Split Sky Rider

Chapter 245 - Give you a big cat

Old Zhong, where are you?

Li Zhenxing always felt that Mr. Zhong's reaction seemed to be in trouble.

He didn't know much about the relationship between International Airlines and Boeing Aerospace, so he could only judge it from the other party's expression.

It can't be done, it can't be done at all, it's very troublesome, very troublesome!

Mr. Zhong shook his head like a rattle. He originally thought it was just a matter of saying hello, but unexpectedly it was very difficult. Even he, the boss of an international airline, did not dare to intervene easily. The water was too muddy to see clearly. It's a pit.

Without enough profit, International Airlines hastily started a war with Boeing Aerospace Company. The price is too high. Even he may be in danger of being beaten to the end. He also has to sit in jail. Before the dog's brain is beaten out, he The brain must fly out first.

He apologetically picked up the wine glass and said to Chen Fei: Sorry, Xiao Chen, you'd better change your request!

You really can't step on this thunder, it will kill someone!

Mr. Zhong regretted a little. He had lost his caution before and accepted this favor rashly. If he had known this, he would have fooled him with a few quack words, and he would not be in trouble now.

Li Zhenxing couldn't afford to offend the other party, so he immediately made a choice and persuaded: Xiao Chen! Lao Zhong is in such a difficult position, why don't you change your request?

If International Airlines were to give Tianjiu Financial Company some slack and let out a casual word, the Li family's little business would be wiped out in a matter of minutes.

There is no other need for the moment, how about...forget it? It's just a casual question anyway, not to mention I'm not at a loss this time!

Chen Fei spread his hands. He was not good at forcing others to do anything, let alone the qualifications.

The most important thing is to know one's self and position yourself correctly. You are just a small role and not worthy of the international airlines doing this for you.

No, no, no, I have to remember this favor and call me again when you look back. By the way, I almost forgot about it!

Mr. Zhong slapped his forehead, took out a business card and handed it to Chen Fei.

This is not really forgotten, but an unspoken rule in the workplace.

Not all the unknown people with cats and dogs are qualified to get the business card of the CEO of an international airline.

If Chen Fei didn't have this status as a descendant of the Chen family, he wouldn't be able to see this business card. He could be dismissed by just sending a secretary over.

Thank you Mr. Zhong!

Chen Fei, who knew this well, took the business card with respectful hands.

With this step and the donkey going down the slope, the little awkwardness at the dinner table disappeared instantly, everyone understood each other tacitly, and the matter ended here.

You have the right to use it, and it will become invalid after it expires. It can also be applied to favors. As time goes by and there are many noble people and things, who will remember these.

If there were no accidents, Chen Fei would never bother this big shot again, and the interaction between the two parties was brought to an end by this business card.

Face is given by others, don't regard politeness as blessing.

The fact that the other party can call and inquire in person is enough to repay the favor.

The rivers and lakes are dangerous, and human relationships are cold and warm. Such human relationships are only human relationships. Only outsiders can talk about human relationships. They are two different things from the family relationships of the Chen family.

If there is any big trouble that cannot be solved in the old Chen family, the Chen family's uncle will not sit idly by and ignore it. Instead of asking outsiders, it is better to ask for help from his own family, which will make him more confident. At least the uncle will stand up for the Chen family's children and will definitely not be like the international Mr. Zhong of the airline company is so forward-thinking and calculating the gains and losses, but this is a strategic weapon, and no one from the Chen family will use it casually.

Everyone in the Chen family knows that the significance of strategic-grade weapons lies in their deterrence, not their use. If they are used casually, can they still be called strategic-grade?

Chen Fei is not in a hurry for the F-22 that is temporarily stored at Old David's place. He has no shortage of jets. There is also a MiG-28 without a pilot sitting idle in the 911 Air Service Base!

Come on, come on, drink, drink!

Seeing how smart this young man was, Li Zhenxing secretly gave a thumbs up and picked up the wine glass again.

Does Xiao Chen have a girlfriend? If not, let me introduce it to you. Whether it is in international airlines or in the aviation circle, there are many good girls with good looks, good character, good family background, and not so many bad ones. No matter what’s wrong, there’s always something you like!”

After another two ounces of wine, Mr. Zhong took up his status as an elder in front of Chen Fei. As long as he didn't talk about business, he naturally began to talk more. They were all insignificant and interesting things, just for the sake of the wine table. Just a piece of fun.

A guy who talks nonsense cannot sit in the position of CEO of an international airline.

Haha, then I'll trouble Uncle Zhong.

Chen Fei smiled in embarrassment. He couldn't refuse directly, so he just responded in vain and turned around? Leave him alone! .

If you talk nonsense after drinking, you will lose if you take it seriously. If the other party is drunk and makes you unhappy for a while, and the big ear scraper comes over casually, should you pull it back, pull it back, or pull it back?

These are all gifts!

So...just pretend to be stupid!


In the American Commonwealth of Lincoln, one of the two major business groups of the Windy City-based Boeing Aerospace Company, the Civil Aviation Group (BCA), received information that its Eastern counterpart, International Airlines, was inquiring about the departure permission of an F-22. .

