Split Sky Rider

Chapter 6 - It smells so good


The sudden knock on the door made Chen Fei guess and he quickly opened the door.

The sunlight shining into the room was blocked for a time, as if a hill suddenly appeared, and he opened his eyes involuntarily.

Standing outside the door was a tall and burly man with a dull expression. He glanced at Chen Fei, handed over a thick bag, and said, Change your clothes and follow me to join the job.

An indescribable smell of engine oil hit his face, and even his light gray overalls couldn't hide his hunched muscles. He was at least two meters tall, and his head could easily hit the door frame.

No wonder such a big man doesn't like the bleating sissy doorbell. Even if he knocks lightly, it's like banging on the door.

Oh, thank you!

Chen Fei took the bag, which contained work clothes. He was about to close the door and change clothes. Suddenly he remembered something, opened the door again, and said, Did you just talk about induction training?

The other party seemed to have missed the word training just now.

The man still said expressionlessly: No training, just join the job directly. I am the machine technician, Xiao Ming.

The promised onboarding training is gone, and it’s just a matter of catching up.

It's very possible that the perverted HR director Thakar, who doesn't do human affairs, is responsible for canceling the training, which will undoubtedly make it more difficult to get on the job.

As soon as I arrived at the 911 Air Service Base, I was hit with a killing blow. The mechanic team started at the beginning, and the difficulty level started at hell level.

That old Neanderthal man Barut was right, the HR manager is really not a good person!

Although the 911 Air Service Base is privately contracted, it is still a military unit and has many secrets that cannot be disclosed to the outside world. Especially a newbie like Chen Fei cannot pry into it casually.

However, during the night of drinking last night, Barut, who is also a laborer, still picked up a lot of things that he could say, either explicitly or implicitly, and gave them to Chen Fei, so that he would not be confused next time. I hit the south wall several times.

As a reward, the big bag of handmade bread that Teacher Shen Fei gave to Chen Fei ended up in the stomach of this old Neanderthal man.

Even at such an old age, you can still eat so well!

Okay, okay! Please wait!

As a rookie, Chen Fei had no right to question, so he quickly put on his work clothes and appeared in front of the chief mechanic Xiao Ming again.

Chen Fei looked very energetic when he was wearing a light gray overalls full of pockets.

Come with me!

Xiao Ming didn't say much, he turned around and left very ably.

Without looking back, the sound came again as the wind whistled as he walked.

Are you an aviation major? Do you have a CCAR license?

Chen Fei, who quickly followed, replied honestly: No, no, I am...

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Xiao Ming and continued to ask: Do you have an aviation driver's license?

His tone was inexplicably stiff, not professional, and any questions he asked were unnecessary.

Uh, no!

The corners of Chen Fei's mouth twitched.

It would be nice for ordinary people to have a car, but how can they dare to think about going to heaven?

There are only a few dishes, you must have drunk too much!

Are you good at using computers?

The commander's tone became more and more harsh, and his temper seemed not to be very good.

Yes, yes, I can use all kinds of office software

After all, he was an undergraduate from a prestigious university who was preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination. How could he not be familiar with the most basic productivity tool, a computer? Chen Fei breathed a sigh of relief, finally having something he knew how to do.

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing if you don’t know how to ask three questions.

If you don't even know how to use a computer, the other party may have to ask yourself whether you can read or not, and other such questions are not very harmful but extremely insulting.

In fact, he was overthinking it. If he dared to say no between his teeth, the tall and burly mechanic would directly take this newbie to the cleaning team and honestly sacrifice his youth to sweeping the floor and cleaning the floor. Go move the bricks.

Along the way, I was used to seeing people with dark eyes, eagle noses, big beards, or middle-race people with burnt-yellow skin. When I saw the racial characteristics of black hair, black eyes, and light-sallow skin again, I felt a natural sense of intimacy.

Xiao Ming is not Chen Fei's fellow villager. He has Samoan blood and is born with a burly figure that is not inferior to that of white people, or even worse.

Due to factors such as geographical location, transportation and safety, the manpower of the 911 Air Service Base has always been very tight, and the establishment of various departments has never been full. The reason has nothing to do with salary. On the contrary, the income level here is not low, and the benefits are also quite generous. , the insurance is sufficient, but still not many people are willing to come to this cold and barren place to waste their youth in vain.

Wouldn’t it be nice to live in a big city where life is more comfortable and comfortable?

Even if I earn an extra three bucks, I still won’t be able to make up the down payment for the mortgage!

If this were not the case, the air force base would not be so picky. Even fresh graduates with different majors would accept that they are all tool workers anyway. As long as they are individuals, the people who work here are all animals, and there are not so many requirements in the first place.

Suddenly I heard that a serious undergraduate had arrived, and the mechanical repair team, which had high technical requirements, got a head start early in the morning.

