Split Sky Rider

Chapter 218 - Not alone

As for it?

Chen Fei whispered incomprehensibly.

Isn't it just a small defense company that was just established, but it can attract so many peeps, even Hana BOSS has to hide and dare not show his face easily.

It's different! Jiu Defense has capital worth plundering, but its ability to protect itself has not yet been recognized.

After all, she was an expert. Hana Gagar knew the current situation very well. She basically expected it and was mentally prepared for it.

Except, of course, for Saab's ambitions.

Blue Star's air service bases distributed all over the world are basically a carrot and a pit, neither increasing nor decreasing. Not all military contractors can own an air service base.

Many small military contractors don't even have air support bases, and can only maintain their operations by picking up some low-level defense tasks from time to time.

Owning a legal air support base is equivalent to having the capital to enter the field of military contracting.

Being able to have a ready-made and well-supplied air service base at the very beginning, as well as a quite capable combat squadron, the starting point of Jiu Defense is almost the end point of many small military contractors.

It is no wonder that such initial conditions make others envious and envious.

Chen Fei asked tentatively: Then what should we do next? Shall I escort you away?

Hana BOSS is estimated to trigger a manhunt as soon as he appears.

No! Do the opposite!

The voice coming from behind was decisive.


Chen Fei was puzzled.

To be honest, he has only been employed for a few months and is far from being very familiar with this industry.

According to Boss Hana's opinion, he wants to drag out all the local gangs and beat them up, then rush into the Saab Group, wipe them all out, and then deal with other provocative forces one by one.

Uh... Jiu's defense is still weak, and Hana's wind power has been suppressed. Just relying on him as a small B-level gold power user, is it too much to think about?

Hana Gagel gritted her teeth and said: Be the first to clean up Apocalypse's defense!

The Merman Brothers Consortium did not dare to make blatant moves outside the market, and they were more probing than causing trouble.

However, the old employer Apocalypse Defense Group launched an unscrupulous and public suppression, which sent a bad signal and made even logistics suppliers like Saab Group have inappropriate thoughts.

Several other small military contractors who are ready to take action are obviously just joining in the fun and trying to take advantage. Anyway, they will not lose money if they don't succeed. If they succeed, they will make a lot of money.

Apocalypse Defense? Is it too difficult?

Chen Fei was stunned, shouldn't he be picking on the weak?

Hana BOSS actually wanted to pinch the tough persimmon of Tianqi Defense Group, which caught him off guard.

Ha! Today's Apocalypse Defense is not as powerful as you think.

As a former second-level inspector of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Apocalypse Defense Group, Hana Gagel knows all about the truth and falsehoods of her old employer.

Every family has a hard time to read. Not long ago, there were corporate wars externally and struggles for power internally. Tianqi Defense Group, which was caught in internal and external troubles, has not yet recovered its strength, and there is still a big gap between it and its heyday.

Apocalypse Defense Group is so eager to deal with her Jiu Defense Company, and it means to nip the danger in the cradle, regain the 911 Air Service Base, and restore its health.

The previous peaceful breakup is in the world of capitalists, even if it is a promise in black and white, as long as the benefits are worthwhile, the so-called integrity is all bullshit.

Among the board of directors of Tianqi Defense Group, those who agree with the decision to deal with Jiu Defense Company may also include the shareholders who took over the equity of the Gagel family.

After getting the equity, you turn around and turn your back on the person. The world is dangerous and the reality of the world. This situation is unexpected, but it is still reasonable.

Whatever happens, you have the final say!

Chen Fei had no objection anyway.

Tonight, Xiaojiu will bring you to me. He knows where I am.

Behind her, Hana Gagel stopped talking and slowly enjoyed the caramel macchiato and tiramisu served by the waiter.

Chen Fei swept away the food he ordered like a whirlwind, and finally drank the espresso in one gulp. He got up to check out and left first. He had a much smaller target than Hana Gagel and did not even receive any attention. First of all, If you take a step forward, you can also serve as a pathfinder.

Ten minutes later, Hana Gargel, dressed as a middle-aged woman, slowly left the cafe.

Although no one was found to be following or monitoring, such caution could ensure that no fatal mistakes were made.

Having served in the Internal Affairs Department of Tianqi Defense Group, she is considered an expert in this area.

As soon as it got dark, Chen Fei and Xiaojiu left the hotel and found an unoccupied car next to the park in a nearby neighborhood.

The little bird flapped its wings and flew far away, and soon brought back another key.

These were all prepared by Hana BOSS in advance and taught this smart Pure Light Bird.

Even though the third-level monster cannot speak, its intelligence far exceeds that of ordinary beasts, and there is not much difficulty in communicating with humans. What's more, Xiaojiu is already very smart and quickly remembered Hana. ·Gagel’s confession.

