Split Sky Rider

Chapter 253 - Let your fists do the talking


Zhao Liandong was stunned. He didn't expect this young man to say such decisive words.

This is no joke. If you are not careful, you will cause casualties.

I will use my fist to prove that all the individual tactical armors you currently produce are garbage!

Chen Fei stood up and didn't care at all about the changes in the expressions of other people in the control center of the test site.

The reaction of the on-site staff was very subtle. If you say such big words at the headquarters of Henghai Tactical Weapons Group, you may be planning to go out sideways.

Garbage? Hahahaha!

Zhao Liandong suddenly slapped his thigh and laughed.

Without warning... the laughter stopped abruptly.

He said extremely seriously: I really like your spirit of a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, but there is a price to pay for speaking big words!

Understand, this world must ultimately rely on fists to speak. If you win, you will take away the tactical armor. If you lose, you will stay and work for the rest of your life.

Chen Fei stretched out his hand and clenched it into a fist, making a crackling sound.

He understood this early on.

If the fist is not strong enough, the 911 Air Service Base will be attacked by ground armed personnel from the 897 Air Service Base.

If the fist is not strong enough, the 911 air service base will be betrayed by several surrounding air service bases and will be unable to fight back.

It is precisely because the fist is not strong enough that Apocalypse Defense Group abandoned the 911 Air Service Base and left Manager Hana and others to fend for themselves in exchange for the opportunity to beg for a living in front of giant military contractors.

Precisely because their fists are hard enough, everyone at the 911 Air Service Base fights for themselves wholeheartedly, repelling the enemy time and time again in the corporate war, and often surprises, forcing the Meman Brothers Consortium to give up and make peace, otherwise they have to do something. I was mentally prepared to be kicked out of the top ten positions in the industry.

Jiu Defense Company has a hard fist, while Apocalypse Defense Group has a soft fist. The former is obviously a newly established small military contractor, but it is able to push the latter, an established large military contractor, to the ground and beat him violently, even the headquarters administrative building. They were demolished, the land was ceded, and in the end they didn't even dare to fart.

It is the hard truth and the true truth to say a thousand things but to say ten thousand things. If you talk about benevolence, righteousness and morality, it is not as big as your fist.

Since you want to buy things from the Henghai Tactical Weapons Group for free, you have to be prepared to beat people and be beaten.

Very good, you are right, but I'm afraid we still need to discuss the specific details.

As the deputy general manager of Henghai Tactical Weapons Group, Zhao Liandong was happy to make this bet to have the opportunity to retain a B-level gold-type superpower.

The bet was won, and Chen Fei stayed and was given a single-soldier tactical armor, so he could do whatever he wanted.

After losing the bet, Chen Fei left on his own, but was given a single soldier tactical armor and could still play as he wanted.

Regardless of winning or losing, Henghai Tactical Weapons Group will produce a single-soldier tactical armor. Although it seems to be at a disadvantage, on the one hand, it is possible to retain talents, and on the other hand, it can also discover the shortcomings and improvement directions of existing products.

No matter which aspect, the value far exceeds the production cost of an individual tactical armor.

The best time is today and tomorrow, but no later than the day after tomorrow. You can choose any location and any number of opponents. Ten or eight is not too few, hundreds or thousands are not too many. You can use light weapons. In addition to directed energy weapons, grenades and You can use rockets as you like, and you can use vehicles including armored vehicles. I will fight them all alone!

Chen Fei looked firmly at the deputy general manager of Henghai Tactical Weapons Group.

Zhao Liandong looked Chen Fei up and down and asked tentatively: Are you sure about this person? Do you need any equipment? I can provide it here.

This was the first time he had seen such an arrogant boy.

But the other party has experienced corporate wars and is not completely arrogant.

That's not a house game. There is no lower limit to the corporate war between military contractors. Once it starts to break up, everyone's brain will become a dog's brain.

If weapons and equipment were not restricted by sovereigns, perhaps these private companies would not hesitate to use nuclear weapons.

Nothing is needed!

Chen Fei shook his head, clenched his fists, and said, One person is enough!

The whole room was stunned. Is this serious? Still crazy!

Zhao Liandong stared at Chen Fei for a long time, and then slowly said: That's fine! As you wish!

He simply could not imagine that a B-level superpower user could be so crazy. Even an A-level superpower user would not dare to say such big words.


The next afternoon.

It is located in a large-scale field combat test site about 40 kilometers away from the headquarters of Henghai Tactical Weapons Group.

Wei Peisheng and his family members, including Chen Meng, were invited to participate in this rare actual combat exercise. It was said to be an exercise, but one side used live ammunition.

Watching together, there were dozens of technical experts and two other group vice presidents, who wanted to see how an arrogant boy from a small military contractor used their proud individual tactical armor as a weapon. It was torn apart like garbage.

