was here to watch and not participate in the discussion.

As for the matter in Gusu, Su Han thought for a while and said, I may go...but I'm not sure. It is my responsibility to transform the All-China Sub-Array.

Although Su Han did not agree clearly, Murong Xuncheng was not too disappointed. After chatting with Su Han for a while, Murong Xuncheng left first.

As soon as he walked out of the door, before he could be overjoyed, Su Han slapped away the sixth-grade elixir he presented with one palm and fell into his hands. Then, the dormitory door slammed shut.

This. Murong Xuncheng's expression changed.

I'm disrespectful, Xu Changnan laughed and said, You didn't expect it, did you? God King Su won't accept soft or hard advice... The God King of Jinling will always belong to Jinling. Want to poach him? Just go to your dreams.

Murong Xuncheng snorted coldly, Although I failed this time, but...will you always belong to Jinling? This is not necessarily true, don't forget...that person is the prepared Huaya array graphic designer...sooner or later Will leave Jinling.

After walking around outside, it's not certain which city Su Shenwang will choose as his permanent residence...you should make plans in advance.

After saying these words, Murong Xuncheng turned into a frightening rainbow and left.

You old thing...just ran away after saying that? You're really disgusting, right? Xu Changnan's eyelids twitched, but he glanced at Su Han's tightly closed door, a flash of worry in his eyes. Obviously he has also thought about the issues Murong Xuncheng said.

Finally, he let out a long sigh and said, That's all. King Su Shen has his own plans and really wants to leave... Let's talk about it then.

Xu Changnan had nothing to do about it. The God King is leaving, can he still stop him? All he could do was to try his best to enhance Su Han's good impression of Jinling.

In the dormitory.

Su Han directly gave up the training room in his room to Master Li Hongxue and Su Zhu. After all, he usually didn't use the training room...

When it was dinner time, Su Zhu cooked a delicious meal. After they finished eating, Li Hongxue took Su Zhu away.

Su Han entered the room, closed his eyes and entered the misty space.

In the mist palace, stars gather, the mist rises, and it is mysterious.

There was mist billowing on the bronze chairs, and many members of the parliament were among them at the moment. And they stared at the two chairs with rising mist with strange expressions.

I...if I remember correctly, there was no one in front of those two chairs, right?

Ying Zheng's fingers gently rubbed the complicated lines on the armrests of the chair, and his words did not waver at all, In other words... there are new people here, and two more?

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