Split Sky Rider

Chapter 739 Ask for advice

Chapter 739 - Ask for advice

Although the artificial intelligence AI Adam was talking nonsense, Chen Fei's orders were followed to the letter.

The next second, Chen Fei's eyes were clear. The whole world was immediately clean. All project processes were killed mercilessly. There were no scenes of rivers of blood in the digital world, only dry work. Clean, like nothing happened.

Adam: Establishing a magic circle calculation model, project 1, process 2%

Adam: Establishing a spell array calculation model, project 100, process 0%

There is also a summary process that prompts 1%.

Everything is back to normal.

His brain was no longer hot, became clear again, and his nutrition could keep up with him again. Chen Fei breathed a long sigh of relief. His guess was right, and he was almost killed by the artificial intelligence AI that let him go.

Now that he has received so much substantive support, he has to re-plan the way to fight against the parasitic race Zacari.

It's definitely not possible to fight alone, otherwise if you stumble once, you will stumble a second time.

'Adam', combine the combat methods of the Sky Star Legion to deduce the group combat model!

Chen Fei is a person, but he is not alone.

This time, the prince of the Silan Dynasty led an emergency rescue team, which showed that the era of fighting alone has passed.

Adam: Group combat deduction plan 1 has been completed!

Adam: Group combat deduction plan 2 has been completed!

The amount of calculation is completely different from that of the spell array calculation model. In almost a blink of an eye, the free-flowing artificial intelligence AI Adam provided Chen Fei with 63 legion plans, which still eliminated the remaining nearly a thousand that had major flaws. plan.

Chen Fei directly clicked on the plan with the highest combat efficiency ranking of 91%. He glanced at the introduction and couldn't help but laugh.

After all, it is artificial intelligence. No matter how flexible it is and how strong its independent learning ability is, the limitations of artificial intelligence are still there.

Neither Adam nor Cybertrom can escape the flaw of creativity. The content of the best plan is based on the integration of big data from Chen Fei's past combat experience. For Adam, it is already a matter of fully integrating and utilizing modern technology. The optimal solution with resources.

But in Chen Fei's eyes, it's nothing more than fried rice, old wine in new bottles, not brave enough, unable to move forward, almost no different from dancing with shackles on.

I looked at a few more plans, and they were basically the same. At most, some combat units were adjusted. Although it was a group operation, and various tactical weapons complemented each other, it was completely far from what Chen Fei wanted, and even the direction was wrong.

Letting Adam work on this thing was like asking a blind question. Chen Fei gave up decisively and stopped letting it waste computing resources.

He made an appointment with Minante and his uncle, Belfast, the commander of the Brilliant Tiger Legion. He was specialized in the art, and the commander might be able to give him some constructive suggestions.

The barbecue stalls that were not completed that day were set up again. Because there were more people, not only the quantity increased, but also the variety was increased.

Um, 'rookie', I want to say sorry to you first!

The commander of the Belfast Army took two cans of cold beer, gave one to Chen Fei, and pulled the tab directly, and the two of them took one away.

Speak directly if you have anything to say, Uncle Belfast, there's no need to be polite to me.

Because of Minante's relationship, Chen Feizhen was not polite to him. Recently, he came to eat and drink frequently, and even stayed there. Of course, he only did this once, such as betraying information. Silan Fighting to death between the imperial dynasty and the rebels was none of his business as a Blue Star man, and he would never meddle in other people's business.

It turned out that the high-end business hotel immediately lost business after the guests from Blue Star left. It simply sealed the door and left only a few security guards on duty. It closed down and disbanded. At least it would not reopen until the war was over.

This left Chen Fei with no place to stay. He lived alone in a mobile base vehicle, and it was natural that he could count on the Fire Light Tiger army to occasionally provide food and accommodation.

The attack you and Minante encountered on their way back from Commander-in-Chief Stephens is not over yet. Someone has passed on the news that the southern theater may not stop. You must be more careful. It is best to move directly to the Lieutenant Colonel. Come stay at the Guanghu Legion camp, try not to go out, I will do my best to ensure the safety of you and Minante.

Belfast also just received the news, and he was not only worried about Chen Fei, but also worried about his nephew.

Can no one control the southern war zone?

Chen Fei frowned slightly. He remembered that he captured a prisoner and interrogated him and got some important information.

The attack was somewhat related to the southern war zone, but I didn't expect that the commander-in-chief of the southern war zone turned out to be petty and vowed to take revenge to the end.

Of course, if the other party is unwilling to give up, he will not panic. The water will come to cover him, and the soldiers will come to stop him. Let's see who is afraid of whom.

The commander of the Belfast Army shook his head and said: We can't control it. Our boss in the east is Stephens, and our boss in the south is Bartona. If they don't give you face, we can't do anything about them. The central theater is the strongest. But it doesn’t count.”

