Split Sky Rider

Chapter 210 - Bugs, please stay!

The only thing to blame is that the oversized money string was so darkened by the photo of Xiao Jiu that they all caught up.

What a coincidence (bad luck)? !

The Lion Star squadron from Nellis Air Force Base in Snow Mountain State saw that they couldn't run away in vain!

The squadron leader, Major Lion's Mane Reed Sanchez, quickly said in the communication channel: The two in front should give way first, and the two behind please wait. Lion Star's Squadron, with full firepower, let's go first!

Yes, Sir! ×5!

Regardless of whether others agree or not, respect them for doing it first!

In view of the fact that the target did not have air-to-air capabilities, the Lion Star squadron lowered the flight altitude in order to ensure the hit rate, but still maintained a distance of more than 1,000 meters from the ground.

Missiles began to detach from their pylons one after another, whizzing towards the oversized money string on the ground, followed closely by heavyweight aerial bombs, all cloud bombs.

No matter what invisible barrier or not, Duotou threw it down.

There was a flash of red light, the shock wave halo flashed dozens of times at lightning speed, and a huge bright light suddenly illuminated the entire sky.

Boom, boom, boom...the heavy explosions were almost indistinguishable.

The ruins of the Eagle-Nest Airport were flattened directly.

System: Ding! Destroy the Eagle-Nest private airport within 10 days (3/10 days, completed) and gain +2000 energy points!

Chen Fei, Bishop Ramya, and the super-large money string mutant had been busy for a long time, but none of them were as ruthless as the active squadron of the Federal Air Force. They were already licking the ground with firepower. Wherever there were buildings, there were no Fortunately, only a large section of the main take-off and landing runway survived. After all, it was two kilometers long. It would not be easy to destroy it all.

+2000 energy points!

Energy points: 2001/5000

What's the use of this belated energy point?

Chen Fei's F-22 Raptor jet fighter and Commander Ramya's T-7C Red Eagle advanced trainer aircraft had just left the target about five kilometers away when they saw a red light illuminating half of the sky. , followed by earth-shaking huge explosions spreading in all directions.

Even though it was several kilometers away, the aftermath of the ensuing shock wave still caused the body to tremble violently, and the scorching heat radiation burned the exposed skin.

The invisible barrier can't block the laser, nor can it block the thermal radiation. Maybe the mutant is almost confused by now, right?

'Lion Star' Squadron, retreat!

After unloading the cargo, Major Reed Sanchez felt refreshed and stopped showing off in front of the two sky knights.

Landing with a loaded bomb is quite dangerous, and emptying is the safest option.

The wings of six F-46 Peregrine jet fighters merged in unison, transformed into a cruising aerodynamic attitude, then accelerated violently, collectively turning into six meteors and quickly disappearing into the night. They came back just as quickly as they came back. quick.

'Broken Star,' you first? Or me first?

You first and me first, let's go together! I hope old David bought insurance for his airport.

Pfft, pfft, what are you talking about?

It's about to begin!

Two light spots appeared in the sky one after another, and then countless meteors fell from the sky and bombarded the location of the super-large mutant.

Since the target was stunned by the previous wave of bombs from the Lion Star squadron, the two crystal energy jets simply maintained the hovering mode and launched precise strikes on the ground.

The blooming blue flames also carried violent lightning and raging wind blades, cutting everything within a hundred meters indiscriminately, even plowing the ground hard over and over again.

Crystalline jet strikes are hardly of the same era as conventional firearms.

Approximately 30,000 feet above the ground, suspended in the strong winds of the troposphere, two slender aircraft were lit up with magic arrays on their surfaces, and they continuously released countless meteors and fire showers towards the ground through one-way magic shields.

As long as the top-level crystal energy block still has energy, the attack will not stop. If it can still have the SEG core unit, the endurance and combat capabilities can be further improved.

The balanced power of speed, attack power and defense gives the crystal energy jet the confidence to become a national artifact.


Seeing the waterfall-like impact of meteors and fire falling from the sky in the distance, the little bird's eyes sparkled, it called out, kicked off its calves, and flew away from the F-22 Raptor jet fighter. It was going to watch the excitement of foreign affairs. live.

Even after being promoted to the third level of human status, he is still a bird, but he is particularly interested in shiny things.

Chen Fei, who had been paying attention to it distractedly, immediately shouted.

Xiaojiu, where are you going?

Damn cockpit cover!

In fact, even if he hadn't, from such a long distance, he would definitely not be able to hear his shouts if blown by the night wind.


The third-level skin, no, the third-level Pure Light Bird flew towards the place where the meteor fire rain waterfall fell, like a small meteor streaking across the sky.

Stop, stop, there's a silly bird flying over.

The Sky Knight of the crystal energy jet Viking noticed the blip on the radar screen.

Of course what he saw was not the silly little bird, but the Raptor chasing behind. To be precise, it should be Chen Fei.

What a coincidence, all three are birds!

Stop attacking, stop attacking, look at the situation!