After getting the key from the little bird's paw, Chen Fei successfully started the vehicle.

This is a fingerprint-free car that can be used normally with a two-in-one physical and encryption chip key.

A bright light flashed on the driver's seat, showing the scene ahead.

The first-level skill Light Mirror that Xiaojiu learned when he was in the second level of human status can capture distant scenes. As long as he is reminded of the scene ahead, there is nothing wrong with it for navigation.

Go straight ahead for one kilometer and turn left at the first traffic light.

Chen Fei drove the car and quickly arrived at the outskirts of Polis, where he found a trailer-type RV in a dense forest next to a small lake.

Through the blinds in the car window, you can see that the lights are on inside.

Chen Fei got out of the car, walked over with Little Bird, and knocked on the door of the trailer compartment.

Manager Hana?

Please come in!

The car door opened in response.

Bright lights suddenly spurted out and fell on one person and one bird.

The lights in the carriage were bright, and Hana Gagel was wearing a plaid apron and was busy cooking in front of the induction cooker.

Steam was rising from another stove, and thick light yellow soup was boiling in the soup pot. Occasionally, pieces of meat and mushrooms could be seen looming.

The electromagnetic rice cooker happened to beeping when the time was up.

A very down-to-earth atmosphere of life hits your face.

Go wash your hands first. I'll be fine here soon.

Hana BOSS, who usually kills decisively like a strong woman, skillfully handled the situation.


Chen Fei, who didn't have time to eat dinner, walked to the bathroom in the trailer car and rubbed soap under the faucet.

The naughty little bird also stretched out its paws and scratched a few small paw prints on the soap. However, Chen Fei's father caught him and washed the little paws clean. Then he hurriedly escaped from the bathroom and landed on the soap. On the dining table between the two long seats facing each other, he began to eagerly look at the buns as a pre-dinner snack.

While one person and one bird was washing their hands/paws, Hana Gagel finished loading the plates, then filled another basin of soup and placed them on the dining table one after another.

Then he took out a plate of mixed vegetable salad from the refrigerator, spread it with mayonnaise, and finally served it with the tableware, a bottle of red wine and two crystal goblets.

dinner time!

She took off her apron and sat down first.

Manager Hana, has your ability inhibitor been lifted?

Chen Fei wiped his hands, picked up the red wine, used the corkscrew to pull out the cork, and poured a quarter of the bottom into the two goblets.

No! Not only Polis, but also the entire Hoosier State has very strict monitoring of drugs related to ability inhibitors.

Hana Gagel shook her head, picked up the goblet and shook it gently in her hand to sober up.

When the ingredients in the wine combine with the air, they will change slightly and the taste will be softer.

Of course she thought about removing the effect of the power inhibitor and restoring the C-level wind power.

The forces trying to capture her also thought of this and secretly opened a big net and laid a trap, waiting for Hana Gagar to fall into the trap.

Maybe she could go to other states to find a solution, but she couldn't afford the gamble. Maybe it was a scam?

After all, there are not many special drugs to remove ability inhibitors, so it is easy to attract attention.

Then... I will attack Tianqi Defense Group alone?

Chen Fei drank the aperitif in his hand and looked at Hana BOSS opposite.

With the help of Eye of the Storm, he would be more confident.

But to challenge an established military contractor single-handedly may be a bit willful.

How is that possible? That's going to die.

Hana Gagel shook her head again.

Chen Fei's metal power is not invincible. Just dig a hole, trick him into falling in, and then pour a lot of quick-drying concrete into it, and then nothing happens.

She also toasted the red wine in her hand, and then took out a box of twisting mealworms from under the dining table, and continued: There will be a professional team, you don't think it's just you and me, right? ?”

The little bird immediately shifted its attention from the bun to Hana Gagel's hands.

Fresh bugs are his favorite.

Is that so?

Chen Fei touched his nose, and then refilled Hana BOSS's half-goblet of red wine.

That's what he really thought, but he didn't expect there to be anyone else.

Hana Gagel said confidently: My own team is very reliable.

The reliable subordinates she gathered together when she was working at Tianqi Defense Group have been brought into the Jiu Defense Company, as well as the personnel of the Gagel family. They may not be Chen Fei's opponent in front of them, but they can secretly carry out sabotage and spy on intelligence. All of them are good players.

I can rest assured that!

Chen Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that Hana BOSS would get mad and act like Chekov the Big Bear, shouting Ula! and rush forward.

Do you think I'm so brainless?

The one-eyed old woman simply rolled her eyes.

Twisting a piece of mealworm that kept twisting, he handed it to Xiao Jiu, and with a swish, it was pecked away.



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