Split Sky Rider

Chapter 435 - Good wine

After confirming that one of the two leg rings of the little bird was a storage artifact, Chen Fei was sure that the little guy had stolen wine, and there must be more than one bottle of good wine hidden while everyone was not paying attention.

Suddenly, a red wine bottle fell into Chen Fei's hand. This was a real blow!

Originally, I really planned to return it to Hana BOSS, but now and then, now it has really helped a lot.


Shen Fei couldn't help but widen her eyes.

Where did this wine come from? Could it be... She looked at Xiaojiu.

Shh... keep it secret!

Chen Fei quickly reminded in a low voice.

Teacher Shen is a trustworthy person, as reliable as his teammates in Team 04. We are close friends in life and death, so naturally he can keep this little secret.

If it were anyone else, he wouldn't have leaked even half a word.

This wine is expensive! You're wasting money again!

Looking at the wine label, Shen Fei knew that this wine was definitely extraordinary, not the kind of ration wine that costs thousands of stars.

No, I don't have any money to waste.

Chen Fei was telling the truth. He did have no money. To be honest, his cash flow was negative, but there was no shortage of things. There had never been a shortage. It was just a little difficult to cash in.

The only thing that is easy to cash out now is the fluorescent crystals entrusted to the profiteer Pu, and I don't know when they will all be sold out.

With Lao Pu’s ability and channels, no matter what happens, it will take a long time.

Whenever the debt is paid off, it's up to you!

The wine was all brought out, so Shen Fei had no choice but to make an exception.

Although Chen Fei is very poor now, he doesn't have to worry about staying poor.

As long as people with special abilities work hard, they won't be short of money. What's more, they are industrial-level people with special abilities. No matter how you look at it, they don't look like they will be short of money in the future.

Not long after Chen Fei and Shen Fei entered the house, dinner was ready.

Four people, six or seven dishes, which is relatively rich.

It's your first time here, Xiao Chen. Why are you so polite? You're welcome to pick up some food.

Mother Shen served Chen Fei with a smile, which was completely opposite to Father Shen who suppressed his emotions and forced a smile.

Chen Fei picked up the wine he brought and gestured, Would you like to drink it?

The wine he brought was quite high-end, and it could be qualified to enter Hana BOSS's wine library, so how could it be considered an ordinary product.

Then try it!

Shen Songling is well-informed and recognizes the winery brand on the wine label. Platinum noble rot costs at least 300,000 stars on the market. It is also priced at an unbeatable price. Ordinary people have never even heard of it, let alone buying it. Pass.

Only the real upper class have the channels and qualifications to buy.

It seems like this guy really spent a lot of money!

He has many things to wear, but flattery cannot. After a good drink, Shen Songling's face looks a little better.

In any case, Lao Shen and his daughter have the same attitude in some aspects, and they have no intention of looking down on the poor boy.

If you are young, capable, and willing to make progress, then the financial embarrassment will only be temporary. In any case, you will never be truly poor for the rest of your life. With a little effort, you can earn a few million stars in a year or two.


The cork was pulled out, and a faint aroma of wine quickly spread.

Xiao Jiu, who was flying around the villa to explore, flew over in search of the smell, landed on Chen Fei's hand, and stared at the mouth of the bottle eagerly.


It never knows what politeness means.

Hahaha, this little guy is so cute.

Mother Shen looked at the little guy trying to drink secretly, and couldn't help but burst into laughter.

This little guy likes drinking the most, and he even steals it!

Chen Fei had no choice but to pour some wine with his own spoon before sending the little guy away. Otherwise, he would have been pestering him endlessly.

This little grinding beast!


The Pure Light Sparrow fluttered beside the spoon, lowered its head, raised its neck, and smacked its pointed beak.

Then he tilted his head and looked at the people around the table. His small movements and expressions were just like human beings.

Is it okay for Xiaojiu to drink?

Shen Fei really didn't know that this little guy was actually a little drunkard.

When I was in Patan Primary School, I seemed to be very well-behaved.

Chen Fei said helplessly: It's okay. Xiaojiu not only likes to drink, but also likes to drink coffee. He is more curious than a cat and wants to taste everything.

If Xiao Jiu were not a magical beast but an ordinary bird, he would probably have died of drunkenness.

The vitality and tolerance of Warcraft are much higher than those of ordinary beasts, not to mention that the Pure Light Bird, which is a third-level human being, has a strong resistance to bad status. At most, it can get drunk and sleep for two days. Claws pointed upward.

Dad, cheers!

Shen Fei picked up the goblet and touched it with her father.

Then he was surprised and said: This wine tastes really good!

The transparent wine liquid was a little viscous, and with a slight sway, it naturally hung on the inner wall.

Yeah! Good wine!

Shen Songling originally wanted to fool him, but in the end he did not go against his true intentions.

