Split Sky Rider

Chapter 248 - Visit

After Chen Fei's words came out, the atmosphere at the scene was stagnant, and everyone was silent.

The air became thicker and heavier.

May I ask what you call this friend and the girl next to you.

Young Master Yu's eyes flickered from side to side on the faces of Chen Fei and Chen Meng, and he suddenly realized something.

Chen Fei said calmly: My name is Chen Fei, and this is my sister Chen Meng.

Under the ancient well that has never seen the light of day, there is a monster that slowly opens its claws. The dragon has reverse scales and will be killed if it touches it!

Tone, eyes, expression, stance... all convey a certain message. If you dare to touch my sister, I will kill you!

Haha, hello, hello, my name is Yu Mingze, a little magician.

Young Master Yu walked up to Chen Fei and stretched out his hand generously.

Stay away from my sister!

Chen Fei did not extend his hand and looked at the other party calmly.

Guys who like to show off and show off their high profile are often the first to die on the battlefield.

Therefore, he did not want to have any interaction with the other party at all. From then on, he was just a passerby at the end of the world, and it was perfect for him to have two parallel lines that would never intersect.

Hey you...

Someone behind Mr. Yu was about to scold him, but Chen Fei gave him a cold look and swallowed back his words involuntarily.

It doesn't matter, there's a long way to go, and I'm not a bad person, right? Brother Chen!

Yu Mingze smiled awkwardly, not angry at all.


You can go alone. Chen Fei took his sister and left directly.

Brother, are you too cruel to him?

Thinking about the feeling that made the hairs on her hair stand on end just now, Chen Meng was still feeling fuzzy in her heart. After saying this, she stuck out her tongue playfully, feeling happy again.

Stay away from that unlucky man in the future. On the battlefield, the first bird will be shot, and the low-key person will have a higher survival rate.

Chen Fei always likes to apply his survival experience in corporate wars to others, and always needs to evaluate it.

Naturally, people like this kind of dead ghost who can't live for more than three episodes should be kept at a distance to avoid being affected by innocent people.

You talk like you've been in a war!

Chen Meng hit his second brother on the shoulder with a small fist.

Haha, I'm just a happy mechanic!

Chen Fei followed his sister's words and laughed. Buddha said: It cannot be said, it cannot be said!

I want a big meal!


No problem! I'm treating you!

Watching Chen Fei and his sister go away.

The people around Mr. Yu seemed to be alive again, their anger became smoother, their hearts stopped beating wildly, and their courage returned, as if nothing had happened.

Young Master Yu, are you going to let that guy go like this?

After all, there are still some people who are unwilling to give in and can't swallow this breath.

The other party's indifference towards others being thousands of miles away was irritating, but Young Master Yu did not express his position clearly, and they did not dare to make decisions without authorization.

That guy has killed more than one person!

Young Master Yu Mingze finally withdrew his gaze.

That's right, the strange blade-like temperament exuding from the young man named Chen Fei was clearly murderous.

Is this guy a murderer? The murderous aura is so strong!

Thinking of this, Young Master Yu couldn't help but shudder. He made up his mind that he would never meet the other person one-on-one in private in the future. He would rather retreat in advance and stay away from him, otherwise he might be in danger of his life.

Whoops! Are you a murderer?

The feeling just now was so terrible!

Huh? I thought I was the only one who felt this way, and you all felt the same?

Me too!

It turns out it's not an illusion!

That guy just wanted to kill us?

Oh my god, I almost died!

Hurry up and call the police. He might be a wanted murderer.

A group of people who realized this later were so frightened that they wanted to call the police and ask the police to arrest Chen Fei.

Stop it! Anyone who has killed someone is not necessarily a bad person!

Yu Mingze thought for a while and quickly waved his hand to stop these guys from trying to be stupid.

Just now the other party's sister tried to call the police. If he was really a wanted criminal, he might not have enough time to hide. How could he be so indifferent? Then it's definitely not as simple as these guys think.

If the police were actually called now and the conflict escalated, the man named Chen would be completely offended to death, and there would be no room for change between the two parties.

Young Master Yu shuddered again.

Such an unusual person might really be a member of the Henghai Tactical Weapons Group.

Damn it!

He forgot that he was also a damn guanxi householder.

The figure of the big cat at Chen Fei's feet suddenly flashed in Yu Mingze's mind.

No, that's not a Maine Coon cat, it's a short-haired cat.

As a magic practitioner, he is naturally familiar with all kinds of knowledge in the field of magic. His memory flipped quickly, and he quickly matched some characteristics, and the more they compared, the more similar they became.

Young Master Yu couldn't help but take a breath of air.

That big cat, it's not a cat at all, but...


Early the next morning, four luxury buses were waiting at the gate of the guest house.

There are forty-three trainees in this session, and basically all of them came during this open day.

There were more than 60 family members accompanying him, and at least half of the Wei trainees brought two family members with them.

You didn't sleep well last night?

As soon as he sat down in his seat, Chen Fei noticed the faint dark circles on his sister's face.

He doesn't recognize the bed and can sleep soundly anywhere.

But I didn't expect that on the first day after coming out, Chen Meng would be a little uncomfortable.

Chen Fei hopes that his sister can adapt to the new and unfamiliar environment as soon as possible, because in more than two months, she will have to report to university. Like a bird leaving the nest, she must learn to survive on her own. Getting enough sleep to adapt to the environment is the first thing. step.

too excited!

