Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 208 The Speaker of the Parliament is the boss of Tiandao in the Endless World? (Sixth update

This is a normal thing, right? Tony Stark curled his lips, Didn't I say before that the Speaker of Parliament is the wheel of fortune?

Perhaps, the Speaker of the Parliament is your immediate boss for the fate of the world.

By the way, are you still Tiandao's immediate boss? Huang Rong added subconsciously.

Then, the Mist Palace became quiet again.

Huh? Huang Rong realized something was wrong belatedly. She looked around and found that many members of the parliament were deep in thought. Then she glanced at the high-ranking president of the parliament. As always, he did not comment on this.

It can not be! Huang Rong took a breath, the conscience of heaven and earth... She really said it casually.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that there is no contradiction in adding the setting of a heavenly ruler of endless worlds to the Speaker of Parliament... there is no contradiction at all.

After all, the Speaker of Parliament is suspected of controlling destiny, and destiny has always been one of the indispensable powers of Heaven...

This can also explain why the parliament president likes to eat evil gods.

Because the evil god likes to eat the world, the parliament president, who is his immediate boss, went back with revenge...

This can even be related to their previous inference that their family's world was created by the Chairman of the Parliament... Since it was created by the Chairman of the Parliament, isn't it a matter of course that it belongs to the Chairman of the Parliament?

The more she thought about it, the more likely Huang Rong felt it was.

Jiu Jianxian scanned the scene silently, and then glanced at Su Han. The master of endless heaven?

After the Jiujianxian was silent for a long time, he wiped his forehead and face and whispered in his heart, This joke is not funny at all.

But...is this really a joke?

Jiujianxian thought of the river of destiny that had risen before... And from another aspect, many members of this council had no reason to deceive him...

As he thought about it, Jiu Jianxian found that his state of mind was also a little unstable.

This matter is not important, Aizen calmly changed the subject, What is important now is for Mr. Jiu Jianxian to regain his confidence.

Aizen paused for a moment, then added nonchalantly, By the way, Mr. Jiukensen doesn't know yet, right? If you achieve great things in your own world, build an altar, and then pass the test of your own world's consciousness...or the way of heaven, do you? . Then you can become a spokesperson for world consciousness similar to Ying Zheng, or can you say that for half a day?

Jiu Jianxian's body suddenly tensed up, and his expression changed. For a cultivator like him, becoming the spokesperson of heaven is too attractive.

I just want to know one thing. Huang Rong suddenly remembered something and frowned. She stared at Jiujianxian, Jiujianxian, how are you going to deal with your wife? She is the holy aunt.

Jiujianxian was choked. He was silent for a long time and lowered his head, I don't know.

Jiu Jianxian was very confused about his relationship with Saint Aunt.

But on the other hand, the holy aunt gave birth to his daughter without his knowledge. After knowing this...he could no longer maintain his previous attitude of ignoring the Holy Aunt.

How could you not know about this kind of thing? Huang Rong puffed up her cheeks and spoke seriously, Or do you want Anu to have only one mother like in the original history... When she grows up... Do you know who your father is?

The Jiujianxian was silent for a long time again, and sighed, I understand... I will go find the Holy Aunt after I go back.

Your choice is right, Whitebeard nodded, sighing, No matter what, the child is innocent.

Suddenly, mist rose from another bronze chair in the misty space.

All Might entered the parliament.

He looked serious, without being polite to other members of the parliament. He raised his head and stared at Su Han, getting straight to the point, Your Excellency, Chairman of the Parliament, I feel that my world may have been invaded by something evil.

What? Uchiha Madara straightened up, and he became interested.

All Might, Tony Stark's expression became serious. After all, he regarded All Might as one of his staunchest allies. He asked, What changes have occurred in your world?

After organizing his words in his mind, All Might said in a low voice, Afo, that guy attacked me just now. The power he showed was much stronger than the one in the plot of Stars... It's that kind of Oppressively powerful.”

Although I haven't used the power of the evil god to strengthen, I have practiced hard through the Moon of Cultivation during this period...coupled with Mr. Edward's teachings of not hiding anything. My domineering power has reached a very high level!

I'll testify to this. Whitebeard nodded in agreement, His visual acuity may still be average. But his armed aura is extremely strong, only slightly inferior to me.

Ordinary people possess this level of armed aptitude and knowledge, which is enough to become a naval admiral at a certain time.

Being able to become an admiral based solely on your knowledge of the armed forces is a very high compliment.

Mr. Edward, you deserve the award. It's just because I have a strong foundation.

All Might nodded gratefully to Whitebeard, and then his voice returned to seriousness, Armed with knowledge, coupled with ofa fire, my combat effectiveness should be increased by 30 to 50% compared to its peak.

For me like this, I should completely crush afo. However, in the end, he and I were barely tied.

There was a thick haze in All Might's eyes. He could no longer imagine what would have happened if he had not joined the Mist Space, had not recovered his health with Madara Uchiha's help, and had not learned the two-color Haki... facing such an afo.

Perhaps, he will die, the inheritance of ofa's fire will be cut off, and Japan will once again return to the dark age under afo's rule. Not even the entire world is immune.

Su Han stared at All Might quietly. He did sense the aura of evil things from All Might, but the aura was very light, and it didn't feel like he had encountered an evil god's sacrifice.

This is interesting.

Su Han used the observation power of the foggy space. This time he felt the changes in the world of Hero Academy, and an evil aura was flowing. Su Han's fingers gently tapped the back of the chair.

All Might's body was shaken, and at the same time, the plot stars behind him exuded scorching brilliance, and endless real illusions rose up at this moment.

It was a very dark cave.

AFO, whose face was still severely damaged, stood here, holding a book in his hand and laughing, It's great... it is indeed the most perfect creation I have ever made. And this book... this The knowledge recorded above is amazing.”

Standing in front of him were strange beings with extremely ferocious looks.

The first moment Su Han saw these monsters, he understood what they were... Guge giants.

In other words, the ancient leather giant transformed by afo.

Sixth update completed, good night!

In addition, I have changed the name of Jiujianxian from Situ Zhong to Mo Yixi... His name is Mo Yixi in the TV series, and Situ Zhong in the game... Although they are both Jiujianxian, emmm

But it’s not a big problem anymore. Anyway, the council will be called Jiujianxian from now on... Hehehe, I’m really a genius.

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