If you want to inquire, just inquire!

But the restriction order on this old antique fighter jet was pushed by Boeing Aerospace Company.

In the field of civil aviation, Eastern International Airlines and Boeing Civil Aviation Group are close competitors. Each will pay close attention to every move of the other. What does this inexplicable action mean?

At this level, every slightest disturbance will be magnified ten thousand times and receive countless interpretations.

Boeing Commercial Aviation (BCA) immediately panicked for no reason. What do you want to do as an international airline?

What the hell is going on here?

Is the fight about to start again?

Dear friends, Boeing Defense and Boeing Financial are ready! ~

A series of actions by Boeing Aerospace Corporation on the other side of the ocean also aroused reactions from international airlines and many local counterparts in the aviation industry. Soon after, Europa also noticed that something was wrong, and various turbulent situations occurred.

Mr. Zhong, who came back from Li's house after drinking, quickly got the news that the turmoil in the civil aviation world had even spread to the military aviation world. He immediately felt a big headache in his forehead. Now he had to write a report again. Why bother!

Little people have their own troubles, and big men also have their troubles.


Jingle bell bell bell…

The melodious bell rang, and the three-day college entrance examination was finally over.

From the moment you hand in the last exam paper, you have once again decided to buy out the casino of life, waiting for the scores to be revealed to determine the future direction.

There is joy after passing the passing mark, and the ceiling of life is raised again. Most of those who have not passed the passing line pack their bags and rush to the sweatshop with high spirits. Only a very few will regroup and prepare for the re-examination the following year.

But before that, life has gone through one selection after another. Not everyone has the opportunity to step into the college entrance examination room, the sixth grade of elementary school, the diversion of junior high school, the admission ticket of senior high school, everyone has the opportunity to enter the college entrance examination room. Students who are eligible to take the college entrance examination are all selected from a hundred.

The exam is over! You are free!

Chen Xiaomei, the youngest of the Chen family, and the other students who had completed the exam, released themselves completely and rushed out of the exam room gate with joy.

Just a few steps out, Chen Meng's steps came to an abrupt halt. She saw the figure of her second brother Chen Fei. She immediately rubbed her eyes in disbelief and screamed in surprise and joy.

Second brother!

He rushed over with his teeth and claws bared.

Congratulations on the end of the exam!

As someone who has experienced this, Chen Fei can completely understand how my sister is feeling at this moment.

After all, in broad daylight, in full public view, how can a young girl pounce on a man, not even her own brother?

He immediately leaned over and picked up a big cat to shield him.

This is a gift for you. Whether you like it or not, it's a surprise!

God opened his eyes, and finally caught up with my sister's college entrance examination day.

Although Chen Meng has obtained the qualifications of a committee trainee from Henghai Tactical Weapons Group, he still needs to take the college entrance examination, but the admission threshold is much lower. However, if he cannot even climb the lowered threshold, then his qualifications as a committee trainee will be lost. Cancel automatically.

Henghai Tactical Weapons Group is not a charity company, so it recruited two idiots to cheat on their wages.

Meow! (Fuck you!)

Cosplaying the orange and polite raccoon with golden eyes and green eyes, she looks hopeless.

A raccoon came to a foreign country alone and had no serious job yet, so it simply relied on Chen Fei to work as a part-time worker!

The salary given by Chen Fei is not high, but it includes food and accommodation.

The Li family, who had recruited the golden-eyed raccoon dog, were also puzzled as to why Xiao Chen abducted Erlang.

Hiss...what's wrong with this?

Eh? What a big cat! What breed is this?

Chen Xiaomei was stunned, stopped in her tracks, and took the big cat from her second brother's hand. Her hand sank and she almost couldn't hold it, and she immediately took a breath of air.

This cat is too heavy. What can he eat to make him so heavy?

I don't know, I picked it up on the roadside.

Chen Fei said casually and irresponsibly, as if he had picked up a homeless wild cat. It was just that the cat was a bit big and could use magic.

Huh? Where is Xiaojiu?

Chen Meng looked at his second brother's shoulder, but there was nothing there.

Not being able to see the cheerful and lively bird, she was inexplicably a little disappointed.

No more rubbing the bird!

Chen Meng lowered his head and said with a doubtful look on his face: You shouldn't let this cat eat it?

If you eat my bird, you will have to stay and sell yourself to pay off the debt!

A seventh-level dual-type monster is replaced by a third-level pure light sparrow. Who can be so clueless?

Meow! (Who ate your bird, you damn girl, tell me clearly!)

Temporary worker Erlang wanted to scratch this girl's paw, but was stopped by his employer's eyes.

If an ordinary person is scratched by a monster, that's fine!

Ahem! It's none of its business!

Chen Fei cleared his throat and said, Xiaojiu is preparing noodles for the boss!

The third-level Pure Light Bird is not a powerful magical beast, but it is rare to see. It can shine for Hana BOSS, enhance its aura, and put on a cool show without any pressure at all.


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