Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 100 Complete industrialization in the Qin era!

No. 10, what's going on? Tony Stark asked first. Although he was shocked by Yan Dan's actions, thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was unlikely.

After all, if the man in front of him really wanted to destroy Qin Shi's world, he could do it now.

Not to mention him and Zhang Sanfeng, even if Aizen, the most powerful person in the council, came out, he probably wouldn't be able to stop them... After all, he was the real evil god in front of him.

In fact, he didn't contact any evil god at all. He simply obtained this page of the book. Su Han explained in a calm voice, I have some connections with the real owner of this page of the book... accept it on his behalf. .”

In this case...Yan Dan did not sacrifice to the real god, and he noticed that the nature of power between me and that person was somewhat similar, so he may have misunderstood.

Is this so? Ying Zheng thought for a while and felt that the possibility was indeed very high. But then, he reacted, his pupils suddenly expanded, and his mind was shaken.

Wait a minute...is this person related to the real owner of this page?

Although this is only one page, this page has set off a natural disaster of the undead...

After all, looking at the situation in front of him, Yan Dan has not really contacted the evil god... From this, you can imagine how terrifying the whole book is. And the owner of this book...

Ying Zheng was completely silent. He suddenly realized that he might have misunderstood something...

Although this mysterious existence, nicknamed No. 10, may be the weakest among all the dependent gods of the Council Speaker. But he may not be the weakest among all gods, and may even be considered the strongest among gods.

No wonder you said before that if Aizen wants, you can exchange with him. Zhang Sanfeng shook his head, not knowing what kind of expression he should show at this moment.

Yan Dan is no longer a threat, so I'll leave it to you to deal with it. Su Han stared at Ying Zheng, Without that page of the book, he will be killed and will die.

Ying Zheng nodded and said concisely, Okay!

Ying Zheng made a decision in his heart to execute Yan Dan as soon as possible. If something strange happens again, go to the foggy space and ask for help from the Council Speaker.

Yan Dan's situation is too weird. Even if the incarnation of the evil god in front of him says there is no problem, he must still treat it with caution.

After a short pause, Su Han looked around at the others present, The undead... incident has been lifted! It's time for us to return to our own world.

Then if they want to stay, is that okay? Ying Zheng asked.

Su Han took a deep look at Ying Zheng and nodded, Of course you can! When you want to return, turn your thoughts into the mist world. Then, you can subjectively control and use the mist world to return to your own world! And! …We can only use this to return.”

Is this like this? Tony Stark realized the implication of Su Han's words. In other words, they can only return to their own world through the foggy space, but cannot go to the worlds of other council members through the foggy space?

Is it a restriction? No! Perhaps it should be said conversely, it is a kind of authority. The Speaker of Parliament did not grant this authority to them...but it is normal to think about it.

Then I invite Mr. Tony Stark and Mr. Zhang Sanfeng to stay. Ying Zheng turned his head and stared at the two with burning eyes.

Well... I don't have a big problem. Zhang Sanfeng thought for a while and replied, But you can't stay in this world for more than three days... After all, I and several of my disciples have made an agreement before.

Me too! Tony Stark's voice was soft. He said that it was good for him to see the scenery of Great Qin. You can't stay for more than two days...otherwise, my company will show up. Big problem.

Isn't your company managed by someone called Little Pepper? Zhang Sanfeng was a little surprised.

I still have to control the overall situation! Tony Stark's mouth twitched and he said seriously, I am a super genius, the real soul of the Stark Group. I always feel that you seem to have some misunderstanding about me, but I can Not a complete hands-off shopkeeper.”

By the way, Ying Zheng... you said before that you wanted to carry out restructuring! Is it also for this reason that you keep the two of them now? Su Han said calmly.

Ying Zheng was a little surprised. He suddenly realized that the evil gods in front of him were different from the familiar gods of the parliament presidents he had encountered before, and he was obviously more willing to communicate with them.

Although No. 10's voice showed no emotion as usual, it seemed more like he was completing his tasks as usual...

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Ying Zheng answered seriously, That's right... However, system changes are inherently long-term. I just have such an excuse, but in fact, complete changes may not be completed in ten years.

After all, the country is too big, and the system can only be introduced slowly, and it must be tested to see if the new system is more suitable for the country. After all, the situation is different, and the road ahead is all unfamiliar... I invited Mr. Stark to stay, just to let him complete the initial industrialization on our side.

Su Han's eyelids twitched. Industrialization was completed during the Qin Dynasty? He is a ruthless person!

Are you planning to follow the standards of Qin Shihuang in the FGO game and develop technology to the point where two thousand years later, the Great Wall will be built in Earth orbit, the Afang Palace will be transformed into a Death Star spaceship, and the entire solar system will be colonized?

Su Han was complaining crazily in his heart, but Su Han just said calmly on the surface, and then his figure instantly turned into mist and disappeared from where he was.

Your Majesty. Wang Jian came to Qin Shihuang, looked at Tony Stark and Zhang Sanfeng, and hesitated to speak.

Receive my two distinguished guests with the highest standards! Ying Zheng replied seriously, then turned his head and stared at Tony Stark, Then, as we discussed before... please.

I thought you were joking before... I didn't expect that you actually took it seriously, that's fine! I'm also looking forward to seeing how this world will be changed by you, Qin Shihuang.

Tony Stark was a little excited, but he didn't have any obstacles that he couldn't overcome. After all, this world is not his world, and it is estimated that the United States will not be born for thousands of years.

He said softly, This is undoubtedly a great attempt! Being able to participate in this event is my greatest honor as a scientist.

In one breath, Su Han reappeared on the bronze throne above the mist.

He looked down and found that many members in the misty space had different expressions at the moment. They looked at the real illusions gradually dissipating around them. After a brief silence, they turned their heads in perfect agreement and stared at the incarnation of the mist created by Su Han.

Obviously, because Su Han arranged a real illusion before leaving, the members of the council knew everything that happened in Qin Shi's world.

Mr. No. 10, I am really becoming more and more curious about your story. Aizen said softly. He glanced at the twisted stars behind No. 10, I think it must be something magnificent that I have never seen in my life. …It’s a pity that I’m still not qualified to see what’s going on.”

Kuchiki Rukia nodded in agreement.

What she was thinking about at the moment was what No. 10 said in the world of Qin Shi... He has a deep connection with the real owner behind the book.

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