He excitedly rushed to knock on the door. No, the slender Xiao Mingji who knocked on the door was poured cold water on his head. This newcomer was not an aviation-related major, nor did he have a CAAR (Civil Aircraft Maintenance Personnel License), nor did he have an aviation driver's license. I have nothing to do with aviation at all. My recent relationship is limited to flying on a few flights and knowing how to wear a seat belt. I am not even qualified to be an outsider. I am a pink and tender amateur, whiter than white paper.

The 911 Air Service Base has been maintaining normal flight duties. The resulting daily maintenance and repair workload has made the already short-staffed maintenance team work overtime. They are so busy that they don’t even have time to catch their breath, and even normal vacations have become a luxury. .

However, some work cannot be completed in advance. The required working hours are all standardized, and no work can be cut off for a minute. If something goes wrong accidentally, the resulting loss of materials will be minimal, and you may even have to start over. However, it made the extremely busy mechanic team even more anxious.

After a series of disappointments, Xiao Ming breathed a sigh of relief that this young man finally had some basic skills in computer operation. He didn't really need to start from scratch. He taught him step by step. With the learning ability of a fresh college student, he couldn't. Let yourself be disappointed!

The 911 Air Service Base is built on a flattened hilltop. The 1,500-meter-long main takeoff and landing runway occupies two-thirds of the entire base, which can fully support the smooth takeoff and landing of medium-sized transport aircraft.

Although large-scale carrier aircraft can also take off and land, they need to activate the magnetic capture device, which will consume all the output power of Target's low-temperature nuclear fusion energy tower, and most of the electrical equipment in the entire air service base may shut down as a result.

The hangar, which is comparable in size to a basketball stadium, is the tallest and most eye-catching building near the main runway. It is divided into two interconnected arched buildings, namely Hangar 1 and Hangar 2. It is also the main building for the maintenance team. Workplace.

Chief mechanic Xiao Ming led Chen Fei to Hangar No. 1, which had already started construction. Six propeller-type aircraft were lined up in a row, enjoying the exclusive treatment of the operating area. Two helicopters were parked opposite the main passage, with arms hanging out. There are either large-caliber machine guns or rocket nests on the rack, and there are two empty hardpoints on the left and right, perhaps for missiles. At first glance, they look like they are not easy to mess with.

Seven or eight guys who were completely out of tune with the bustling bustle of Hangar 1 occupied a small area. Some were exercising with fitness equipment, some were lying on beach chairs, drinking drinks out of boredom, and some were wearing headphones. , closing their eyes and relaxing while enjoying music. Some are holding thick books and reading attentively, while others are scrolling through the screen of their mobile phones.

But no one is doing anything serious, but everyone is doing their own thing.

One of them accidentally saw Xiao Ming and Chen Fei, and immediately shouted in a strange tone.

Captain Xiao Xiu, you came so early. The little brother next to you looks strange! Moxi Moxi...

Finally, he winked at Chen Fei, looking like he was glib and untidy.

None of your business, Yamada!

Xiao Ming, the chief mechanic, shouted back angrily.

Chen Fei tried hard to maintain a stiff smile that looked harmless to humans and animals, but he didn't know what to say.

Yamada, definitely not named Yamada.

Little brother, are you here to get some help?

A short-haired girl licked her tongue at Chen Fei, holding a large dumbbell in her hand. She had well-defined muscles under her smooth and delicate chocolate-colored skin. She was wearing a short sports bra and had eight-pack abs. The answer above was A.

Doing Jī?

Is it... Ji or Ji?

Also, who is the little brother?

Chen Fei was a little confused. What did this short-haired girl mean?

Get away, he is mine!

Xiao Mingyi sternly declared Chen Fei's sovereignty.


This, this seems to be more ambiguous!

Hey! Machine man!

The heroic short-haired girl raised her middle finger at the tall and burly machine slender.

In the air service base, the maintenance team's nickname is Jig Guy, and they work with the squadron's bastards to make the aircraft fly, literally, nothing more.

The boss of the flight squadron is not here at the moment, otherwise he would still have a few words to say to the commander.

Ignore them, the squadron guys only dare to talk nonsense.

Xiao Ming raised his fist the size of a sand bowl, squeezed it hard, and said proudly: Our mechanic team can repair aircraft, and we can also repair them!

This arm was thicker than his thigh. Chen Fei was speechless. Boss, everything you say is right.

A mixed-race Samoan, with all-natural muscle lumps all over his body. By default, he is blessed with the Thirteen Taibo horizontal training and the iron cloth shirt with a golden bell. He has absolute defense at 360 degrees with no blind spots. Just looking at it makes people scared. If you fight against him in a one-on-one fight, , there is really no need to flatter anyone.


Update notice: double updates on daily basis, single update on holidays.

It’s not that my cousin is lazy. On the one hand, he has to avoid putting it on the shelves during the Spring Festival. On the other hand, he has to cook. It takes two hours to cook, eat and wash dishes. One meal takes two hours, noon and evening, two meals and four hours. Not counting groceries, there is no time for typing.

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