Split Sky Rider

Chapter 234 - Bearish on life and death

Even if Old David was once a super pilot known as the King of Eagles, a group of experienced people in the world would definitely not be able to compare with the average ace ACE since they dare to claim the title of king.

Old David has the strength of Old David, and Chen Fei also has Chen Fei's own advantages. He is young, willing to learn, and loves to ponder. The IQ of an undergraduate student is not low to begin with. His flying experience is all gained from playing, and he starts off like a dragon. No one dares to play like this. If you can survive, you are a hero.

Old David's tactical thinking represents the peak of the past, while Chen Fei's tactical thinking is to stand on the shoulders of his predecessors and continue to climb to the top. In the face of missiles, both sides are equal.

The F-22 Raptor jet fighter piloted by Chen Fei finally leveled off at an altitude of 56,000 feet. At that moment, bright spots of light filled the sky, just like an angel slowly stretching its wings of light in the sky.

The flight altitude did not reach the planned 65,000 feet. In a sense, Old David's tactics were more than half successful.

However... the two AIM 120-D long-range missiles successively passed through the dense rain of jamming bombs. They used active radar guidance. According to a dedicated algorithm, they could automatically eliminate the source of interference and bite the target firmly.

It's really troublesome!

Chen Fei shook his head, turned the nose of the plane, and began to dive downward, performing a large overload maneuver.

His F-22 Raptor jet fighter broke out of silence, turned on the APG-77V2 radar, and 2,200 transmitting/receiving units went to work.


The F-22 Raptor jet fighter piloted by Old David finally appeared on the radar screen. Invisibility failed. In the dispute between spear and shield, it seemed that Spear had the upper hand. The F-22's active search capability was even still in stealth mode. superior.

On the other hand, it also has something to do with the distance between the two parties.

The distance between the two F-22s is less than 60 kilometers, and they are completely within each other's missile range. Any closer would be almost a theoretical no-escape zone. If you want to escape the missile lock, you have to show your true skills. Come.

Barrel roll, barrel roll, barrel roll...

Chen Fei shouted repeatedly, not minding being heard by Old David.

Being bitten by two long-range missiles, the only thing he can do is to use the body's roll plus barrel roll to create a vertical and horizontal two-way overload impact. Even an experienced pilot with excellent physique may not be able to withstand it for a long time, but He didn't notice anything.

The flight simulator is not a real aircraft. The simulated overload G value is still within the safety threshold and will not pose a fatal threat to the user. After all, this is a simulator, not a pilot slaughtering machine.

If it were in reality, people might die.

The scenery outside the cockpit can no longer be seen, the sky is spinning, and just one glance is enough to make people dizzy. At this moment, Chen Fei is only staring at the instruments, the level is like an electric fan, and the sky and earth lines are gurgling. It was spinning, and at high altitudes where the air was thin, the power of the jet engine was also affected, but it was compensated by the altitude, and the maneuverability was not weakened much.

The low-pressure and hypoxic environment does not have much impact on missiles using propellant, but the direction change action will greatly consume the rated propellant stock.

The F-22 Raptor dragging two AIM 120-D long-range missiles is like fishing, constantly changing directions, attracting the two missiles to follow suit, causing their effective range to continue to shorten. It is best to approach Chen Fei before exhausting every last drop of propellant.

Even if the propellant of the missile cannot be consumed, no matter what happens, the missile must be detonated outside the killing radius. This is a test of dodge skills, and it will be self-defeating if you are not careful.

Chen Fei was originally good at detonating those silly fighting bombs, but the programmable fighting bombs used by military contractors were restricted products. Whether in terms of range, speed or guidance capabilities, they were far inferior to the discontinued AIM 120- D.

What's more, when he was at the 911 Air Service Base, he could still take advantage of the complex terrain in the Hindu Kush Mountains. But now, trading altitude for speed, the F-22 Raptor has been maintained at around Mach 2, and it is difficult to perform well. Come.

The ALQ-94 early warning system continued to receive active radar waves from another F-22 Raptor. When Chen Fei gave up radio silence, Old David's lock outside the visual range became more and more unscrupulous.

Both parties have been able to clearly discover each other.

Missile preparation, climb high, turn around!

Chen Fei pushed the joystick hard. He just transmitted his intention to the onboard computer system through the joystick and throttle pushrod. How the F-22 behaves depends entirely on the complex calculations of the flight control system and the aerodynamic force of the aircraft body. The change of the wing surface cannot be judged by common sense.

At this moment, he could only believe in this Raptor that did not really exist.