Chen Meng yawned and was so excited that he didn't fall asleep all night. He squinted for a while when it was almost dawn, and now he started to feel sluggish before setting off.

It's not that she doesn't want to have a good rest, but she just can't control it!

Chen Fei turned his head and looked at the big cat squatting in the back seat. He gave him a look and asked if the spirit and wind systems had any spells to relieve fatigue. If so, he should use them quickly.


The golden-eyed and green-eyed raccoon looked confused, what do you mean?

Chen Fei gestured to the old girl beside him who was yawning profusely.

learn! Erlang finally understood, and immediately stretched out his paw from the back seat and patted Chen Xiaomei on the shoulder.


Chen Meng, who nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice, turned his head in confusion, then tilted his head, leaned against the seat, zzzZZZ... and began to snore, falling directly into a deep sleep.

Mental system, level two Nightmare Sleep, with Chen Xiaomei's inferior mental strength of an ordinary person, she was hit in an instant, and it took effect immediately.

Get rid of nightmares and leave deep sleep, otherwise, you will have a dinner of big cat stewed in an iron pot at night.

That's it?

Chen Fei shook his head.

It would be nice if Xiao Jiu was here. With the light healing technique, this fatigue will soon dissipate.


The golden-eyed and green-eyed raccoon, which possesses the spirit and wind elements, is aggrieved. It can only do this step, and it is even more powerless against physiological dark circles.

Put it on yourself!

Chen Fei threw over a pair of leashes.

The eyes of the golden-eyed and green-eyed raccoon immediately widened. This thing has 0 damage, MAX insult, and everything... As long as it has star energy, it can do anything it wants!

Bowing to Xingyuan will not disgrace the monster, but only disgrace the cat, which is not a cat!

Oh, it’s okay, it’s okay!

The guest house is not far from the headquarters building of Henghai Tactical Weapons Group. It only takes about ten minutes to drive there, which is just a matter of stepping on the accelerator.

Chen Meng, who was pushed awake by Chen Fei, stretched his waist and found that as soon as he closed and opened his eyes, he was in the right place.

She wondered: Brother, am I asleep?

Well! It's time to get off the car, take Erlang with you!

Chen Fei put the leash into Chen Meng's hand. Now it's your responsibility to keep an eye on this big cat.

After all, we were in an unfamiliar public place. It was impossible to hold such a big cat, so we had to hold it to reassure each other.

The effect of about ten minutes of deep sleep immediately and greatly relieved the mental fatigue. After stretching, Chen Meng became much more awake.

Many people saw the brother and sister Chen Fei and Chen Meng holding a big cat, and most of them reacted with surprise.

On the contrary, the reception staff of Henghai Tactical Weapons Group just took another look, but showed no intention to prevent entry into the building, and allowed the two of them to lead the big cat into the headquarters building.

The first place to visit the open day is the corporate culture and history exhibition area on the second floor of the Henghai Tactical Weapons Group Headquarters Building.

A century-old factory, Henghai war defense.

This kind of foundation is not created by speculation at all, but is actually accumulated over the years and includes the hard work of countless people.

From the original site model and photos from the beginning of the factory's establishment, the founders introduced that the full-scale models of each generation of main products made the employees and their families feel proud to see them.

Henghai Tactical Weapons Group is a manufacturer that pays great attention to honor. It regards honor as life, and its stringent requirements for design and quality are as outrageous as fault-finding. It is even stricter than the ordering party. Such strict standards have brought positive results. Therefore, Henghai Tactical Weapons Group once monopolized the local production and manufacturing of individual tactical armors and combat mobile armors.

In order to respond to the request of its superiors and take the initiative to break the monopoly, even if Henghai Tactical Weapons Group supplies blood and technology to its friends, and takes a few sips of milk from time to time, it still cannot shake its position as the main supplier of individual tactical weapons for the military.

Weakening oneself and defeating opponents is not uncommon in all walks of life.

Having a competent opponent and maintaining a certain sense of crisis is more conducive to ensuring the vitality of the enterprise, so as to avoid falling into the predicament of arrogant and stagnant development.

Artificial Intelligence, Material Physics, Automation, Artificial Intelligence, Materials...

Chen Xiaomei looked at the exhibits of individual soldier tactical equipment and muttered something, trying to determine her best entry point.

In fact, Chen Fei had already planned for his sister, and the corresponding resources were readily available, but he didn't want to tell her too early, lest he get distracted and not see the road ahead clearly.

After visiting the corporate culture exhibition area and the office areas of various administrative departments, it was time for boring leaders to talk trash.

The content of the speech is not important. What is important is to remember what the leader looks like, so as not to have a weak eye when going to work in the future, offend the leader, and be punished.

After more than an hour, I could even count the moles on the leader's face.

I had a working meal in the building, and the afternoon tour was the real deal.

Please do not go outside the white traffic line. What you see now is the Marine Officer Type Individual Tactical Armor Dragon General 2.2T. T refers to the test version. The technicians are doing improvement testing. This process requires a lot of time. Only through repeated experiments, even destructive experiments, can we find the optimal configuration plan...

The handsome guide took the visitors to the primary test area and explained it nonstop.

Each test room is undergoing various forms of actual testing. It is quiet and busy. Even if there are strange sounds, it cannot break through the magic barrier that surrounds each test room, and at the same time, safety can be guaranteed.


The mythical beast entered the school and became quiet.

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