Split Sky Rider

Chapter 212 - A good beating

Looking at Old David, who was surrounded by crowds and flashing lights in the distance, Chen Fei, who had moved away from the F-22 Raptor first, was squeezed outside.

In fact, Bishop Ramya, who was the first to land, had already attracted more than half of the crowds and onlookers. Old David just attracted the remaining people away, otherwise he would only rely on the already unsustainable airport security guards. , it is impossible to stop so many people.

The former Eagle King of the Federation, the first person under the Sky Knight, still bravely launched into the sky with his old friends to meet the enemy with his sword still young, so he was naturally full of topics.

The big-bodied and round-waisted ponies and the big black girls pounced on the old man, regardless of how many swimming rings he had with him. They also hit people with the ball, screaming and offering flaming red lips. The scene that was once out of control was so terrifying. .

That’s right! These old ladies are just greedy for the old man's body. Damn, they are despicable! ! !

As for Chen Fei, the little bastard, he hid shivering in the dark under the lamp, feeling very lucky.

He once suspected that these white and black girls with pungent body odor and out-of-shape figures were completely different from Manager Hana.

Thanks to Old David and Bishop Ramya. The two of them stood in front to attract firepower. It would be terrible if they were trapped inside and unable to escape.

More importantly, I can no longer afford to attend training classes safely.

Holding the dozing little bird in his hands, Chen Fei looked around, preparing to find a place to spend the night.

Ha! Look at that coward. The old man is fighting for his life in the sky, but this guy is running away like a mouse.

A strange voice came into Chen Fei's ears. He turned his head and saw that it was Steven Lockheed again, and his skin was itchy again.

This time, there was a girl next to him, and I don’t know where he hooked up with her.

Steven, are you sick again?

Chen Fei gently put the little bird into his pocket, clenched his fists and walked over.

I'm just making sarcastic remarks now, why did you go so early?

Seeing Chen Fei walking over with a bad look on his face, Steven finally remembered that his own strength seemed to be no match for him.


The female companion screamed when she realized something was wrong in the atmosphere.

Get out of my way, little girl, or I'll beat you up too.

Chen Fei took three steps and two steps at a time, then stepped forward and punched.

A punch to the stomach.


Still the same recipe, the eldest son of the Lockheed family bowed like a prawn.

You have the nerve to accuse me? Didn't you run away just like that? Why didn't you die at the airport?

Chen Fei gathered some more strength and punched again, still hitting the guy half a foot off the ground, and his eyes almost popped out.


Steven Lockheed gasped and couldn't even utter a single extra word.

Oh, my God! Oh my God! Stop fighting!

Steven's female companion raised her hands with a frightened expression on her face.

Chen Fei punched him again, and then calmly said to the girl: He should apologize. You'd better stay away from this coward to avoid being harmed!

His words reminded the girl, and she finally reacted, screaming and stumbling away in a hurry, like a frightened rabbit, jumping and running very fast.

HEL... Steven Lockheed paid the price for his arrogance and painfully wanted to ask for help or mercy.

You're right, welcome to HELL!

Chen Fei knocked back the opponent's P with one punch.

Steven Lockheed was beaten into a pulp with a punch-to-flesh attack.


The little bird in his pocket was awakened by Tin Tin, fluttering its black feathers, and looked at the unscrupulous father Chen Fei in confusion.

Let's do a 'light healing technique'!

Chen Fei scratched the little guy's chin, and then pointed at Steven, who was lying on the ground unconscious.


The little bird didn't understand, but he still followed Chen Fei's father's request.

A light ball the size of a ping pong ball, with soft white light, sank into Steven Lockheed's body.


The unconscious Steven finally groaned.

But his eyes still didn't open, and the first-level light healing technique was not enough.

One more shot!

Chen Fei frowned slightly and scratched the little bird again.

Another light healing light ball was thrown into the body of the Lockheed boy.

This time, he moaned louder and slowly opened his eyes.


