Split Sky Rider

Chapter 76 - Have you given up?

How can a little lady who follows the rules run wild?

You have to tie a rope anyway!

The most intuitive scene of the differences in racial views is when both humans and dragons feel that their views are correct.

Only an unlucky kid like Chen Fei was pitied.

It is clearly stated that tying a rope can immediately improve the sense of security.

Of course, this is true in theory.

But... you are the one who scored!

The law states that dogs need to be leashed when traveling. It doesn’t say dragon, it doesn’t say dragon, it doesn’t say dragon. Important things are mentioned three times.

This shows the importance of knowing the law and understanding the law.

Child Chen Fei thought that anything could be tied with a rope, and then he drifted away...



The little Pure Light Bird chirped and flew beside me.

It would be great for my dad to fly with me.

The little bird is also in a very happy mood.

The excited female golden dragon rushed out of the 911 air service base with joy.

The spiritual dragon Claudia, who had just retrieved a memory, glanced at the large-sized dragon-specific tablet floating beside her. Iridium's positioning signal appeared on the electronic map, and she relaxed and continued to call the number. .

The satellite will continue to monitor the little guy's whereabouts on his behalf, so there is no need to worry about whether he will get lost.

As for security issues, Clodia is not worried at all. She and Yilan are on a legal diplomatic visit authorized by the two worlds. They are not only protected by various sovereign countries, but also by the Apocalypse Defense Group and the Apocalypse Defense Group, which are controlled by the Blue Star Global Joint Defense Committee. The 911 air service bases under its jurisdiction are all responsible for protecting the two giant dragons.

This is completely different from the fate of Bit, the gold-type dragon who illegally crossed the border and was beaten to death after rushing into the main floor.

Tianqi Defense Group was lucky enough to get a huge advantage by accident, otherwise they wouldn't have dared to take advantage of the giant dragon even if they had only ten courages.

The head of the four accompanying Sky Knights of the Sky Dragon City Diplomatic Mission, Micron glanced at the other three Sky Knights.

Moran and Terry looked at each other and immediately walked towards their Sky Falcon rides.

There was a rapid flutter of wings, and two fourth-generation Sky Falcons soared into the sky, chasing the female golden dragon Yilan and Chen Fei, who was temporarily acting as a tour guide, who had run away.


I'll send you away, thousands of miles away...

A unique flying vehicle in the Hindu Kush Mountains, the Sanbengzi rotorcraft flies over the valley from a low altitude.

Suddenly a ringing sound sounded, interrupting the pilot's self-amusement.

Hey, mom, I'm still flying... Well, there's no shortage of anything. Those who fly can't say 'I don't have it'... Teacher Shen's picnic day there, you know, just take a look, turn a corner Just be there, I guarantee it will be smooth and smooth, Gudelbai!~

Hanging up the satellite phone in his hand, the bearded pilot who was Three Jumps Up suddenly saw the vigorous and furious Youma thing on the ground, charging furiously.

He pushed the joystick curiously, began to lower the height, and got closer to take a look.

His eyes suddenly lit up and he shouted at the top of his voice.

Brother is so excited that he came out for a walk without even saying hello in advance so that I could take you to eat pot!

In this uninhabited wilderness, the bearded pilot suddenly saw the guests he had carried more than a month ago. He still remembered his promise, the authentic Patan pot, and his mouth watered just thinking about it.

City people are really good at playing. A rope is thrown in the sky, which is probably the legendary water skiing on dry land. Well, this one slides on the air, so you have to win it!


The strong wind kept pouring into his mouth, making Chen Fei's voice muffled.

What? Drinking? You can't drink, but you can use a pot. Hey, pot, it's settled. You set a time, I'll be free at any time!

There was a buzzing propulsion engine behind the bearded pilot. No matter how hard he tried to listen, he could only vaguely hear Karzai and Mohammed, but could no longer hear clearly.

The two of them were talking like chickens and ducks, each talking about his own things, but they couldn't really hear what they were saying.

Chen Fei didn't dare to let go at all. If he really dared to do this, he didn't know if this female golden dragon would die. He would definitely die if he let go!

The ringing tone rang again, and the bearded pilot who was busy with business quickly took out the satellite phone, glanced at the screen, and shouted to the man and one dragon on the ground with billows of dust and smoke: Old man, let me answer the phone first! Hey, hot pot?


Chen Fei, who couldn't even hope for the soles of his feet to touch the ground, looked helplessly at Sanbengzi who was flying further and further away.

At least if he comes down to help, he won't be trapped on this rope.

Charge the duck!~

The 30-year-old dragon girl has to learn all kinds of rules since she first emerged from the shell. She is not allowed to do this, she is not allowed to do that, she must be elegant, she must be reserved, she must be obedient, she must be well-behaved, and she must learn how to be a A polite and well-bred lady.

