Split Sky Rider

Chapter 242 - This is not over yet

Meow meow meow, mine mine!

To be honest, this little vest was much more threatening than the big dog legs just now. The golden-eyed raccoon dog rushed to Chen Fei's side and rubbed his calves hard.

After all, it was a seventh-level monster, and it almost killed little boy Chen Fei.

The universal data transceiver wristband followed suit, and Chen Fei tore off his vest again.

It's all Chen Fei's fault. It's all his fault. It was all his idea. I've suffered a big sin.

Feeling safe again, the golden-eyed and green-eyed raccoon turned her back on the spot and filed a criminal complaint.

In just one day, it vomited three times, and its stomach was a little hurt!

Chen Fei smiled and continued to remove the suicide vests from the three Li brothers and sisters without any explanation.

If these little vests really exploded together, this private club would be razed to the ground on the spot.

Chen, what's the matter with you? It's so easy to get money from my Li family...ah! Sister, why are you beating me!

Li Xingxing had just gotten rid of the self-destructing vest and was about to stop the door, but was kicked hard by the second sister.

Will the Chen family send you this little money?

Li Yanji glared at her little brother.

This unreliable guy speaks without thinking.

Chen Fei said silently in his heart: He is really short of money!

What's going on? Can you tell me?

The eldest son of the Li family, Li Gaogao, was still very stable and did not question Chen Fei casually like the third son, Li Xingxing.

Chen Fei said nothing, but looked at the bodyguards.

He didn't believe that there were no moles around the young master and young lady of the Li family. Things like the real and fake AI units could be leaked. The intelligence capabilities of Tianjiu Financial Company were really worrying.

However, before that, Jin Tong Bi Xin Tan Erlang's World of Warcraft identity has not been exposed, but it can be used as a troubleshooting standard to sort out the internal team.

Li Gaogao narrowed his eyes slightly. He immediately understood Chen Fei's hint and turned around immediately.

Everyone, go out and wait outside. The second child, the third child, and you two are responsible for guarding the door, and no one else is allowed to come near.

Well, leave one of the electronic device scanners.

Chen Fei took the opportunity to add something.

And me?

The golden-eyed and green-eyed raccoon looked at Chen Fei and Li Gaogao, then at the door, feeling a little hesitant.


After dealing with people a lot, Chen Fei trusts Warcraft more. Although he is more funny and stupid, his thoughts are often simple, and to a certain extent, he is more like a dead-headed person. He cannot learn the intrigues of humans at all.

The golden-eyed and green-eyed raccoon jumped directly onto the high-backed chair behind the executive desk and lay down with peace of mind.

I am tired, please kneel down and pay your respects!


Li Yanji tilted her head. The eldest brother's request was very strange. Why couldn't even her and the younger brother believe it?


The third child, Li Xingxing, pointed at himself in disbelief.

He was unhappy, very unhappy.

This guy surnamed Chen is basically using chicken feathers as arrows.

Get out, get out!

Li Gaogao repeated his order firmly.

It's not that I can't trust my sister and brother, but the walls have ears, and someone needs to be guarding the door, and they have to be trustworthy.

whispering sound!

Li Yanji and Li Xingxing looked at each other and left the office angrily with the bodyguards.

An electronic device scanner that was more than two feet long and looked like a tennis racket was left behind. Chen Fei immediately took it in his hand and began to scan the entire office.

After a while, he found four or five unknown electronic devices as big as eggs and as small as buttons.

Some were placed by the private club itself, some were secretly installed by the Li family, and some were of unknown origin.

If Chen Fei directly used the metal power to detect it and took it out blatantly, then it would be unclear who put it there. So even if the final result is the same, the sequence cannot be wrong.


Seeing the strange monitoring equipment other than the Li family, Li Gaogao suddenly realized it and confirmed his guess.

I originally thought that it would be loose on the outside and tight on the inside, but it would still leak like a big colander. Someone had secretly arranged so many things.

Chen Fei crushed all the unknown electronic equipment to pieces, shook it into the trash can, and then said: There are more reasons for leaking the information, but it doesn't matter, the truth is not important.

Does Chen Xiaoer need evidence when he does something?


Normally, just hit it and that’s it!

Today’s college students are not nerds, they must have strong practical skills!

How to say?

Li Gaogao vaguely guessed something, but his guess was not comprehensive.

Those two artificial intelligence AI units are fake. You can arrange for people to spread the word, and the real thing has been robbed.

Chen Fei spread his hands and continued: Yellow mud falling off your crotch is not just shit, it's still shit!

Li Gaogao was stunned for a moment, but then he understood.



The big cat behind the executive desk yawned, purred, purred...

I understand, I'll arrange for someone to do it right away!