It is indeed a good wine, worthy of its price of 300,000 stars.

Xiao Chen, have your parents retired...

Just after the wine tour, Shen’s mother started to check the household registration mode.

Chen Fei responded with a smile.

Father Shen Shen Songling's ears perked up when he heard that the Human Resources Department had already thoroughly investigated Chen Fei and the Chen family, so he not only lazily asked, but also lazily said that he would just sip the wine happily, even the unnecessary Not a word of it.

Hey, Shen Songling, why don't you even say a word?

After interrogating him for a long time, Mother Shen was immediately dissatisfied when she saw Father Shen pouring himself a glass of wine.

My daughter finally brought a young man back, don't you have any reaction? Don't you really have anything to say?

To be honest, Shen Songling really didn't have much to say. Regarding the situation of the Chen family, he knew more than what his wife asked about. If there was anything else to ask, it was all clearly written in the investigation report.

I know it all!

Seeing that his wife's nose was horizontal and her eyes were straight, Shen Songling had no choice but to put down the goblet.

Both you and your daughter know about the co-authorship, but I don't?

Mother Shen immediately caught the attack point.

Facts speak louder than words, and arguments speak louder than facts.

Shen Songling: ...

My mother is like this. She has always been strong. At home, my father is still a deputy.

Shen Fei didn't give her father any face, and sold all the Shen family status to Chen Fei.

Shen Songling: Kiss your daughter and you won’t be angry. Kiss your daughter and you won’t be angry...

The wine suddenly lost its flavor.

Then you glare at the boy from the Chen family, you really know how to grasp the key points and go straight to Huanglong!


Chen Fei smiled awkwardly, and his eyes met with Lao Shen's in mid-air.

If you don't accept it, come and beat me!

This guy is really brave.

Even if you give Lao Shen a heavy machine gun and shoot Chen Xiaoer for ten minutes, you won't be able to do anything to this kid.

Come on, come on, keep eating!

Shen's mother finally let go of the non-violent and non-cooperative Lao Shen and continued to serve Chen Fei.

Xiao Chen, have you been to the north before? It's very cold today. When winter comes, my arms will feel weak.

Really? Xiaojiu, give Auntie a shot of 'Salvation of Light'!


Ouch, it's so comfortable. It's like taking a hot spring. The little guy is really smart. Having such a light-based monster at home will make the old man happy. By the way, where did you get Xiaofei's shadow wolf? Did you buy it with money? He’s very considerate, he’s big, he looks mighty, and he’s obedient.”

I picked it up in the mountains. If you don't obey, you'll be beaten!


The Shadow Wolf was so frightened that he hid in his den, not even daring to touch the TV remote control. This guy was beaten up by Chen Fei and Xiao Jiu in a free mixed doubles match, and he was already mentally scarred.

The exchange between Chen Fei and Shen's mother was quite pleasant, but Shen's father, Shen Songling, would snort from time to time, The eyes are not eyes, and the nose is not the nose.

Even though Shen Songling didn't like this boy from the Chen family, Mother Shen didn't think so. Her daughter was well-behaved and obedient, and she finally came back to teach. Her age was already here, and the mother said she was not in a hurry, so she must be. It's a lie. For life's major events, the first step is to be a good match.

Father Shen is in the military industry, and the Chen family is also in the military industry, so this is the perfect match.

Even though Chen Fei's family doesn't have much money, he has three brothers and a sister, and he doesn't get much credit from his uncle's family on weekdays. But with the addition of supernatural powers and magical beasts, he won't have to worry about trivial matters such as daily necessities.

Besides, the Shen family doesn't care about this, as long as they have good character and are worthy of trust.

In a sense, Shen Fei is quite picky, and most people really look down on her.

Therefore, Shen's mother still believed in her daughter's vision.

Now it seems that in the eyes of Mother Shen, although Chen Fei does not have a perfect score of 100, he is not hovering on the passing line. He is still a talented person.

After having enough wine and food.

The little Jiu, who was a little drunk, was bullying the shadow wolf Ah Mao, pounced on the latter's head and pulled out the wolf hair, trying to make a nest for himself.

Amao's family status is really hard to describe.

While Chen Fei and her mother were washing dishes and cleaning up the mess in the kitchen, Shen Fei sat down next to her father on the sofa.

Dad, what do you think?

Although it was not stated clearly from the beginning, everyone knew what it meant.

Shen Songling said angrily: Whatever I think, you can just like it.

The Northern Arms Industry and the National Defense Star are a legal business competition between companies, not a real Romeo and Juliet family vendetta, and Shen Songling is not that petty.

What about your 'Mosasaurus' project?

The little cotton-padded jacket that leaks wind is also a cotton-padded jacket.


Old Shen suddenly got stuck.


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