The person who called to inform Chen Fei that the war was about to start was not only Chef Abel of the base canteen, but also the machine commander Xiao Boss and the deputy squadron leader of the True Fragrance squadron Devil Pepper Illini Lucius. As a newbie, it was best for him to be mentally prepared in advance, otherwise he would scare himself half to death and do something reckless and impulsive before the enemy came.

As for the leader of the True Fragrance squadron, Chekov the Big Bear, I am afraid that right now he is scolding Fang Qiu at the contour map of the Hindu Kush Mountains, planning all kinds of ambush tactics with soldiers to block them and water to cover them. , or even the idea of ​​taking the initiative and striking first.

The fighter pilot is all about attack, and the skill points are all added to attack and speed. Full attack, full speed, low sensitivity, and zero defense. Just poke him and he will be dead. Let the fighter pilot hold the ground and defend it. It is better to kill him directly. They really can't do it!

A sneak attack, throwing away the bomb and then running away is the way to go. In what era are you still fighting and teasing dogs?

Personnel Director Thakar is leading people to protest inside the base, taking the opportunity to gain some benefits for himself. Only a few unclear-minded employees are following them and fooling around, and most of them are staying at their posts. On the list, a list of two shifts during wartime was also listed to ensure that there are people in each position 24 hours a day.

After all, you really can’t mess up your position at this time. Once the Meman Brothers United Defense Consortium takes advantage of it, no one can survive.

Guns have no eyes. When bombs are dropped and missiles fall, there will be no mercy at all.

An A-39B Big Mouth Monster light turboprop attack aircraft carrying auxiliary fuel tanks and electronic pods took off into the sky and circled around the 911 air service base. It was always on alert to be on guard against attacks from the United States-Man Brothers Defense Consortium. One side's fighter group carried out a sneak attack just like the 911 Air Service Base's long-distance attack on the 897 Air Service Base.

On that day, if there was a turboprop aircraft carrying a tactical electronic reconnaissance cabin in the 897th Air Service Base, it would not be possible for the five Big Mouth Monsters of the Zhenxiang combat flight squadron to easily approach at ultra-low altitude and successfully conduct a raid.

Having learned the lessons of the losers, the 911 air service base is ready.

The Big Mouth Monster can stay in the air for 15 hours, but the pilots can't bear such a long flight. They have to change shifts in four hours and have to bring diapers. In the current situation, the pilots are The less likely you are to drive while fatigued.

The 911 Air Service Base and Apocalypse Defense are not worried about the US-Man Brothers Federation launching a corporate war sending stealth combat weapons that can evade radar searches. No matter what kind of military contractor they are, it is impossible to possess such sovereign-level war weapons.

Another bad news came. The 909 Air Service Base to the south of the 911 Air Service Base had rebelled. They had worked side by side to block the gold-type giant dragon Bit, and received a huge profit from Tianqi Defense Group, but they turned around without hesitation. Invested in the industry giant Meman Brothers United Defense Consortium.

The most irritating thing is that after the Zhenxiang combat squadron of the 911th Air Service Base raided the 897th Air Service Base, they still rested and resupplied at the 909th Air Service Base on their way back. Logically speaking, the two parties should have a close friendship that has carried the gun together.

But despite such a relationship, the military contractor behind the 909 Air Service Base chose to betray.

Fortunately, the superiors of the 911 Air Service Base and Tianqi Defense Group's intelligence work were strong enough to send this important information in time, otherwise they would have suffered a big loss.

The 909th Air Service Base also pretended to ask if they wanted support, but the 911th Air Service Base exposed their ambition and scolded them back.

Before the real fight has started here, two adjacent air service bases have already started a war of words on the public communication channel. One is calling him an ungrateful white-eyed wolf, and the other is calling him an arrogant and domineering person who takes most of the benefits. Anyway, each has its own merits. Reason, everyone can hear the spittle stars flying in the sky from these two air service bases.

Since ancient times, scolding has been one of the most commonly used military tactics and belongs to the category of psychological warfare. Anyone who takes it seriously will lose.

The corporate war between the 27th and 8th ranked companies in the industry is too disparate in strength.

As the weaker party, Tianqi Defense Group did not sit back and wait to be beaten. Instead, it attracted allies and joined forces to strengthen its momentum, making the Meiman brothers unite to be wary and use the enemy. Resource exchange, trying to unite with the Mayman Brothers to reconcile privately, cancel this corporate war, at least not to use real human brains to create dog brains.