After being reminded, Li Gaogao knew that this was a rare opportunity. He turned the disadvantage into an advantage and turned the situation around easily.

The truth is indeed not important anymore. That group of people took away the Shan Yu from Tongshan. If more publicity is given, it will definitely attract a lot of attention.

Maybe it will provoke something terrible!

And, that little ball!

Chen Fei shook his index finger to remind the other party.

If the other person doesn't mind, then he doesn't mind either.

In the skill File Management Plug-in, there are two more folders, one is AI-Virus and the other is Adam-AI_2.0. The latter contains a Project_Source (development package) and Compiler (compiler) device).

Due to the restrictions of the underlying rules, the re-coded artificial intelligence AI Adam cannot be cut or copied at will. However, in front of the universal data transceiver and file management plug-in, even the underlying rules are packaged for you. take away.

The eldest son of the Li family took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: Where is the thing?

Buddha said: Don't say it!

Chen Fei shrugged his shoulders and asked him to calm down first.

Li Gaogao glanced at Chen Fei's wrist calmly, and immediately guessed something. He saw through it without saying anything, and they nodded tacitly and said, I'll give it to you when we get there!


Not tired of talking to smart people, Chen Fei immediately understood the other person's intention and made an OK gesture.

The game has just begun.

Li Gaogao passed on the relevant information through Tianjiu Financial and the Li family's personal connections. Because it was difficult to distinguish between half truth and half falsehood, it caused quite a stir for a while, whether it was the American Federation or the surrounding sovereignties. Express close attention.

The intelligent rebellion thirty years ago has long been declassified and made known to the general public. I just don't know if anyone will be able to adapt this terrible malignant artificial intelligence to today's hardware, software and network environment. , to help him make a comeback.

Such behavior is simply an enemy of the world.

The unit of the artificial intelligence Adam was robbed. As the guarantee agency responsible for this entrustment, Tianjiu Financial Company may not be able to escape the blame and must bear a lot of pressure.

However, what was even more stressful was the force that snatched away the two little white balls. I didn't expect that the Li family had no intention of swallowing their anger and suppressing the matter secretly. Instead, they broke the news regardless of it. All face was lost, but the series of changes caused by this caught many people off guard.

Undercurrents are surging within the American Federation.


The third day, afternoon.

Finally home!

After successfully passing the customs security inspection, Li Gaogao, Li Yuji and Li Xingxing breathed a sigh of relief and even spoke in unison.

It went relatively smoothly!

Returning with the three Li brothers and sisters was Chen Fei.

It is estimated that the American Federation was like a plague, and did not hinder them at all. They allowed the four of them to board the international flight together and return to the mainland smoothly after a 14-hour flight.

This is not over yet!

Li Gaogao shook his head.

The Li family suffered a heavy loss this time, but the enemy couldn't get any relief from it. As Chen Fei said, once Huang Niba loses his crotch, it is no longer up to the other party to decide whether it will happen or not.

Please handle it carefully, don't let it fall apart!

Chen Fei, one of the parties involved, was not affected at all. He was a small gangster and no one would take him seriously. He was killed by bodyguards. His file was still clean and he was a genuine law-abiding citizen.

What's more, with Tianjiu Financial and the Li family standing in the way, it was even more impossible to involve the children of the Chen family. When they first made the call, the Li family boss had already erased Chen Fei's existence.

I, we know what's going on. Now that you're here, come to our place for two days and then I'll take you back!

The capital is the base of Tianjiu Financial, so Li Gaogao naturally has the friendship of a landlord.

It is completely natural for the Li family to receive the children of the Chen family.

no problem!

Chen Fei made an OK gesture.

There are many people at the airport, and some things should not be discussed too much.

Seeing the eldest brother and the man surnamed Chen quarreling with each other, Li Xingxing was confused. What on earth were you two talking about?

Li Yanji just wanted to go to an aromatherapy spa and relax.

Within this year, she never wants to go to that shabby place of the American Federation again.

People in Jianghu are sinister, but the locals are still comfortable.

Before Chen Fei got his luggage back, he first went to pick up the airline pet check-in box.

Although he lost the mission item, Jin Tong Bi Xin Tan Erlang still followed.

The Li family entrusted the care of this monster to Chen Fei, and added another sum of money for it.

After all, Erlang and Chen Fei, who they met for the first time, talked best, and being together could make others feel more at ease.

Taking the suitcase off the wheel, Chen Fei was about to put the airline pet check box on it. The big cat was curled up in a ball inside, snoring so hard that it could not wake up even if it was noisy or shaken. It was completely unaware that it had already happened. Got off the plane.

Li Gaogao, who was picking up the luggage with him, suddenly said: Open it and check it.


At this point, there must be a second quarter.

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