Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 263: Accelerator who respects the Speaker of the Council? The incompetent rage of the Holy L

Madara Uchiha had no expression on his face and strode forward with several marks on his palms. His voice was cold and contained murderous intent, That guy from the Holy Master is mine.

Six-channel mode, turned on.

Uchiha Madara is dressed in Six Paths clothing, with snow-white hair, and black seeking jade appears next to him, with a kind of destructive power flowing.

The ancient palace was shaking, and shrill wails came from all directions. Countless tentacles stabbed in the direction of several people, densely packed, too many.

Alas. Master Gu Yi sighed faintly, raised his palm, and the space continued to fold. All the stabbing tentacles were blocked.

Finally, Master Gu Yi gently turned his palm, and the space continued to rotate. Different buildings collided together, like a big millstone, grinding all the tentacles into dirty blood.

It's somewhat similar to Dormammu in nature, Gu Yi commented with a solemn expression, But the essence is too different... This kind of weirdness and distortion is really a cancer of the world! It is very harmful to the world. To the point where it’s unparalleled.”

She had encountered similar existences before, but those existences were far less dangerous than the weird ones before her. Perhaps in terms of strength, these weirdnesses are nothing... but this kind of corrosiveness and contagiousness is really too dangerous.

Awesome, mage. Tony Stark admired sincerely. He took out dozens of cards and quickly threw them out, Then I can't show weakness.

Jarvis, enter full combat mode.

Okay, sir. Jarvis' voice didn't waver at all. Those armors condensed into shape in mid-air one by one, and then entered combat status under the control of Jarvis.

Su Han stared at each of the armors with a strange expression. He saw the brand-new Hulkbuster, Reflection Huashuiyue, Shock Fruit, Vector Control and other armors... and there were also a few unfamiliar ones.

These armors are generally similar to those given to Su Han by Tony Stark. But there are many differences in subtleties, and it is obvious that improvements have been made again.

This guy Stark, Su Han sighed inwardly, the speed of technological progress is really disappointing.

Even the anthropomorphic Friday blessed by the Soul Fruit is completely unable to compete with Tony Stark in terms of technology...

Of course, Su Han also knew in his heart that this was not just a matter of the abilities of both parties. More importantly, Tony Stark has no idea how much more time he has to research than on Friday because of the training month...

Mage, please let us join the battlefield directly. Tony Stark stared at the ancient mage sincerely.

Okay. Master Gu Yi looked at him deeply, and then uttered one word. The surrounding environment has undergone tremendous changes, and the mirror world is constantly expanding.

Not only the palace of the Holy Lord, but also the entire city has undergone tremendous changes. She pulled members of the council and countless evil creatures into the same battlefield, so that the fight between the two sides would not affect civilians.

There is no obstacle of space barrier. The next moment, countless tentacles stabbed over and were shattered by the cutting-edge Iron Man armors that were activated at full strength.

A little excitement appeared on Accelerator's face, and the jet-black wings suddenly spread out from his back. No matter what kind of evil object it was, whenever the wings touched it, they would explode at the first moment.

You bastards, Accelerator suddenly laughed, Killing monsters like you will make you stronger... My road to invincibility is not cut off.

Accelerator's methods became more and more fierce, and the smile on his face became more ferocious, but he was filled with joy and emotion in his heart... If the Speaker hadn't pulled him into the parliament, his hands would have been stained with the blood of countless Misaka sisters. ?

Now, there is no need to kill Misaka sister, which saves him from future regrets... and at the same time, gives him another, smoother and more direct way to become stronger.

Yes. Whitebeard sighed. His fist was covered with a layer of armed domineering energy and shot out with white light. Countless cracks appeared on the ground. The shock wave shattered the entire palace immediately, even the city under his feet. The entire area is collapsing.

The power of the Zhenzhen Fruit is so terrifying, it is simply the word for destruction.

His voice was calm and low, We have changed too many miseries because of the Speaker.

Xiaoyu looked around in admiration, then looked at Chen Long. Just as he was about to show off something, his expression changed dramatically, Uncle Long.

At this moment, Chen Long was kneeling on the ground with one knee, his forehead covered with sweat. He was silent, his body tense and trembling.

What on earth are you doing? Xiaoyu looked panicked and a little at a loss.

Su Han slowly came to Xiaoyu's side, his voice was calm and unwavering, I have been contaminated by the evil god... don't worry. It's a normal phenomenon!

The mist surrounding Su Han seemed to be alive, floating and covering Jackie Chan's body. Then Jackie Chan's brows slowly unfurled, he gasped for air, and said with lingering fear, I almost thought I was going to die.

He looked at the dense tentacles around him, as well as Su Han and others who were lightly crushing the tentacles. There was excitement and confusion on their faces, Who are you?

We are partners of justice. Tony Stark said with a cold sense of humor.

You stole Emiya Kiritsugu's lines. Su Han's voice did not waver, but the corners of his mouth twitched under the fog.

...I didn't expect you to complain about No. 10? Tony Stark was very surprised. He looked at Su Han up and down, feeling that all his previous understanding of No. 10 had collapsed.

Su Han didn't reply. He looked into the distance, The main target has arrived, please be prepared.

With the next breath, the figure of the Holy Lord fell from the sky. His face was cold and ferocious. He glanced at the white beard with some fear, and then his eyes fell on Chen Long, Okay... Chen Long, you are actually mixed in with these. among people.”

I have changed my mind. I don't want you to be my most humble servant for the rest of your life. I want to eat you... not just you, but also all your relatives and friends... they all have to die and be eaten by me. Fall, this is the price for disobeying the great Holy Lord...

Too much nonsense. Uchiha Madara instantly appeared in the Holy Lord's body, and the Taoist Jade turned into several spears, which directly penetrated the Holy Lord's body and nailed him to the ground.

Uchiha Madara formed several marks on his palms, thunder burst out, and he said coldly, Immortal Technique: Yin Release Thunder Sect.

The Holy Lord is howling miserably. His body was entangled in the blazing lightning, and large areas were turned into darkness. The land with a radius of several kilometers was burned into lava by the blazing lightning.

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