Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 246 The arrival of the Ancient Master? A huge harvest (first update)

Boros glanced at Tony Stark coldly and said nothing. In fact, Tony Stark was able to develop this suit of armor with the help of Boros.

After all, where would Tony Stark begin his research without Boros providing data? It’s better not to go to the virtual battlefield to fight Boros. Now Tony Stark has absolutely no hope of defeating Boros. It is even difficult to collect data... and he will be killed instantly.

Part of the reason Boros provided the data was because he hoped that Tony Stark could really create armor of the same level as himself... that he would be able to fight with him in the future.

Well everyone, I'm leaving first. Tony Stark nodded to everyone present and returned to the Marvel world again.

Mage. Tony Stark opened his eyes again, stared at the Ancient One Mage in front of him, carefully informed the Ancient One Mage of the sacrificial words, and emphasized emphatically, Mage Ancient One, I am not sure whether you can Through this sacrificial word, you can truly gain the approval of that One.”

But... your life should not be in danger this time. Of course, it is up to you to decide whether to sacrifice or not.

The Ancient One mage took a deep look at Tony Stark, closed his eyes, and recited the words of sacrifice.

She knows Tony Stark very well. After all, she had seen countless futures of the person in front of her through time and space, and she believed in the character of this hero.

The next moment, Master Gu Yi felt...

It was a vast and deep world, with endless mist rising and surging, stars flowing and evolving, and it was as vast as a multiverse.

And above that vast world, there was a figure shrouded in fog, standing quietly.

He is transcendent and not bound by all the rules of the world...

The moment the two parties' eyes met, Master Gu Yi's body trembled. Her perception was too keen, so she noticed the ultimate indescribable...

This feeling...cannot be understood, cannot be felt, no...wrong, it should be said that it is impossible to perceive His existence.

Master Gu Yi's heart was shocked. Her experience was so rich. She subconsciously withdrew her perception, but her body still twitched.

Having been eroded by darkness for many years, Master Gu Yi's ability to endure the pain of mental pollution is far beyond ordinary people... But even so, Master Gu Yi was still panting slightly at this time, with cold sweat covering his forehead. It took a long time to catch his breath.

Master Gu Yi couldn't calm down in her heart. She understood that she had encountered an incredible existence... This kind of existence even exceeded her understanding and imagination...

Yes. A gentle word rang in her ears, and in the next moment, great changes took place around Master Gu Yi.

When she opened her eyes again, she found herself in a strange palace.

There are ancient bronze chairs all around, and the body of the person on the bronze chair is shrouded in mist, making it difficult to see his true appearance, which is extremely mysterious.

Tony Stark was sitting in his seat at the moment. He saw a new figure appear on a bronze chair. He breathed a sigh of relief and said with joy, Mage, you came in successfully.

Yes, I was just a little bit rejected. Master Gu Yi said calmly. She turned her head and stared at the figure shrouded in mist sitting on the bronze throne, You must be the one I looked at before... Thank you for your mercy.

Master Gu Yi said in a sincere voice, If the fog hadn't covered your body, and you didn't have any ill intentions... I might have collapsed mentally in an instant if I looked directly at you.

Aizen's face was calm, but his heart was turbulent, and it was clear.

Sure enough, even the most powerful person like Master Gu Yi, who can hinder the invasion of demons from other dimensions, is not qualified to look directly at the true form of the parliament president.

Let me introduce you to the basic situation. Tony Stark suppressed the excitement in his heart and whispered to Gu Yi one by one the information about the foggy space.

Information that cannot be disclosed due to identity restrictions in the real world can naturally be disclosed after Master Gu Yi becomes a member of the parliament.

So that's it. Master Gu Yi was shocked. A powerful parliament that is above the world? Moreover, the world they live in is codenamed Marvel...

Master Gu Yi naturally knows that the world she is in is not the world plane she has lived in for a long time, but there are countless parallel worlds and subsidiary planes.

It is very obvious that no matter how many and huge Marvel's parallel worlds are... the Speaker of Parliament uniformly divides this world into one world...

Except for a few exceptions, almost every member at the scene symbolizes a huge world standing in the void.

Above the world, indescribable, incomprehensible existence...? How transcendent and great. After a brief silence, the ancient mage raised his palm, and the cards condensed and took form.

Many people in the Mist Council looked at it, their eyes straightened.

Because there are too many cards, nearly a hundred of them, such as energy projection, penetrating objects, evolutionary illusions, flight, hypnosis, protective shield, alchemy, telekinesis, teleportation, cross-space teleportation, and teleportation. Summons...everything.

Oh my God. Tony Stark looked at the Ancient One in a daze. Although he knew that the Ancient One was very strong just by watching the plot, the concept was still very vague after all, especially since the Ancient One died at the hands of the villain in the end. .

Although she was begging for death in her senses, she died in the end... But now, the Ancient One Master has shown his true accumulation as the Supreme Mage.

Except for Boros, who likes to fight, he is staring at the ancient mage with great interest at this moment. The others were all shaken and couldn't help themselves.

Since the gift of the mysterious cards does not affect my ability, Master Gu Yi thought for a moment and said with a smile, then I will give them all to you.

With a gentle tap of her fingers, she removed a few magic weapon cards such as the Time Stone... Hundreds of cards symbolizing various abilities all flew in the direction of Su Han.

Su Han stared at Master Gu Yi quietly. He looked calm on the surface, but in fact he was causing huge disturbances in his heart. After a while, he forced himself to calm down and collected all the cards.

This is true. Illya stared at this scene with a complicated expression. When she looked at the large number of powerful cards, her mind went blank in shock. But the Speaker of Parliament looked at these cards the same way as other ability cards... When he put them away, he was as calm as ever, without any mood swings...

Mage, what are you doing? Tony Stark frowned, he was a little confused.

The plot stars of their world have been condensed. Although the Ancient Master doesn't pay anything, it's definitely not good... but it's not like he has to pay so much.

It's worth it. Ancient One Mage spoke softly. She took a deep look at Tony Stark, I can't feel the erosion of the dark energy of another dimension on me now... Do you know what this concept is?

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