Chen Fei made a good excuse.

The third-level Pure Light Bird that he had finally cultivated could not be harmed by these two crystal energy jets.

Chen Fei would rather have Old David's private airport plowed eight times than Xiao Jiu's feathers would be injured.

With a swish, a feather with black upper part and white lower part floated from outside the cockpit.

ε= Angry ε = Angry ε = Angry ε = Angry ε = (o`ω′)ノ!

Chen Fei didn't care too much and pushed the throttle lever directly. The F-22 Raptor suddenly increased its power, and then...he didn't catch up! ! !

Snapped! ~The machine body shook and successfully broke through the sound barrier.

But Chen Fei was surprised to find that the distance between himself and Xiao Jiu, who had transformed into a meteor, did not immediately get much closer.

The flying speed of the little bird became even more amazing.

The Broken Star sky knight who stopped attacking immediately said in displeasure: Boy, please watch more!

Without reservation, the full firepower of the crystal energy jets is enough to level a village in an instant. If the top crystal energy block reserves are exhausted, it can even destroy a town with a population of 100,000.

Sorry, sorry, stop for a moment.

Chen Fei apologized repeatedly in the communication channel. After all, he was asking for favors, and he had to behave appropriately.


The little bird finally arrived at the bombing site.

I found that the waterfall of meteors and fire rain falling from the sky stopped at an unknown time.

Through the large firelight scattered on the scene, everyone could clearly see that the invisible barrier reflected by the smoke was already shaky and might fall apart at any time and cease to exist.

However, at this moment, a piece of silver light mist appeared in the sky within the invisible barrier, becoming increasingly dense.

With space ability, that guy wants to escape again?

Seeing this scene, Chen Fei blurted out.

Hey!!! What's going on!

Space system! Are you still coming?

At an altitude of 30,000 feet, the aerial knights in the two crystal energy jets couldn't help but widen their eyes.

According to previous information, this many-legged monster insect suddenly disappeared the next second because of the silvery mist filling the invisible barrier.


Chirped: As long as there is light in my field of vision!

Then only light remained.

So, fellow Taoist, please stay!

This is not a tweet, it is a trap!

Chirp pit!

A pale white halo was like a shock wave, instantly sweeping over the oversized money string and its invisible barrier.

The invisible barrier was like a piece of transparent glass that had been shattered. Countless pieces of transparent material fell apart and flew in all directions.

The originally distinct paths and clear outlines of the smoke immediately blended into each other, becoming indistinguishable from each other.

The third-level human light spell Elemental Dispersion leaves only active light elements within a certain range, and all other active elemental energies are expelled. The invisible barrier that mutants rely on to protect themselves is not the light elemental energy. Of course it collapsed.

Although low-level light spells do not have offensive power, they are not really useless. In some specific situations, they can exert quite overbearing effects.

The oversized money string seemed to be dumbfounded, and was stunned in place, unable to figure out what was going on.


A slender light green beam swept across the oversized money string, and two long legs were amputated on the spot.

Lasers are also light. For light monsters, it is not too difficult as long as you find the right trick.

The little guy is almost turning into a laser bird. What kind is it?

Chen Fei's father, who caught up, burst into tears. He was so angry that he pressed the cannon launch button and charged at the big insect.

Taking advantage of your illness and killing you, while chasing my own bird, I didn't forget to take advantage.

This time, the 20mm caliber combined warhead greeted me as if it was free of charge.

The trajectory of the laser fire enveloped the big bug in the blink of an eye, and each limb was broken off one after another. The unabated warheads opened large holes with a diameter of more than a foot in its body one after another, and some warheads even exited from the other side of the body. One side penetrated and roared continuously for a while.

Without the protection of the invisible barrier, this oversized money string is not as thick-skinned as imagined.

Commander Ramya also joined in and dumped all the remaining ammunition of the T-7C Red Hawk advanced trainer aircraft, finally forming an effective attack.

Those below, get out of the way, we're about to start again!

The two air knights were quite speechless when they saw the continuous cannon fire from low in the sky like a novice pecking at them.

You two have had enough fun!

The two sky knights still couldn't see the small, pure light bird!

At an altitude of 30,000 feet, you really can't see the light green laser beam. Instead, it will be mistaken for the killing effect caused by the incoming cannon bullets.

It’s not that the radar system can’t detect the little tweets, but it will automatically filter them out according to a predetermined mechanism. Coupled with the pure black feathers, it is really difficult for the two sky knights.

Chen Fei made a quick decision and the cockpit cover was thrown away, exposing him to the strong wind. When he pushed the control stick, the F-22 Raptor jet fighter turned sideways for more than a hundred meters as if drifting in mid-air. The naughty little bird got into the cockpit and ran away without hesitation.

After a few breaths, a dazzling golden light pillar fell from the sky, as if the Milky Way was upside down...


At 3:30 in the morning, I fell asleep while writing. When I woke up, I quickly completed the remaining three to five hundred words.

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