Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 14 The so-called Genesis!

There was a sudden silence.

Master Ban's eyes twitched, but he glanced at Su Han on the high seat and said nothing.

Equivalent exchange, this is the foggy space set by Su Han, the most basic and root order of the meeting of the heavens.

Then, how about we also show you the real illusion of our world? Huang Rong's eyes flickered and she immediately made a valuable suggestion.

After a brief silence, Ying Zheng nodded and uttered one word, Yes.

However, it would take too long to play One Piece and Naruto again.

When Mr. Ban said this, he suddenly paused, then turned his head and stared at Su Han who was sitting on the bronze throne.

Then, Mr. Speaker, Whitebeard chuckled, What method do you have to allow us to watch each other?

Su Han is a little confused. I have given you all the illusion cards. What can he do?

I think you are just making things difficult for me, Fat Tiger!

Although he gritted his teeth, Su Han remained motionless on the surface, thoughts flashing rapidly in his mind. Simply saying no will definitely not work, but how can we solve these problems in a high-level way? Or reject a few...

Um? etc.

Su Han's eyes lit up, and he suddenly thought of a method. Even by that method, he could make a fortune from a few people...

Su Han thought for a while, although it felt a bit risky, but...he did it.

Feeling turbulent in his heart, Su Han said calmly, I have a method, but... what will you use in exchange?

Everyone present, look at me and I look at you.

Although they could only see Madara alone, and everything else was a blur, they could all imagine the speechlessness on the faces of other people present.

Hahaha, let's forget it. Huang Rong suddenly backed down. The things on her body were not of high value... She even felt that the last time she used martial arts secrets to exchange with Su Han, she had taken a big advantage. . It is a reflection of Su Han's preferential treatment.

In this case, how could she exchange her worthless things with Su Han? He doesn't have that kind of face either.

Whitebeard shrugged and stopped talking. Although he is interested in other worlds, it has not reached the point beyond imagination... In the final analysis, he still owes Su Han a debt.

...You guys. Master Ban looked at the other people who were silent, his eyes twitched, and he took a deep breath before casting his gaze back on Su Han. He said expressionlessly, Let me do it. Pay the price.

The mist rose between his fingers and turned into a brand new card. Then he was thrown in front of Su Han.

Su Han's pupils suddenly shrank, and he saw the symbol on the card...Wood Release Ninjutsu.

Silently, the card was put away by Su Han. This ability is great, control skills! A group of people with great destructive power.

The deal is established!

Su Han tapped his fingers on the back of the chair again, and with a crisp bang, the void began to tremble.

The originally dark and foggy world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The fog rose, and Tony Stark hurriedly returned to this space. Before he could speak, he saw an unprecedented scene in front of him, and blurted out an American curse, Shet, what is going on?

Wait a minute. Whitebeard's pupils suddenly shrank, and he realized that the real illusion card in his hand had turned into countless light points, and then the light points gathered not far away, dotting the fog into a star that looked only the size of a fist.

The real fantasy cards in other people's hands also disappeared in the same way. Turn into stars.

Finally, the misty space returned to silence again.

Although the foggy space is as foggy and mysterious as ever, but with the few stars embellishment, this place is more like the prototype of the vast universe.

A fantasy card is a world.

Madara's lips trembled, the scene in front of him shocked his mind. He reached out his hand, and as soon as he touched his own star, his body was instantly sucked in.

He appeared in a brand new world, looking in all directions, this was the world of Naruto. It almost made him think that he had returned to his own world...but he could clearly feel that he was still in the foggy space.

Master Ban was silent. He walked around this world and watched quietly.

Except that he cannot interfere with the operation of the Naruto world, he can clearly see the Naruto world and continue to move forward according to the plot.

After the story ended, it returned to the beginning of the plot, as if it were an infinite loop of the world.

With a thought, he stepped out of the star belonging to the Hokage and sat on the seat again. Silent.

He once again looked at Su Han under the mist, set off by dots of stars, as if he saw a majestic being who could play with the world with just a few clicks.

Whitebeard also finished the experiment and fell into silence, not knowing what to say.

Every time, it refreshes our understanding of your power.

Huang Rong said sincerely, but then when she looked at the stars in her world, her eyes suddenly lit up. She felt sorry that Su Han didn't give her a real illusion card before, but she didn't expect that it would turn out to be a turn of events.

Ying Zheng remained silent. Chinese legends told him that God was very powerful... but they never told him the specific power of God.

He originally thought that God could control the wind and rain, and control the life and death of all things... But now it seems that he was totally wrong! God, creation is just a thought.

No... maybe this is just the unique ability of this god who cannot be looked at directly. Ying Zheng's eyes suddenly condensed, This god may also be ranked the highest among the gods and demons in the sky.

Tony Stark was silent for a long time, and finally looked at Su Han, his lips trembling and said, Genesis? Are you...the God in the Bible?

Oh my god, look at the stars all around, and then think about the empty foggy space before...

Tony Stark wonders whether he is in an unexplored universe? And before that was the prologue to the opening of the universe.

He is obviously a top scientist, why do you want to show him such exciting things?

Tony Stark's mentality is broken. He even thought that he might as well stop studying science when he went back and just hold the Bible... Fortunately, he persisted in his will and quickly overcame this nonsensical idea.

Su Han looked down at the group of guys below in a funny way. Looking at their different expressions, he could probably understand the shock in their hearts.

But at the same time, Su Han also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, everything ended as planned... perfectly.

But through this, Su Han once again confirmed that he is omnipotent in this world. What he can do in this world... depends on how big his brain is.

Well, it would be great if this power could bring reality back.

Su Han fell into melancholy again, and in the end he could only comfort himself, It's okay if you can't take it back. If you really take it back... you can have whatever you want. Wouldn't life be fun?

Now we need to struggle, this kind of life is passionate.

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