Hundreds of unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and nearly a thousand ground cameras covered the entire actual combat test site with an area of ​​more than 20 square kilometers from different heights and angles.

There are hills, streams, small lakes, swamps, and sandy areas here. The terrain is very complex, which is conducive to simulating various actual combat environments.

Headset communication is normal!

Chen Fei pressed the headset hanging on his head, opened the dog system interface, and checked his personal information.

Status: larvae

Physical strength: 36/39

Explosive power: 93/101

Fullness: 99%

Active time: 143 hours

Energy points: 307/5000

Power reserve: 91500 watts/second

Recently, he has harvested several scattered energy points, and there is no chance to obtain a large amount of metal for the time being, but even so, his condition at this moment is still worthy of a battle.

In this huge testing ground, which covers a huge area, there are a large number of metal materials scattered, which will become Chen Fei's source of energy points.

Take another look at today's Skill Shop offer menu.

1. Armor plug-in module (upgradeable): 1000 energy points

2. Radar synthesis module: 1000 energy points

3. Evolution accelerator level 0 (level 0-9): 500 energy points

4. Microphone module (upgradeable): 200 energy points (stereo collection, full-field collection)

5. Electromagnetic induction acceleration module: 200 energy points

6. Metal detection module: 500 energy points

7. Gravity adjustment module: 5000 energy points

8. Energy point storage upgrade (+5000): 5000 points

9. Spell array evolution database: 500 energy points

10. Crystal energy/electric energy conversion module: 1000 energy points

Chen Fei breathed a long sigh of relief. The dog system may have known that today's tough battle was not going to be easy, so the skill shop had been replaced with many more practical skills.

You must know that before this, there were some inexplicable things, obviously trying to deceive his energy points.

Thanks to Chen Fei's determination, he would not go to this skill store with ulterior motives unless something happened. The dog system could only watch the three hundred energy points popping up helplessly.

Brother, come on!

Chen Meng's worried voice reached Chen Fei's ears

In the monitoring and command center at the corner of the test site, she also got a communication headset, so she could contact her second brother Chen Fei at any time.

On the large-screen electronic map in the monitoring and command center, Chen Meng saw a cursor representing his brother, as well as densely packed opponent cursors scattered throughout the test site.

This is a 1 vs 100+ duel, but it is not a fair contest.

Although Chen Meng didn't understand, she still supported Chen Fei wholeheartedly in her heart.

Huh? Xiaomeng, can you also talk?

Chen Fei was very surprised to hear his little sister's voice.

Chen Meng said: They gave me a pair of headsets and I can apply for calls.

As soon as her voice fell, the voice of Zhao Liandong, deputy general manager of Henghai Tactical Weapons Group, interrupted.

Chen Fei, if you want to end the exercise, you only need to turn on the signal transmitter on your body, and the exercise will be automatically stopped. If the transmitter falls into the hands of others, especially if the transmitter around your neck is damaged, the exercise will also be stopped. Then you You lose, and so does everyone else, understand?

Henghai Tactical Weapons Group gave Chen Fei several special signal transmitters. He had a bracelet on each wrist, a broad bean-sized one in the equipment bag on his waist, and even a neckband around his neck. ring.

These signal transmitters with different appearances all have the same function. They can not only locate the location, but also provide battle damage feedback. If you surrender and admit defeat, according to specific operations, a surrender signal will be automatically emitted to announce the end of the battle.

There are no bullets in the test site. If even the signal transmitter is damaged, then most people will not be much better, and there is not much point in holding on.


Chen Fei jumped on the spot a few times.

Zhao Liandong finally reminded: Protect your headset as much as possible to ensure communication. Now I announce that the exercise... begins!

Chen Fei looked around, quickly came to a steel horse, and stretched out his hand.

System: Ding, found...


System: Ding, found...

System: Ding, found...

Energy point +1

Energy points +2

Energy point +1

Saving energy points comes first, tracking enemies second.

In full view of everyone, Chen Fei ran around the test site alone, touching metal objects, stacked oil drums and steel pipes, scrapped civilian vehicles, bombed and even shattered military armored vehicles, I found broken motors from nowhere, as well as weird human-shaped or animal-shaped mobile armors. As long as they were made of metal, I had to touch any mess. Then something strange happened, and there was no sign of these things. It shrank, collapsed, and eventually disappeared, leaving only empty traces one after another on the ground.

Zhao Liandong, the deputy general manager of Henghai Tactical Weapons Group who initiated this actual combat exercise, touched his chin, his face full of confusion, and he couldn't figure out what this kid was doing.

The other two deputy general managers at the same level also looked at each other.

Is it fun to run around mindlessly?

The technical experts present looked calm.

The tricks of superpowers are all kinds of weird, even those of the same type are no exception. Before the answer is revealed, it is difficult to guess the incredible truth even if you think hard.


I don’t know why it’s so slow, just count each word you write.

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