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Chapter 161 The Speaker feeds on the evil god! (fifth update)

Huang Yaoshi has a feeling that if he can survive after today, then his cultivation will definitely have an opportunity to improve by leaps and bounds... Without him, his horizons will be broadened.

Huang Rong looked a little melancholy and confused.

She originally thought that she could live a stable life by returning to Peach Blossom Island. Who would have thought that when people sit at home, disaster will come from heaven.


Looking at Zhang Sanfeng with surging power in front of him, he could crush most of the native monster's body with just one step. Huang Rong's eyes gradually gained a hint of determination.

She can't continue to be so lazy...she needs to become stronger.

Zhang Sanfeng was able to become so strong through the mist space. Even if she is not as talented as Zhang Sanfeng... but she will become stronger at a slower speed at most! One day he will be promoted to the current level of Zhang Sanfeng.

And with this kind of strength, she and her father will not be so powerless when encountering danger in the future. She truly has the power to protect herself and her father.

At this moment, a voice without any emotion came into Zhang Sanfeng's ears, Your attack method is wrong.

What? Zhang Sanfeng's pupils opened slightly, but then he noticed a familiar mysterious aura. Turning his head, he saw a figure shrouded in fog.


Su Han didn't answer, he opened his palms, and the sky was suddenly covered with clouds. Then he pressed down gently with his palm, and endless thunder and lightning fell down. At the same time, the sea began to surge, creating huge waves.

The ability to control thunder, lightning and the sea is exactly what the Soul Soul Fruit is.

The blazing thunder light penetrated the sea, causing huge waves, and was transmitted to the earth and stone giant. Ouyang Ke let out a muffled groan, but the earth and stone giant did not slow down at all, and smashed his heavy fist in the direction of Su Han.

Interesting! Su Han formed several marks on his palms. The reason why he used the ability of the Soul Soul Fruit was just to test it, and he did not really intend to use it to cause any fatal damage to the earth and stone giant. Wood Escape. The flower and tree world is coming!

The earth and stone giant's body tensed up. He was too huge, like a mountain. It is formed by the entire Peach Blossom Island. However, he couldn't move at this moment. Trees spread out from all over his body, and finally wrapped tightly around his body.

In just a few breaths, it completely turned green, although every struggle could uproot trees. But the speed it pulls out cannot keep up with the growth speed of trees.

At this time, only those strange and densely packed tentacles were still beating and attacking in mid-air in vain, and were blocked by Zhang Sanfeng's Tai Chi diagram.

This...this again? Huang Yaoshi stared at this scene blankly, almost doubting that he had seen a myth.

Although Zhang Sanfeng's ability was so powerful that it suffocated him, he could still understand it, but Su Han's power was beyond his imagination. How is it possible for humans to control the growth of flowers, plants and trees?

Huang Yaoshi's lips trembled, This is... the power of the gods! With just one thought, hundreds of flowers bloom and trees bloom.

Father. Huang Rong had helplessness on her face, but she opened her mouth and finally let out a long sigh. There is nothing to say, the matter in the foggy space cannot be explained at all. Moreover, Huang Yaoshi mistakenly believed that No. 10 was an immortal. This cannot be wrong.

Su Han was followed by Zhang Sanfeng, who was holding Huang Yaoshi and Huang Rong in his hands. Together they landed on the head of the earth and stone giant.

Zhang Sanfeng, Su Han said in a low voice, Every time you damaged the earth and stone giant before, it only further improved the compatibility between the evil god's divinity and the earth and stone giant! It also improved his combat effectiveness.

Evil things are immortal... otherwise! They can't become the biggest source of disaster in the world. Theoretically, there are only two ways to solve it, one is to seal it! A permanent seal, and then slowly wear it to death …The other kind is sacrifice.”

Su Han's words were very certain. From this information, part of it comes from the real world, and part of it comes from the King in Yellow.

Zhang Sanfeng paused and lowered his eyes. Apart from these two methods, is there no other way?

President of the Parliament! Huang Rong murmured and smiled bitterly, Is it because of the status of the Chairman that he is superior to the evil god? Is that why he can easily kill the evil god?

Perhaps, the Speaker feeds on evil gods and evil things. Su Han said this calmly, and after a short pause, he added, Of course, I am joking.

Then, he opened his palms and used the dark acupuncture points. Darkness instantly spread out and enveloped half of Ouyang Ke's body.

Panic appeared on Ouyang Ke's face. He tried his best to control the earth and stone giant, but it was useless. Feeling that he was being devoured bit by bit, No... don't eat me! Please, don't eat me...

Along with the shrill scream, Ouyang Ke's figure completely disappeared. Finally, the darkness started from where Ouyang Ke was and gradually spread throughout the earth and stone giant's body.

Kidding? Zhang Sanfeng doesn't think so. But if all this is true... He remained silent, with dense cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

Even in his master's state of mind, he was so shocked at this moment that he couldn't describe it in words.

What is the product of the evil god? That is a terrifying existence that lives outside the void and destroys the world at will! Even their lesser derivatives, the children of the evil god, are still capable of devouring the world.

But such an inexplicable existence is just food for the Speaker of Parliament?

Don't tell me! Huang Rong was also shaken. She suddenly realized something and stared at No. 10 closely, recalling Ouyang Ke's previous words...

In other words, every time they offered sacrifices in the past, they were actually preparing food for the Speaker?

No...the gap between evil things and evil gods is too huge. There is no way this is the main meal of the Speaker of Parliament, but it is most likely his dessert?

If you think about it this way, the Council Chairman disappears from time to time, in addition to stabilizing the order of the heavens and the world... He may also be killing the original evil god for meals.

The more she thought about it, the more Huang Rong felt a chill on her back. This amount of information is too huge.

Su Han gathered up the darkness, and the earth and stone giant under his feet collapsed with a roar. If it weren't for the dense trees growing on his body, he would have completely turned into rubble and sunk into the sea, disappearing completely.

……Peach Blossom Island!

Huang Yaoshi sighed softly and looked melancholy. Nothing was left, the island he lived on, and his wife's coffin tomb...all disappeared.

But...Huang Yaoshi turned around and stared at Huang Rong, a touch of tenderness flashed in his eyes...

No matter what, it's good that Ronger is still there.

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