Nursery schools, kindergartens, and 12-year compulsory education schools. Never before have I been able to run as freely as I do now, as if all the shackles on my body were gone, and I could run heartily and unscrupulously.

It doesn't want to slow down a step, it just wants to go faster! Faster! !


The white sparrow chasing after its father was flapping its wings desperately, almost creating wingtip vortices visible to the naked eye.

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On the spring picnic day at Patan Elementary School, the weather was sunny, cloudless, and the time was peaceful.

Teacher Shen Fei took more than 60 extremely excited children to a stream with lush vegetation, found a relatively flat place, and began to put down the various things they brought.

Pots and pans are indispensable. The engineer's shovel flew up and he dug a hole to bury the stove on the spot. There were also more than a dozen lightweight travel camping folding tents and moisture-proof mats. As soon as they were arranged, the children happily jumped inside. Even if he was grinning from the gravel below, he didn't care.

Teacher Shen Fei clapped her hands vigorously and said loudly: You are not allowed to go into the water, and you are not allowed to drink raw water. The monitors of each grade will lead the team. The first grade is responsible for guarding things, the second grade is responsible for collecting firewood, the third grade is digging wild vegetables, the fourth grade is making fire and boiling water, and the fifth grade is responsible for making fire and boiling water. The seniors are getting ready to cook, and the sixth graders are checking around and chasing away the wild beasts.”

Under the leadership of the monitors of each grade, each division of labor was carried out, and the noisy students immediately became orderly.

Not only was Teacher Shen loaded with ammunition, carrying a Type 95 automatic rifle on his back, and a small revolver on his waist, he also brought all the weapons and ammunition he could carry. The sixth-grade students also had an AK each and were responsible for protecting their classmates and teachers. Responsibilities.

The poor mountains and rivers, the folk customs are tough, and guns and ammunition are necessities of life here. Basically every household has at least one gun, and everyone with a rich family has a gun. Whether it is to deal with bandits or wild beasts, at least they have the ability to protect themselves.

Almost all the sixth-grade students brought out their home guns. They were like a group of proud little roosters. They were all proud of themselves. They spread out in small groups and searched everywhere with murderous intent. Even grass nests as big as the size of a palm were found. Everyone would rush over and kick them, trying to find a suitable target and fire a few shots on the spot to show off their power.

A bunch of naughty kids...

In fact, there are almost no ferocious beasts within a radius of twenty miles near the school. The locals, whether they are villagers or bandits, will consciously clear out the ferocious beasts near the school from time to time. This is an unwritten practice.

If you encounter a gregarious beast that you can't handle, just say hello, and the fighter jets from the 911 Air Service Base will rush over and bombard them wildly. With a few rounds of aerial bombs, any threat will be instantly wiped out.

Also coming along were two guard dogs, one black and one yellow, Ahu and Amao. They were circling their owners back and forth, even more excited than those primary school students.

At this moment, the empty school is completely undefended, but no one is worried about losing anything.

The locals are very protective of Teacher Shen and the school. Anyone who would take advantage of the school would be out of ideas.

The picnic camp selected by Teacher Shen Fei is not far from the school. The straight-line distance is less than 5 kilometers, and it is even closer to the 911 Air Service Base.

Of course, straight-line distance and walking distance are two different things, but they are one thing for an aircraft.

Several ingenious little girls picked blooming wild flowers and made a colorful crown. They put it on Teacher Shen's head and cheered around her.

Teacher, you are so beautiful!

I don't know what kind of handsome guy can be worthy of you.

He must be a big shot! Oops, the teacher is blushing!

I'm afraid only the Dragon Knight can be worthy of our Teacher Shen.

The dragon knight will bring his dragon and descend from the sky on the rainbow. Wow, how romantic!

A group of underage girls began to have wild imaginations.

What Dragon Knight? It's all a daydream!

Teacher Shen Fei, wearing a wreath on her head, smiled and shook her head. Where did the dragon knight come from in this barren mountain and step on the rainbow? I am afraid that such a scene can only be seen in novels and film and television dramas.

Rumble, rumble...

There seemed to be a roar of rolling thunder.

Water vapor rose all over the sky from the upper reaches of the gurgling stream, as if something huge was rushing towards the camp.


Amidst the ear-splitting roar, a ferocious dragon fiercely smashed through the rainbow that was born in response to the water vapor, and broke into the sight of Teacher Shen Fei and more than sixty primary school students.

“Installation process\u003e\u003e\u003e\u003e\u003e\u003e\u003e\u003e\u003e\u003e……97%……”

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