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Chapter 252 Yuan Dagu: Damn it, You Lian... is just a liar! (Second update)

Seeing these old men achieving their great achievements with great enthusiasm, I can't relax anymore.

Huang Rong nodded clearly, clenched her fists, and said with a serious expression, Come soon, I will enter the Moon of Cultivation again for two years, and with the help of the evil god... I should be able to reach the previous state of Mr. Zhang Sanfeng, and be on par with him. Admiral.

The strength of a naval admiral, in the martial arts world that Huang Rong lives in, is basically equivalent to that of a first-rate land immortal.

At that time, the Wu Dynasty will stand.

Huang Rong already had a complete plan in her mind. This plan was discussed between her and Ying Zheng.

As long as Huang Rong has enough power to suppress the early rebellion, and then lead the entire country to implement reforms, introduce modern technology, and greatly increase productivity... then in a few years, the world will be completely stable.

At that time, she can implement her second plan to spread military power all over the world.

Moreover, she originally did not attach much importance to the throne... In the later stage, the country's political system can be changed to a cabinet system. Let the royal family gradually retreat and eventually become a mascot.

Su Han looked at the group of guys in front of him dumbly, shook his head, and with a thought, the figure turned into mist and dissipated.

The Speaker is as unpredictable as ever. Yuan Dagu sighed sincerely, feeling that Su Han was too mysterious.

Da Gu, Tony Stark raised his brows, glanced at direction No. 10, and was not surprised to find that He had also disappeared. He asked casually, I'm more curious...how have you been doing recently?

Fighting monsters as usual, Yuan Dagu said softly, By the way, during this period, I practiced Armed Haki and Sight-Hearing Haki... My original intention was to use this to enhance the self-protection ability of the body. But I didn't expect that, I can use it even in Ultraman state.

Whitebeard stopped talking. He imagined the size of Ultraman, and imagined the scene of the armed color lingering on Ultraman's fist, so powerful that his scalp felt numb.

I feel a little sorry for the monster now. Weber said with a subtle expression.

Also, regarding the identity of No. 9, Yuanda Gu's eyes brought a hint of gloom when he said this, I saw the projection left by You Lian and had a brief exchange with it... What she said about This is a total denial, saying that there has never been any god, and the light of Tiga also changed from darkness to light... It is not a gift from any god at all.

I believed it at first, and even thought that I was overthinking it, Yuanda Gu sighed quietly, but in the end she exposed herself.

What do you mean? Yako Busujima couldn't react immediately.

You Lian said that Diga's light is the only one, and the other super ancient warriors... have only their light. Yuan Dagu laughed, But I clearly feel the light of No. 9, which is different from mine. The essence is the same, but far superior to me.

In Yuan Dagu's view, this was the only trick You Lian showed. So although he agreed with You Lian's explanation on the surface, he didn't believe it at all.

No. 9. Zhang Sanfeng's eyes were deep.

Master Gu Yi frowned. She listened to the exchanges between the members at the scene. She had many doubts in her heart, but she did not ask them immediately. Thoughts flashed in her mind, and she finally decided to ask Tony Stark after returning to reality.

Why are you thinking so much? Huang Rong curled her lips, Becoming stronger is the last word.

After the words fell, she entered the moon of cultivation.

Meanwhile, the real world.

Su Han opened his eyes, he was quite dumbfounded, This guy Da Gu... is too imaginative.

The essence of light displayed by No. 9 in the foggy space is indeed far superior to that of Yuan Dagu. But this is because of the increase in divine authority in the foggy space... But obviously, it is because of this increase that Yuan Dagu and the members of the council were led astray.

Master, Friday's voice remained the same, You are finally awake. I have called you several times before... but you are still in a deep sleep.

Sorry, sorry. Su Han smiled hoarsely. Unless he was in danger and noticed something was wrong, ordinary shouting would be difficult to wake him up. By the way, do you have anything to do with me?

You can start by looking at the current news.

Su Han frowned. When he took out his mobile phone and took a look at it, his expression became solemn for a moment. Because he found some news that caught his attention.

A big change happened in Suzhou? Black cracks appear in the sky

Is it the arrival of aliens, or the arrival of invaders from another dimension

Comprehensive retreat from Jiangwu District in Gusu, fear of a major change

Gusu. Su Han's eyes became deep. If he remembered correctly, didn't Su Zhu go to that place?

After a brief silence, Su Han spoke, Friday, give me a brief introduction to the current specific situation in Gusu.

Okay, sir, Friday's calm voice came from Su Han's wrist, This major change is the fifth major change in the history of the Gusu Sky Cracks... and the last major change recorded was in Thirty years ago...on the eve of the construction of the Gusu Formation.

Is that so? Su Han looked calm, but he was worried but not worried.

After all, before Su Zhu went there, he used his super intuition to calculate that in the end it was risky, but not life-threatening.

Now it is obvious that the one who should be at risk... Moreover, the mirror that Su Han transferred and sealed on Su Zhu was not touched. Otherwise, Su Han had a feeling in his heart and emerged from the foggy space at the first moment.

After thinking about it, Su Han continued to ask, To give a brief summary... What are the specific impacts of this big change?

The connection between the Huaya boundary and the Tiancrack side has been temporarily cut off, and the two sides are in a state of loss of contact... It is impossible to infer the specific losses of the other side.

In addition, the Holy Lord of Gusu Daoyan Holy Land has contacted you before. The known news is that... Holy Lord Li Hongxue and your sister are isolated in another world. No other news is known. Friday's words did not waver at all.

Because you ignored me when I called you before, so I decided to communicate with the other party privately, and I ask for your forgiveness.

Is that so? Su Han's eyes flickered. After thinking for a while, he suddenly added, So, does this big fission...do it indicate that a large number of evil things will appear on the opposite side?

There is no doubt. Friday said as always, And the evil things gathering on the opposite side must be extremely high-level evil things... There are many fourth and fifth stage evil things. There may even be sixth-stage evil things!

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