The Taisa Empire's Restoration Army is not monolithic within itself. Instead, there are many mountains. At present, for the great benefit of the restoration of the country, they are temporarily twisted into a rope to jointly fight against the army of the Slan Dynasty.

Currently being promoted as an emperor, anyone can see that this descendant of the puppet royal family will definitely not be able to wait for the day when he becomes a great treasure in the future. I am afraid that this guy himself knows it very well, and he will be thankful to God if he can survive in the end.

Then find an opportunity to go to the south and fuck him!

Chen Fei will never coddle his opponents.

If you want to be his enemy, you have to make some awareness.

Fighting bad wars is what military contractors are best at doing.

I support you! 'Rookie', it's best to destroy those bastards in the southern war zone!

Minante grabbed a lot of skewers and walked over with a smile on his face. He didn't care about his status as a member of the Tessa Empire's Restoration Army. He would complain or take revenge, even if he was from the same camp. If you dare to show your teeth, you will be slapped and shouted back on the spot. You are absolutely not welcome.

It is a pity that Chen Fei wanted to ask Stephens, the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Theater Command, to remind all units of the Nationalist Army to conduct self-examination and rule out the existence of parasitic hosts, but the matter was ultimately abandoned due to various internal conflicts.

Sometimes, the resistance comes from opposition for the sake of opposition, and the truth and truth are ignored. The investigation work is only carried out reluctantly in the eastern theater and the central theater. How much care is involved is unknown.

I heard nothing and knew nothing!

The Legion Commander couldn't help but rolled his eyes. He was not his nephew, nor was he Chen Fei. Some things should not be said randomly. Once spread, it would have a bad impact.

Uncle Best, I have some technical questions that I would like to ask you.

Putting aside the mess in the southern theater of the Taisar Empire's Restoration Army, Chen Fei brought the topic to his original intention.

Technical question?

Belfast was startled. It was such a strange choice of words. He was not a technician at all, but a commander at best. However, he agreed first and said: Please speak!

I hope to get a mature group combat model. I wonder if Uncle Belfast has any suggestions.

Chen Fei tested the commander of the Brilliant Light Tiger Corps with tasks that the artificial intelligence AI Adam could not complete.

Although the eldest princess and prince of the Slan royal family can help, the Fierce Light Tiger regiment was once a regular army of the Slan dynasty. It came from the same military system and may have attended a professional military academy, so why bother looking far away? , go in that big circle.

What kind of group combat model do you want? Air combat, land combat, naval combat, or star war? Wait? What do you want?

Belfast was about to pull the kebab handed over by his nephew when his tone changed and he said suspiciously: You're not really planning to attack the southern war zone, are you?

Without any grudges, Chen Fei would not attack the eastern theater where the Fierce Light Tiger Legion was located, so there was only one worthy of attack.

This worldly retribution is so fast!

Haha, who knows! No one can predict what will happen in the future.

Chen Fei sneered, and then said: Let's focus on the air and ground! We will not consider naval battles and star battles for the time being. The combat target is parasites, and land-based monsters are the imaginary enemies.

He didn't know whether the parasitic species entered the sea, but the ocean of the Firmament Star was definitely not a paradise, and he had experienced it personally.

Chen Fei really found the right person this time. The commander of the Fire Light Tiger Corps, Belfast, had quite a bit of knowledge. After pondering for a while, he said: If the logistics can be fully guaranteed, in the end, It is best to use the light-wing ship as the core of combat, distance it from the combat target, and carry ground combat troops...

Chen Fei directly exchanged one energy point for a ton of steel, and evolved reduced-scale models on the spot. Following the instructions of the Belfast Army Commander, he began to place formations on the ground.

Minante watched his uncle and Chen Fei set up the dragon gate formation together, and complained dissatisfiedly: Eat barbecue! Eat barbecue! It's all cold!

A good barbecue party turned into a storytelling party, and no one cared about the meat skewers that I had worked so hard to grill.


Jingguangque Xiaojiu didn't care about any group combat model. He stood next to the meat stall, looking at the barbecue master Minante, and chirped urgingly from time to time.

You little naughty boy!

Minante used his finger to point at the bird, but was pecked several times without any pain.

On the ground next to the barbecue stall, an air-ground integrated battle group with a large light-wing ship as the core is gradually taking shape. This is exactly the group combat model that Chen Fei wants, but it is based on Belfast's personal experience and has not accepted it. Passed the test of actual combat.

But in Chen Fei's heart, there was another set of similar combat models.

After all, the main light-wing ship is the core of the cluster that Belfast is most familiar with, not the one that Chen Fei is most familiar with.

Adam: Spell array calculation model project 1-100, summary progress 77%.

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