Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 181: Surpassing all ancestors throughout the ages (first update)

The terrifying beam penetrated the planet beneath his feet, and the huge planet collapsed bit by bit. Then, it exploded with a bang.

Countless rubbles spread in all directions and turned into beautiful fireworks in the void.

Taikangzi stood there blankly, staring at the original direction of the earth.

Where are the planets? It completely turned into nothingness, and the nature of the surrounding laws changed.

No, Taikangzi suddenly realized what had happened and was too late to be shocked. The earth was destroyed, and now the formation is no longer maintained. In about ten minutes, this place will completely turn into void!

He spoke very fast, obviously explaining the current situation to Su Han, Although we can survive in the universe, we cannot live in the void. Only sages can walk freely in it!

Taikangzi's whole body erupted with blazing brilliance. He slapped the void with his palm, and the void was suddenly torn apart.

Su Han frowned. He was not sure whether he could survive in the void, and he didn't want to experiment without being sure. Simply follow Taikangzi.

Taikangzi's palms continued to seal, and the torn void reacted with the seals he made. It condensed into a half-virtual and half-real portal, and then he rushed into the portal. Su Han followed closely behind.

Real world, over Jinling.

The three Holy Lords received the signal at the same time. They looked at each other and suddenly unfolded the formation. Then a brilliant light burst out, and the figures of Su Han and Tai Kangzi appeared.

Commander, King Su Shen! Zhang Mingxuan opened his mouth, and then realized that the atmosphere between the two was not quite right.

The three holy masters had an interesting conversation before, and they felt that Su Han would definitely have his three views shaken after returning from another world. Because they've been through this before.

Although they don't know the infinite number of sub-planes, they know that the other side of the crack in the sky symbolizes a destroyed future for the earth. It is the nest of evil things.

But at this moment, they looked at the two and found that Su Han was very indifferent, as if he was entering. But Taikangzi looked in a daze.

...What are you two? Li Hongxue looked subtle and hesitated to speak.

Their guess was correct. The only thing they guessed wrong was that the shocked and calm people were reversed. Why does Taikangzi, who brought Su Han in, look like he has a shattered worldview? On the contrary, Su Han was very calm.

I was too decisive before! I should have calmed down a little. Su Han sighed, and he realized belatedly that he should not have directly exploded the entire earth. Instead, it should slowly devour the huge evil things on it.

Although he has also encountered Aizen's problem now, unless it is the evil god's divinity, or the extremely powerful evil god's followers are swallowed by him. Ordinary weak evil creatures cannot make rapid progress if they are swallowed by him.

However, the number of evil objects on an entire planet is too huge, no matter how low the quality is... Even if it does not help Su Han, they can still be stuffed into the foggy space... Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, at least adding a small amount of power to the foggy space , absolutely no problem.

Taikangzi stared at Su Han expressionlessly. If it weren't for the intuition naturally brought about by Taoism, he would have felt that Su Han was laughing at him.

After a long time, he bowed his hands to Su Han and said in a calm voice, I still have something important to do... Take my leave!

Taikangzi stepped out, and a brilliant light burst out. He was like a resurrected god, with a divinity that was difficult to understand. The brilliance on his body made him look like a big sun stretching across the sky.

But for some reason, the Holy Master at the scene always felt that although Taikangzi's back was extremely sacred, it seemed a bit like he was running away...

...King Su Shen! Zhang Mingxuan had already seen that in another world, Su Han must have done something that would shock even the Huaya Cultivation Chief.

He was very curious in his heart, but he also understood that many of the conversations between people of this level could be regarded as secret information for the Holy Master, so in the end he forcibly suppressed his curiosity.

Then I'll take my leave first. Su Han nodded to the three of them with a smile, and then moved toward Jinling University below.

Several people formed seals on their palms, gradually and completely sealing the main hub of the crack. After a long period of silence, Li Hongxue suddenly said, Governor Duan, what do you think happened just now?

Duan Yunyu, the governor of Jinling Wufu, is a well-deserved big shot in the entire Jiangnan Province. The purpose of this visit was to receive the Huaya Cultivation Chief from Kyoto, so he took the time to come here.

It's hard to say! Duan Yunyu looked distant and spoke calmly, I just felt... the world on the other side of the crack in the sky has undergone a big change. At least those two who came out with them also have extremely huge void energy...

The cracks in the sky are connected to more than one sub-plane, everyone at the scene knows this. But a sudden burst of extremely huge void energy... This shows that a major change has occurred in a certain sub-plane connected behind the crack in the sky.

There should indeed be a big change. And this big change...should be led by Su Shenwang? Li Hongxue murmured, astonishment appeared on his face, How could it be possible? The chief executive has already taken action. There is no reason why Su Shenwang It’s led by Wang!”

Why don't you think about the president's attitude towards King Su Shen just now? Zhang Mingxuan said coldly. After a brief silence, the expressions of the remaining two people changed dramatically, and they simultaneously guessed the possibility. Su Han may not be inferior to Taikangzi.

What's going on... Duan Yunyu was only halfway through his words, his expression changing. He had long since passed the point where he refused to believe the truth. He knew one thing very well in his heart. Some incredible things might just be the truth.

Because reality is always more mysterious than fantasy.

But even though the truth was basically determined, Duan Yunyu still felt in a daze.

That was the commander-in-chief. In a hundred years, he established Huaya's superiority in fighting against evil objects, cut off the old sect's cultivation inheritance system, created a new round of university inheritance system, and ushered in the era of national cultivation. He was a majestic and talented man. The overall length of the plan is...

Every era has its trendsetters, Li Hongxue sighed faintly, Although this time's trendsetters are really hard to evaluate... It seems that I have to teach Miss Su Zhu more carefully.

So, what is Miss Su Zhu's talent? Duan Yunyu said in a low voice.

Duan Yunyu also heard that Su Han once said that Su Zhu's soul surpassed him in talent.

It's indeed very high, but I feel! Su Shenwang back then was actually over-praised. Li Hongxue was not aware of Su Han's spiritual talent. But looking at the speed of cultivation, she felt that Su Han's cultivation talent in the soul should be far beyond normal. Last but not least, being able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the top soul wizards in history...

Of course, Li Hongxue felt that this was still a small estimate. In fact, what she really felt in her heart was that Su Han's talent in the three realms of essence, energy, and spirit had probably surpassed all his ancestors throughout the ages...

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