Chen Fei waved his hand at the other party, and when he saw his pupils moving slightly and following his hand, he knew that his vision had regained focus, and then said: Who is the coward? I think it is absolutely necessary for us to discuss this topic. Let’s have a long talk tonight, don’t you think?”

Steven was really afraid of this barbarian, no, unreasonable guy.

He screamed in horror.

no no……

After a long conversation, the light healing technique started over and over again...

At noon, Steven Lockheed sat up from his dying wounds in a barn, gasping for air, then touched himself in confusion, and found no pain or itch, and finally breathed a long sigh of relief. .

Thank God, it was just a nightmare.

He lowered his head, but saw that his clothes were in tatters, and his expression that had just relaxed suddenly froze.

What kind of devil did I encounter last night? -

Chen Fei walked out of the motel in the small town, stretching, with a lively little bird standing on his shoulder.

Fortunately, I reacted quickly and booked one of the few remaining rooms in the hotel before others could react.

The others gathered around Old David and Archbishop Ramya and made a fuss. After being noisy for most of the night, they finally remembered that they didn't have a place to stay, so they all dispersed.

If you're lucky, like Chen Fei, you can grab a hotel room. If you're not lucky enough, you can rely on your eloquence and Xingyuan to clear the way. If you stay here, you can still stutter.

If you can't say it and lack the ability to pay, then I'm sorry. You can either hide in the car and grab a seat, or wait for Old David to ask someone to borrow a warehouse on a nearby farm and lie down in the hay. , fooling around until I can sleep, there is finally an arrangement.

At dawn, I heard the old hen crow in my ears.

They're big! They're big!

The eggs were laid. When I opened the haystack and took a look, I saw that they were indeed quite big.

The formation after landing last night was just a warm-up.

Before noon, No. 18 news media came from all directions. Some drove on the ground, some took helicopters, and even crowdfunded a small sky patrol. As soon as it stopped outside the town, there was a huge noise. At least thirty small media came down. They were enemies in the same industry, allies when crowdfunding, enemies after getting off the surveyor, and some even started fighting on the spot.

When the people in the town saw it, they immediately became happy.

With so many reporters here, there is no shortage of food, drinks, and snacks, and it’s all about money!

Under the organization of the mayor, a small beer burger barbecue, a hot dog stall, and a disco were set up, just like a festival, and the news media were gathered together. The daily rent of a tent was almost as high as the best in town. The room price is high, and I still want it.

In this big incident, Chen Fei, who had a very low sense of presence, acted like a normal person, picking up the real wool of capitalism while reporting to Hana BOSS.

“Old David’s airport is completely destroyed, do I still have to continue taking classes here?”

The meat I bought from a local farm was a white goat, which was cheap. I bought one for 300 stars and borrowed tools to slaughter it on the spot. Not far away, a silly boy from a landlord's family was curiously staring at the pure light on Chen Fei's shoulder. The bird is just shy and embarrassed to come up and pet the bird.

Xiao Jiu simply ignored this silly boy and clung to Chen Fei, jumping up and down and almost being splashed with bloody sheep blood.

In one night, the little guy actually mastered the second-level light healing spell Light Salvation, and he was ready to use Light Redemption to hit the sheep, causing Chen Fei's father to kill the sheep twice.

This sheep also suffered a lot. It had its throat wiped twice, but it finally managed to survive.

Bishop Ramya's class has just started. You must not drop out of the class. Don't worry. When the storm passes, with Old David's connections, it will be easy to find a suitable venue to restart the class. Fortunately, Old Dai will be there this time. Wei took the blame for you, otherwise I wouldn't be able to clean up the mess for you.

During the video call, Hana Gagar had a solemn look on her face, but there was a hint of joy in her tone.

Once Chen Fei was brought to the attention of the public, she had no choice. Even when Tianqi Defense Group was still in its prime, it did not have such energy.


It’s all over the place again, so I’ll do 2.5K first to soothe my throat, and then watch the second quarter at dawn.

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