Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 199 The truth about the time loop in Conan’s world? (Second update)

No. 10's voice was as consistent as ever, without any fluctuations, This is not something you should know.

In fact, Su Han was a little surprised by this, but there were too many unknown things lurking in the void, and he also didn't know many things...

Regarding the knowledge of evil gods, Su Han, in addition to the literature in the real world, comes more from the Cthulhu mythology system of the previous life... It is possible to say that he understands it, but he also does not understand it even if he does not understand it.

No one spoke in the Mist Hall. Everyone had their own thoughts and looked very strange.

Is this true again? Not qualified. Tony Stark sighed quietly, Although it is a matter of course.

It is the last word to become stronger. Tang Hao's voice was low. But looking at his twinkling eyes, you can also tell that he is not in a calm mood at the moment.

After Su Han glanced at everyone, he closed his eyes and carefully sensed the news coming from the misty space.

Before, All Might sacrificed gin to the foggy space... Although Su Han could not obtain the evil power from this, after all, it was all absorbed by the foggy space. But he can know the information contained in Gin...

Is that it...a bullet?

Gin's memory guided him on the path of the evil god priest. It's actually a strange bullet.

The first moment he met the bullet, he was completely attracted to it, and then carried it with him... In the end, through the bullet, his consciousness connected with a great existence.

Through the analysis of scraps of information, Su Han has realized that Gin is most likely communicating with the dead Hound of Tindalos... This can also explain why he can summon the second spirit born from his corpse. An evil thing...

However, information about the world of Conan was obtained from the Hound of Tindalos? So, the body of the Hound of Tindalos is most likely in the world of Conan...or is it located near the world of Conan?

Su Han suddenly realized this and his eyes flickered.

If this is the case...there is no doubt that things will happen in the world of Conan in the future. Even what happens next time will be much bigger than this time...

On a bronze chair, mist suddenly rose. Conan's figure appeared on the chair out of thin air. He slumped down on it and let out a long sigh, Next, I just have to resign myself to fate.

Everything that needs to be done has been done. The next step is to see if any police officers or detectives can see through his disguise? Even though Conan is very confident in his IQ, there are too many monsters in the world of Detective Conan...

Not to mention, nothing in this world is completely certain.

Don't worry. Tony Stark comforted, No matter what, you are also the destined protagonist of your world. The development of the plot stars is revealed from your perspective... I am very confident in your luck.

Conan stared at Tony Stark expressionlessly. He really wanted to ask... Do you believe this?

According to this theory, wouldn’t the destined protagonist of the Academy Apocalypse world be Komuro Takashi?

But last time, the person All Might rescued was not Komuro Takashi...According to the situation in bedmaster city at that time, Komuro Takashi was most likely to be in trouble.

Although he wanted to complain, after holding it in for a long time, Conan finally said nothing.

Conan-kun, if you are really exposed, there is no way to turn around. Aizen said in a gentle voice, You can ask for help in the foggy space...for example, invite me over.

Of course, I was paid by you in the past.

Aizen has always been very curious about the world of Conan. He has been thinking about whether the plot stars in Conan's world are scenes from parallel worlds...or is it because there is really something wrong with the timeline of Conan's world.

Although it would be okay for Aizen to pay his own way and go to the world of Conan, it would inevitably seem like he was too eager. It's easy to make people wary.

Of course, Aizen knew that even so, the possibility of Conan letting down his guard was very low... Even from another perspective, Conan might not be able to afford such a reward now.

Let's forget about this. Conan's eyes twitched. Although he didn't know why Aizen showed kindness to him, he knew that Aizen had really arrived in his world. If he had a little bad intention, his world would probably be turned upside down.

After all, if Aizen really wants to implement some plan or experiment... even if this plan may lead to the death of many people in the world of Detective Conan. Aizen wouldn't care either, but this was something Conan absolutely couldn't bear.

The Hounds of Tindalos, across time, Conan... After Tony Stark muttered twice, his pupils suddenly dilated, and he suddenly realized something, Wait a minute, everyone. What do you think about the timeline of Conan's world? Could it be related to the Hounds of Tindalos?”

Everyone at the scene fell silent.

Aizen's expression did not change, but his heart stirred up. After calculating for a moment, he found that the possibility was very high. After all, both are related to time...

There are very few things related to time. How can there be so many coincidences in this world?

Hey, hey, hey... the current timeline of our world is normal, okay? Don't think too much about it. Conan said quickly. Who knows how far the conversation will go if he doesn't speak?

Indeed, you think it's normal. Tony Stark said meaningfully.

Didn't Conan in the plot Star also not notice the anomaly in his own world? This shows that if there is really a problem in that world, it is impossible for Conan, the person in the game, to discover it.

Conan also thought of this. He immediately fell silent, his expression uncertain.

After a few breaths, Conan forced down his messy thoughts. No matter whether there were problems in his world or not, there was no point in thinking about it now.

He took out three mysterious cards from his body and threw them in the direction of No. 10, No. 10, this is the reward we agreed on before.

The fog rose and the three mysterious cards disappeared. Number 10 didn't say much about it.

Why are you thinking so much? Poros suddenly sneered, If you have such idle thoughts, why not enter the training moon to practice, or enter the decisive day to fight.

As Tang Hao said, getting stronger is the real thing... If you are weak, even if you know a lot of things, you may die because of the things you know... And you become strong! What news do you want to know? What news will It comes naturally into your ears.”

Poros glanced in Su Han's direction and found that Su Han did not express his position on this, and immediately felt relieved. He entered directly into the great sun above the sky.

Suddenly, an illusory scene emerged from the great sun.

That was the figure of Boros.

And the scene around him gradually transformed into the inside of his own spaceship.

Is this? Poros's one eye widened, he suddenly realized something and looked forward suddenly. Then, he saw a bald man in yellow clothes and a white cloak standing there.

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