Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 228 The truth about Hydra? Tony Stark's Fury (Fourth Update)

Friday's calm voice sounded, Sir...the docking has begun. The docking was successful! The first self-inspection has begun...Sir, there are a lot of high-tech hidden inside these armors.

How high-tech? Su Han raised his eyebrows.

Probably about twenty years ahead of what we currently control. Friday's words were simple and clear.

But this is an extremely scary number, because the technology currently controlled by Friday is on average thirty years older than the current society... This means that the difference between these five sets of mecha technology and the current society is at least fifty years.

This is still fifty years in theory. It gives you the correct research direction. You still need to study for fifty years... In scientific research, it is normal for research to go in the wrong direction... Maybe there is a level. It will block you for hundreds of years and you will not be able to break through.

In general, given hundreds of years to humans, they may not be able to create the five sets of armor in front of them.

Tony Stark.

Su Han was a little emotional, but didn't say much. He had long been accustomed to Tony Stark's genius in technology.

Then Friday, these armors will be handed over to you.

Don't worry, sir, Friday's voice remained as calm as ever, I will definitely strip the technology from these armors and then digest them.

Su Han's brows twitched. This was actually not what he meant, but after thinking about it, he didn't say much in this regard. Friday's increased technological prowess is also a good thing for him.

At dinner time, Su Han did not go to the cafeteria to eat, but ordered a takeaway.

While eating, a huge and obscure smell suddenly came from the balcony. Su Han stopped eating and asked, You guys...why do you all like to walk on the balcony?

Maybe it's because it's easier to enter from the balcony. A gentle voice sounded. Hearing Su Han's words was equivalent to gaining Su Han's approval. Immediately, Xu Changnan pushed open the balcony door and entered.

He nodded to Su Han, then saw the simple takeout on Su Han's table, and his expression paused, King Su Shen usually... eats these things?

Fortunately, for me, I can eat whatever I want. Su Han was noncommittal. With the help of various energies in his body, he would be fine even if he didn't eat or drink. Now eating is more of a habit.

God King, otherwise... I'll go to our cultivation association and hire a chef to come and serve you. Xu Changnan sighed, Don't worry, it will definitely be at the level of a five-star hotel.

There is no need to discuss this aspect. After Su Han finished the last bite of rice, he pushed the rice bowl casually. Under Friday's control, the Iron Man armor beside him began to clear the table for him.

Xu Changnan saw the anti-reincarnation eye armor, anti-Hulk armor, etc. standing quietly aside, and his pupils suddenly shrank, As expected.

He recognized these newly appeared armors, which were the armors that had been killing people in the sub-dimensional space in the array projection before, and he felt relieved.

But he didn't say much. Instead, he took out stacks of manuscripts from his arms and reported to Su Han the specific situation of today's formation construction.

Su Han looked very calm and listened attentively. At the same time, he used his powerful computing power to make deductions and give effective suggestions from time to time.

Sorry to trouble you. When Xu Changnan took back the manuscript, embarrassment appeared on his face.

Originally, this time it was for Su Han to report the situation, but in the end, his speech was filled with dense writing...

What is written above are all the modification opinions proposed by Su Han. The scariest thing is that these opinions are very effective.

The specific plan they implemented was supported by the innate Bagua diagram computing power of Huaya headquarters, and there were also many array diagrams to supervise the construction...

This not only shows that in so many formations, everyone is inferior to Su Han, but also that Su Han's own computing power surpasses the innate gossip of Huaya headquarters... which is currently the most powerful computer in Huaya.

Human computing power surpasses that of computers... Xu Changnan no longer knows how to describe it in words.

Should I say that he is worthy of being the chief architect who single-handedly designed the entire Jinling formation?

It’s really hard to imagine how hard-working and extremely talented someone under the age of twenty must be to have such a reserve of knowledge, mental arithmetic ability, and array experience.

Xu Changnan glanced at the trash can, remembering the takeaway from before, and his expression became complicated. Perhaps it is because I study this knowledge too seriously that I am lacking in self-care ability. It's really worrying.

Su Han naturally didn't know what Xu Changnan was thinking. He waved his hand, then turned and walked towards his bedroom. Xu Changnan bowed to Su Han again and retreated.

Sitting on the bed, Su Han closed his eyes, first entered the Cultivation Moon, and practiced for a while. Then, he entered the foggy space.

Above the mist, the palace is majestic, dotted with mist, making this place appear extremely deep.

Su Han's figure appeared silently on the bronze throne, overlooking the bottom.

At this moment, many members of the council have obviously finished watching the Marvel drama Stars and are discussing it with serious expressions.

Mr. Stark, what are you thinking about now? Conan tightened his tie and stared at the silent Tony Stark with a strange expression. Or...what do you want to do next?

Do what I should do. Tony Stark's words were hoarse, but from the palms of his hands clenching the bronze armrests, it could be seen that he was not in a calm mood at the moment.

I don't understand what you are struggling with, Uchiha Madara said with a cold face, That Winter Soldier, since he killed your parents. Regardless of whether he was manipulated by others, he must die! It turns out that history, your decision has been made So quickly, why are you so confused now?

Maybe it's because I saw how passive the Avengers were when facing Thanos after the Avengers split...and then lost Spider-Man, so I hesitated because of self-blame. Tony Stark suddenly laughed. He stood up and said with self-deprecation, It really doesn't look like me.

It is precisely because I have shouldered a lot that I no longer have the qualifications to be willful. Whitebeard said deeply, and he could obviously understand Tony Stark's feelings.

Of course, Tony Stark stretched out his palms, and his words returned to ease, obviously hiding all the strange emotions in his heart, I don't have that yet, well... In the words of Master Zhang, it is to repay evil with kindness. idea.

Not only the Winter Soldier, but also the Hydra behind him, no one can escape. Tony Stark's words gradually became cold. The Winter Soldier is certainly the murderer, but Hydra is behind everything. It's the mastermind behind this.

Thinking of how gloating he was when he saw S.H.I.E.L.D. being occupied by Hydra, Tony Stark wanted to laugh at himself at that time. Is this retribution?

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