The F-22 Raptor jet fighter took advantage of the situation to escape from the barrel roll maneuver, continued its attitude, climbed high and decelerated, and suddenly left the supersonic state. The vector tail spray was suppressed with all its strength. The aircraft's angle of attack was instantly greater than the designed value, and suddenly reached The critical point of stall is reached, which is also a great test for the flight control system simulated by the flight simulator.

During a non-radius descent turn, commonly known as falling leaves, the F-22 Raptor jet fighter made a crisp 360-degree U-turn. When it reached 100 degrees, the cannon above the right inlet spit out a series of light spots, scattering A spreading fan shape appeared, and at the same time a missile shot out. It was the programmable close-range combat missile that Chen Fei was most familiar with. When facing the enemy head-on, being stupid was an advantage.

Chen Fei could even hear the creaking and groaning simulated by the flight simulator and the violent trembling caused by the entire cockpit.

The attack ended at 270 degrees, the throttle push rod was pushed to the bottom, full acceleration was applied, the stall was successfully recovered, there was a muffled sound, and the vehicle entered supersonic cruising state again.

Fortunately, the F-22 uses a dual-engine F119-PW-100 low-bypass ratio afterburning turbofan engine with a large thrust-to-weight ratio. The single-engine afterburning thrust is 156 kN, and the dual-engine doubles the thrust, giving Chen Fei enough thrust. squander.

I don’t know if it was the dense cannon bullets or the programmable close-range combat bombs that seemed to be fired recklessly. A ball of flame burst out from behind Chen Fei’s F-22 Raptor, and an AIM 120-D long-range missile was in pursuit. The missile was exploded in the air, but another one immediately penetrated the flames and continued to catch up.

Locked on you!

Another F-22 Raptor appeared in Chen Fei's HUD crosshair, which was Old David's fighter jet.

Sell it all to me! Let's go!

Before launching the Falling Leaves, he completed the programming of the missile launch plan.

Only two moves!

One move was aimed at the two approaching AIM 120-Ds, and the last move was left to Old David.

Chekhov's Big Bear once said that if a man is dead and a bird is in the sky, he will not die for tens of millions of years. If you are duel with an old turtle, you must have the courage to stud. At the critical moment, don't think too much, just shout Ula and rush forward. That's it.

What exactly this finished means is probably still open to debate.

But now, Chen Fei did not hesitate to fight against the former Eagle King to the end. Six AIM 120-D long-range missiles plus the last programmable close-range combat bomb seemed to be free of charge. Pour out from the built-in weapons bay, dragging long tail flames one by one and roaring towards another oncoming F-22 Raptor jet fighter.

15 seconds later... Chen Fei and Old David both opened the cockpit of the flight simulator.

Well, young people are so messy!

Old David frowned and shook his head.

Lao Jianghu's caution failed to withstand the newborn calf's chaos, and he threw a reckless punch, and both sides died together in the end.

That's not what you said. You have to settle the score. I am a rookie and I can defeat an 'Eagle King'. I won't lose at all!

Chen Fei scratched the edge of the cockpit and winked at the old man.

Just like when a little kid jumped on the street and was dragged by a drunk bear to launch a desperate charge towards the evil dragon, a dragon-killing bomb took you and me away.

Even the giant gold dragon couldn't afford this kind of gameplay, let alone Old David who underestimated Chen Fei's determination.

In a serious air battle, it would be easy to die together. Isn't it just too chaotic!

Old David said angrily: If it wasn't a flight simulator, where would you have the courage to be so opportunistic?

Who gave this boy such courage? Of course it was the flight simulator. He was not an ordinary man of courage.

If it weren't for the flight simulator, Old David, you could just watch.

Chen Fei smiled and didn't care.

People in Jianghu are sinister. To deal with this kind of old Jianghu, it is natural that you should use whatever means necessary. As long as you don't lose, you can do whatever you want.

The brutal and brave fighting methods of the military contractor are vividly demonstrated in him. From pilots to infantry, they are all extremely ferocious. They will look down on life and death at the slightest disagreement. Not many pilots of the sovereign air force dare to do this like him.

Hmph! You only have one life and only one chance. You have to practice more.

Old David struggled to climb out of the cockpit. With this kid's life-threatening style, it was impossible to play.

It can be seen from Chen Fei's battle with the giant mutant that his fighting style is completely opposite to his harmless appearance. He is basically a desperado, ruthless and ruthless. This life-threatening style of fighting is often the most fatal. headache


Today, I asked my son how to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and he said, wash the okra first! Well! Wash the okra first, wash the okra, okra...shouldn't the tomatoes and eggs be thrown into the pot whole?

It’s the Dragon Boat Festival. I wish everyone a happy Dragon Boat Festival. My cousin is going to cook a big meal, a big meal, a big meal...

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