After all, once the two sides fight for hard power, Tianqi Defense will definitely suffer the loss. Of course, they must do everything possible and use any means to resolve this crisis.

After sunset, Chen Fei took the little bird and its new bird's nest to the steel structure shed where Target's low-temperature fusion energy tower is located, and changed shifts with Mr. Barut.

Now that the 911 Air Service Base has encountered a sudden corporate war, the energy tower that originally needed to be guarded now needs to be watched even more.

task list:

1. Devour 1 ton of metal and gain +1 energy point (daily task)

2. Kill a good guy within 52 hours and get +100 energy points (the task is not completed on time, die!)

In this barren mountain, where can Chen Fei find a good person to kill? The big bear he wants to kill most is not a good person at all. Teacher Shen Fei is definitely a good person, is he willing to kill him?

Counting on his fingers, he has died twice in a month. Is Chen Fei still afraid of death?

Damn it, lie down and pull me down, what do you love!

It just so happened that during the corporate war, all employees at the 911 air service base had their salaries doubled, their war pensions doubled, and they also had temporary increases in disability insurance and personal accident insurance, which was enough.

If anything happens, the third-level light magic beast crystal core and the pure light sparrow will be enough to make the Chen family's disciples famous for one or two generations, so it's not a loss anyway.

If anyone dares to think about this final guarantee, the giant metal dragon Yilan and the Sky Dragon City behind him will definitely make him regret coming to this world.

Chen Fei put down his things and prepared to take a stance.

Old man, your squatting method is quite effective.

Not to mention, after squatting on the toilet step for a few days, not only did my strength increase a lot, my energy and spirit became much stronger.

I'm not going to practice horse riding today. I have to maintain my strength. I'll teach you another breathing method. Practice this first.

The old Neanderthal man was holding a slender cone-like thing in his hand. The whole body was glowing with purple-blue luster. There were circles of fine hemp rope wrapped around the middle, and a bright red tassel hung on the sharp top. , seems to be a cold weapon.

Chen Fei looked at the slender cone, which was almost as long as his own height, and asked in confusion: Eh? Grandpa Barut, what is this on your hand?

It's called Blood Thorn, and it's my old friend who has been with me all my life.

Barut hunched his back, as if he was remembering his past glory.

Now he is just a dying old man, no longer an elite soldier guarding the Supreme Council. His last thoughts will be buried in the ground with him, leaving no trace in this world.

Withdrawing his gaze from the slender awl, Barut looked at Chen Fei and said, The breathing method I want to teach you is an internal strengthening technique. Standing on a horse can strengthen the muscles and bones, and breathing can regulate the organs and blood vessels. The trick is It’s not difficult, nine shallow and one deep, nine quick shallow breaths, inhale and exhale quickly, then take one deep breath as much as possible, inhale and exhale slowly, pause for three seconds before continuing.”

The more sophisticated the method, the simpler it is.

Chen Fei tried the nine shallow and one deep breathing method he had just learned for a few minutes. He was a little uncomfortable at first, but he quickly became proficient and found it quite interesting.

It's just that the breathing method of the internal strength technique does not have immediate results. Just like the standing horse step, the effect will become more and more obvious the longer you persist.

It seems you have mastered it, and I have nothing more to teach you.

Barut sighed with melancholy.

That's it?

Chen Fei was startled, but didn't believe it, and said: Grandpa Barut, you must have other skills. Anyway, one is teaching, and the other two are teaching. Stop hiding your clumsiness and teach me all of them!

Haha, there is still one!

Balut pointed at the bloody tattoo on his body with his finger and said inexplicably: Do you want to inherit my war tattoo?

War mark?

Chen Fei's hair immediately stood up. The old man's tattoos were scary just by looking at them. He didn't want them!

If you get this tattoo on yourself, do you still need a girlfriend?

That's right, the horse steps I taught you before, as well as the breathing method just now, plus this battle pattern, are the secret method of my war clan, 'Death'!

Barut shook the blood thorn on his hand, and the long thin conical rod trembled slightly and made a low buzzing sound.

He turned sharply and pointed directly at the bushes not far away, his eyes widened, and he suddenly shouted: Come out! Hidden head and shrunken rat!!!


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