Split Sky Rider

Chapter 221 - Do whatever you want

Although the entire city of Chapala has more than 150 military contractors, large and small, the security situation is not bad. There has never been chaos with gunshots and explosions.

Perhaps it's because the gathering of military contractors has a somewhat deterrent effect.

The most unsettling factors are petty theft and extortion. There are few vicious cases that kill people. The high-end communities where military contractor employees live are a pure land away from all kinds of crime.

When Chen Fei drove the electric-driven infantry armored vehicle onto the street, except for attracting curious glances that stopped briefly, the traffic on the road remained orderly and not chaotic at all.

'Rookie' is on his way and is expected to arrive in ten minutes!

With the help of communication equipment capable of covering a radius of 20 kilometers, Chen Fei immediately reported his location.

The foothold was not far from the headquarters of Tianqi Defense Group. The excess metal parts inside the armored vehicle were absorbed by his Swallowing Metal skill of the metal system. He went into battle lightly and was extremely light and flexible to drive.

Received, your coordinates have been confirmed.

In a van two streets away from Tianqi Defense Headquarters, communications expert Lorraine Michigan confirmed everyone's location through the screen, and then quickly typed on the keyboard. Several large and small screens around him showed various Interfaces appear and disappear, and data flows like a waterfall.

Old driver Claude Hughes was sitting on a nearby sidewalk bench, enjoying a hot dog, coffee, and a thick newspaper. He looked very inconspicuous, but he was able to monitor the situation nearby.

At the slightest sign of trouble, he would immediately jump into the car and take Luo Lin and the equipment away together.

I'm already at Tianqi Defense Headquarters, everything goes well!

Hana Gagar, who entered the position one step ahead, was wearing a neat professional suit and walking in an office building that she was very familiar with. The security guards passing by would also take the initiative to salute her.

Jingguangque Xiaojiu was standing on her shoulder, motionless, rarely serious.

The great masters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are all beings who need to be kept at a distance. The first time they see her, they will probably forget about leaving their jobs.

I am afraid that most of the grassroots employees are not aware of the turmoil between Apocalypse Defense and Jiu Defense, otherwise they would not have allowed Hana Gagel to enter the company headquarters as smoothly as she entered an uninhabited land.

Miko is already in place!

A bouncing JK high school student carrying a backpack on his shoulders walked leisurely to the back door of Tianqi Defense Headquarters, which was closer to the parking lot.

The internal surveillance screen of Tianqi Defense Headquarters appeared on the display screen in front of communications expert Rollin Michigan. He took a long breath, scratched his thick, itchy beard on his chin, and said, Bai, the security system You’ve got it, you can take action!”

Because of the internal response, the invasion operation became much simpler.

However, Luo Lin still did some more tricks, making it look like a team of experts broke through with force, and the random flowers gradually became charming, giving the opponent what he thought he wanted to see, not what you think, but what I think. , this is what the real masters do.

Yoshi, the homework begins!

A rope was ejected over the wall, which was simple and practical. After throwing a few large bags in, the demolition expert and gunsmith climbed over the wall with ease.

The high voltage electrical induction lines were off and there was absolutely no idea about it.

An old white man in work clothes pushed a heavy cart and walked tremblingly in the Apocalypse Defense Headquarters campus. When others were not paying attention, he threw some strange things into the corners of important locations or stuck them on them.

Hana, why are you here?

On her way to the conference room, Hana Gagel was blocked.

He is 1.5 meters tall, bald and old, short and ugly, and still looks like an old pervert with a squinty look. The female secretary next to him has changed again, but she can't change her charming vixen temperament. What the hell is this a fox? Nestled yet? It's always the same stuff.


Old pervert, a good dog doesn't get in the way!

Hana Gagel looked down at the other party and finally said what she had been holding back for a long time.

Alan Green, the seventh largest shareholder of Tianqi Defense Group and also a director of the board of directors, did not know how much he grabbed after the Gagel family released all their equity.

You, you, you, what do you mean?

The short, ugly Allen Greene's face turned pale with shock. No one had ever dared to insult him like this before. It was simply unreasonable.

You one-eyed dragon, do you want to die?

The newly appointed vixen secretary stretched out her paws to scratch the one-eyed woman, but Hana Gagel reacted faster than her and slapped her first, then the other.


The whole person turned 90 degrees to the left, fell sideways, and even the high heels flew to the ceiling.

Drugs that remove the effects of superpower inhibitors are controlled substances, and any sovereign government monitors them extremely strictly. Each drug must be registered with a real name. The entire process from the issuance of authorization to the end of the validity period does not exceed four hours. You must use it as soon as you get it. It cannot be hidden.

I'm afraid that one of the deactivated drugs will accidentally go out of control and fall into the hands of a ruthless person, causing a big problem that is out of control.

So after spending a lot of effort, Hana Gagar and others still failed to obtain the deactivating drug. They could only rely on their own metabolism and wait for more than 20 days for the superpower inhibitor to lose its effectiveness naturally. Otherwise, there was no other way. .

But even without superpowers, her skills are not something that a mere flirtatious little secretary can handle.

The left cheek was smashed to the ground, the right cheek was slapped, and the beach became a peach.

