Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 171 The scientific power that changes the world...nuclear fusion! (Third update)

Su Han's figure was wrapped in heavy fog. He stared at the scene quietly without saying a word, as if he was part of the foggy space. It blends into it naturally.

The thoughts of everyone present entered his brain one by one. He thought for a moment, smiled, and made no comment. As soon as he thought about it, the figure turned into mist and disappeared.

The atmosphere at the scene remained solemn. Tang Hao glanced at the other people at the scene who were shrouded in fog, and without hesitation, he explored the plot stars behind him and entered them. He wanted to see where the opportunity for his wife's resurrection lay.

Poros sat there for a long time.

Why don't you start yet? Tony Stark was a little surprised. The future was already behind you, but you didn't watch it immediately? After all, it should be said that he has strong self-control, but it should be said that he does not put the future in his eyes.

Just thinking about some issues! Poros' voice was simple and calm. His body turned into mist little by little, leaving only the simple bronze chair with patterns engraved on it in place.

Have you returned to reality? Zhang Sanfeng could see what was going on at a glance. Although he was a little surprised by Boros's choice, he did not slow down in his movements and entered the world of One-Punch Man.

Others may leave the foggy space and do what they should do in reality. Or enter the month of cultivation and use an exaggerated time ratio to exercise and enrich yourself. Or, enter two new plot stars.

Su Han opened his eyes on his bed.

He stood up and sat down at the desk. He took out the card he had obtained from the mist space before.

The power of Boros, Su Han placed six cards on one side of the table, looked at the mysterious patterns on them, and then placed three more Tang Hao's cards on the other side, Boros's cards appear black. , Tang Hao's card appears golden. And the patterns on it are also very different!

Su Han thought of the many cards he had fused, and suddenly realized that although those cards were equally mysterious, they also had different styles.

Do different patterns symbolize different natures of power?

Su Han murmured to himself. Shaking his head, he directly integrated the nine cards into his body.

The surging soul power merged into the depths of his body. At the same time, his blood energy was increasing and his body strength was also increasing. The energy in the body is expanding even more.

The power of light in the sleeping state woke up as if it had been stimulated by something. However, it did not conflict with the power of Boros. Under the unity of the concept of great unity, they were intertwined and integrated into each other, imprinting each other's attributes.

Su Han suddenly opened his eyes, and a terrifying and incomprehensible pressure burst out from his body, but it was controlled inside the room and did not leak out at all.

Nine soul rings suddenly rose up behind him. Originally, the nine soul rings came in various colors, and only the last one was red. However, gradually, the colors of the nine soul rings began to unify, and eventually they all turned red.

Nine red soul rings, nine hundred thousand year soul rings.

If Su Han showed this kind of soul ring in Douluo Continent, then the entire Douluo Continent would go crazy for it. This is beyond the scope of a miracle, even more incredible than a miracle.

An increase in other energies? Su Han held the Clear Sky Hammer thoughtfully.

He was not surprised. After all, after the power was integrated, the various powers complemented each other. Not only the power of the soul ring was increased after the fusion, but also the power of the Shock Fruit, the Rinnegan, and the Zanpakutō in his body. It is actually enhanced after fusion.

Perhaps if I truly reach the realm of ancient sages, my soul rings will collectively rise to a million years? Su Han laughed hoarsely. He clenched his fists and felt the abundant strength in his body.

Now, it is the body of a half-saint plus the energy of a half-saint. Su Han silently estimated in his heart that although his soul had grown somewhat this time, the extent of the growth was extremely limited.

Strange, the energy in my body has obviously increased by leaps and bounds! Even if I release it with all my strength, I can destroy the earth. However, I still don't feel that I have touched the sage! Not even the threshold?

Su Han frowned, feeling that this was a bit unbelievable. He previously thought that he could reach the threshold of sainthood based on energy alone.

It seems that there is some information that I don't know about, Su Han nodded slightly, Well, let's ask Taikangzi when we meet him tomorrow.

Taikangzi must know this information.

Sir, Friday suddenly spoke, I strongly recommend that you set up the array in your bedroom. Your breakthrough frequency is too fast. If this information is exposed, it may cause unnecessary trouble.

Su Han's breakthrough was beyond common sense. Although Su Han has met very tolerant elders these days, this does not mean that these tolerant elders are the only ones left in the world.

This world also has a dark side, and even among the group of Holy Lords who came to visit Su Han before, there were also people with bad intentions, but Su Han's strength was not shown.

Su Han, who is knowledgeable and extremely perceptive, knows this well.

Then put the array plan of my room into the Jinling reconstruction plan. Become a part of him! Su Han gave the order lightly.

The order has been accepted! Friday did not hesitate, and even placed the sequence of Su Han issuing this order before the formation of the Jinling overall formation map.

Su Han held his chin and fell into thinking, Speaking of which...it doesn't feel good to just practice hard! You need to fight before you can integrate combat experience! Let your own strength be further improved.

Although Su Han had this idea, he found it very troublesome. Because now he knows that the only one who can fight him is Taikangzi. But it was very obvious that Taikangzi had no reason to be hostile to him.

As for the dependents of the Evil God series...it goes without saying. Su Han restrained them too much. Even if they were of the same level, they were still no match for Su Han and would be eaten by Su Han.

That's all, there must be a way before the car reaches the mountain! Maybe the next evolution of the foggy space will be able to evolve some functions to solve my troubles? Su Han put the matter behind him and thought about the fruitless and Meaningful thing, this is a waste of one's own energy.

He came to Friday's table and looked at the drawings designed by Friday.

Sir, news about you has appeared on the Internet! Should I show it in front of you? Friday said while showing Su Han his research results.

Make it into a small window and place it next to the formation diagram. Su Han said casually, drinking the coffee poured for him by the Iron Man armor next to him and glancing at the news.

Su Han paused in his movements and looked a little stunned.

There are a lot of short videos, a lot of explanations, and almost massacre-like news reports from major domestic and foreign media...

This news caused a sensation and was discussed almost all over the world.

However, contrary to its extremely high popularity, all the news headlines this time are very plain and simple.

The genius of Huaya develops nuclear fusion and changes the world pattern

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