You are not the type to mess around in the workplace. Hana Gagel glanced at the secretary who fell on the ground with contempt and kicked him directly.



The little bitch screamed with her eyes crooked, her mouth crooked and her nose collapsed, and she fainted on the spot.

It seems that because of this foxy face, he used a knife on his face a lot.

You, what are you going to do?

Seeing Hana Gagel forcefully stand up for his little secretary, the short and ugly Alan Green finally realized that before he resigned, he was a second-level inspector of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is full of ruthless people who eat meat!

At such an old age, if you don't cultivate yourself well, you will just eat shit! Xiaojiu, please take good care of his health.

Hana Gagel is really good for this old pervert.

Chirped: Old man, you need redemption.

Eight Salvations of Light were force-fed in a row, and they were given large amounts of food, and they would not lose even if they broke the lawsuit.

I was already weak enough, but after eight times in a row, my whole body felt better, but my whole body felt bad again.

You, what did you do?

Alan Green, who immediately noticed something was wrong, immediately changed his expression.

He has always relied on the big stick policy to severely punish those coquettish bitches, but now, he suddenly found that the big stick can no longer be lifted?

Lao Sepi can still live for a few more years, but it is a few years that life would be worse than death.

The thing is still there, but what does he need it for?

The seventh largest shareholder of Tianqi Defense Group fell into isolation for a while...

Quickly die, old man!

Hana Gagel walked around the other party with a look of disgust and continued to walk towards the conference room where the directors gathered.

Today is a good day!

While everyone is here, let’s cook the pot together.

After walking a few steps, the short, ugly shareholder who had never done anything in his life finally reacted, pointed at Hana Gagar's back and screamed: Someone! Stop her!

The bodyguards guarding the door of the conference room responded immediately.

This former employee turned out to have bad intentions.

Ha! Say hello, Xiaojiu!

Hana Gargel puts on her sunglasses calmly.


The next second.

My eyes! Can't see! Ah! Who threw the flash bomb!...

The scene felt comfortable for a time.

Hana Gagel took out a small bottle of freshly squeezed chili juice in the morning.

There is a saying that all peppers in the world are beautiful and delicious, and their taste is unique.

A puff would bring out an even more shrill scream, and the strong bodyguards would roll all over the floor.

This method, full of the style of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, achieves maximum results with minimum effort. It maintains a calm and unhurried elegance from beginning to end, and the invisible pressure is suffocating.

What exactly happened?

Hearing the commotion outside, an assistant in the conference room opened the door and looked out. He happened to see a spray bottle facing his face and was immediately stunned.

Pouch... Ouch!!!!

Holding the dancing guy and throwing it behind him, Hana Gagel squeezed in through the door and nodded with a smile to the stunned directors and several shareholders.

Good morning, everyone, I'm Hana, Hana Gargel!

The plan went unexpectedly smoothly, and she had successfully entered the venue before several insurances were even used.

The Tianqi Defense Group is full of energy, and there is no vigilance at all.

Even if the security system has been controlled by others, if the security management conditions are followed, Hana Gagar will not be allowed to single-handedly go straight to the core with a pure light bird.

It can even be said that as long as she throws a grenade into the conference room now, she will see the news that Tianqi Defense has declared bankruptcy tomorrow morning.

In such a short period of time, has Apocalypse Defense, which the Gargel family once participated in the creation of, deteriorated into this?

What a disappointment!

Hana Gagar was not happy at all, and looked at everyone present with a gloomy face.

Hana? Why is it you? Get out! This is not the place you should be. You are no longer from Tianqi Defense Group.

Chairman Eric Anthony, who was sitting in the first seat at the venue, slapped the table, trying to show off his majesty as chairman and drink away the uninvited guest.

After all, he is also the leader of a large-scale military contractor that ranks high in the industry. How can he allow a former shareholder who has withdrawn his equity to be so arrogant and domineering[hù].

Dear uncles and uncles, let me introduce you to each other again. I am Hana Gagel, the chairman of Jiu Defense!

The smile on Hana Gagel's face gradually turned cold, and she inserted the lock on the door of the conference room with her backhand, locking all the people in the room inside.

Eric Anthony, the chairman of Apocalypse Defense, shouted sternly: Hana, I'm warning you, this is not a place where you can do whatever you want, get out!

In his opinion, the so-called Jiu Defense is just a kid's joke. Old-timers like Tianqi Defense can teach the other party to be wiped out with a slap in the face, and that is exactly what they are doing now.

If you had any sense, you should kneel down, offer the 911 Air Service Base and the True Fragrance combat squadron with both hands, and leave this profession forever.

A little girl can get married early, but doing things like caring for her husband and raising children is not suitable for this career at all.

Haha, this is really where I can do whatever I want!

Hana Gagar smiled coldly, as if to confirm her words.

A fireball suddenly rose in the park outside, followed by fireballs flashing one after another, and violent explosions penetrated the thick vacuum glass windows and entered the conference room.


Call it a day, the child's ADHD and attention deficit are really a headache. He doesn't study well, doesn't listen in class, doesn't take class notes, fails every day, jumps so stupidly in class that he's kicked out, and keeps telling lies. , people hate dogs, but they have super-normal IQs and are terrible at playing good cards.

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