Split Sky Rider

Chapter 206 - Money String

The internal management of Eagle-Nest Private Airport was originally based on a semi-military system. Old David gave an order. When the airport staff began to fully mobilize, the searchlight in the corner of the airport spotted a suffocating huge figure.

The security guards on patrol were collectively stunned. What kind of terrifying creature is this!

O-M-G!!! Monster!

Following the ping ping ping ping ping ping pong of gunshots, a shrill siren sounded for the first time, and the alarmed people ran out of the house one after another.

A tweeter sounds a reminder.

A giant mutant was found near the airport. All training personnel evacuated to the east. Pilots and ground crew gathered in the hangar to prepare for battle!

It spanned the entire Beehive State from east to west, directly from Red Rock State to Snow Mountain State. The multi-legged monster that suddenly appeared near the Eagle-Nest Eagle Nest Private Airport was intent on preying on the cattle and sheep in the surrounding farms. The big animals, which were moaning and bleating wildly, had no ability to resist, so they were caught directly and chewed into the mouthparts of the strange insects until their flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Without a good appetite, it wouldn't have grown so big.

The airport belongs to Old David, and the surrounding farms also belong to Old David. This wave of losses is a bit big.

On the tarmac, Chen Fei kept urging the ground staff who were rushing over.

The tower and radar were down, and no one was there, so even the aviation communication relay station couldn't be used.

Quick, quick, where's the ammunition? All the cannon bullets need armor-piercing bullets. I also want a thousand-pound aerial bomb, and all the other air-to-surface missiles are full.

The power and gas supply equipment was immediately connected to the F-22 Raptor jet fighter. At the same time, fuel was continuously pumped in and could be started by electric fire at any time.

The ground crew shouted at the top of their lungs: There are no fully armor-piercing ammunition belts, no aerial bombs, and no air-to-surface missiles. We are not a military base here. We only have standard ammunition belts. It is too late to make improvised ammunition belts.

Install the auxiliary fuel tank and fill it with fuel!

Chen Fei gritted his teeth and regarded the auxiliary fuel tank as an incendiary bomb, just for profit.

The survival mission of the dog system is by no means aimless. The mutant actually feeds on the superhuman. How can it still escape him?

If Chen Fei evacuated the airport with the others and wanted to escape from the giant multi-legged monster insect on the ground, he would probably never even think about it. He had more legs than others, so it would be great to add four more. Wheels, but with an egg?

The only opportunity that can be taken advantage of is to bet that the other party cannot fly.

Like the ability to instantly cross from one state to another, I'm afraid this big guy can't use it as he wants, otherwise he wouldn't rush to the farm to fill his stomach as soon as he comes over. It seems to consume a lot of money.

It probably won't be useful within a short distance. If you have the ability to teleport to an altitude of 10,000 meters, it will save trouble!

It's a free fall of 10,000 meters, and it won't be killed if it falls!

Old David drove an electric car into the tarmac at lightning speed, drifted to the side of the F-22, picked up an electric horn and said, The mutants are coming to the airport. Hurry up, Chen. Fei, I brought your little guy out.

After speaking, he patted the round-shaped bird's nest on the passenger seat next to him, and followed Chen Fei's instructions to take the little guy out of the dormitory.

As for other things, it didn't matter at all. Everyone left the airport empty-handed, and every car was used.

Old David, Xiao Jiu is entrusted to you. Take him with you and evacuate quickly!

Chen Fei waved to the old man on the electric drive.

Seeing the bird's nest, he was completely relieved.

Take care! Old David nodded, and then said to the ground staff who were still busy: Hurry up, make sure everything is safe, and then evacuate immediately, pay attention to your own safety.

Got it, BOSS!

The ground crew waved their hands without raising their heads and continued with their work.

'Sloth' is in position!

What was preparing to take off on the tarmac was not only Chen Fei and his F-22 Raptor jet fighter, but also another T-7C advanced trainer aircraft, whose pilot was Ramya who hurried over. Bishop officer.

The T-7C Red Hawk faces the same problem as the Raptor. It can only use cannons and its attack power is obviously insufficient.

The ammunition is loaded and the auxiliary fuel tanks are mounted.

The ground crew signaled to Chen Fei, started the engine, and then removed the pipeline.

Except for the two pilots on the tarmac, everyone else rushed into the electric vehicle and ran away as if their lives were lost.

The 'rookie' is in position!

Opening the communication channel, Chen Fei put on his tactical helmet and tried the sight.

Good job!

Just like in the flight simulator.

Commander Sloth Ramya in the T-7C Red Hawk advanced trainer aircraft asked tentatively: 'Rookie,' are you okay?

He had seen Chen Fei's operating records on the flight simulator. He only had one hour of flying experience with the MiG-28, and zero with the F-22 Raptor.

But at this moment, there is no other choice.

Chen Fei said confidently: Taking off and landing is no problem!

The throttle push rod is in the left hand, the joystick is in the right hand, and the ejection pull ring is between the legs. It works together!

Although there is more than one generation difference between the MiG-28 and the F-22 in terms of technology, they are both in the category of jets after all. He has adapted to the thrust experience and maneuvering limitations of jets through flight simulators, and may have been able to basically control them. Fight big guy.

Okay, follow me, let's go!

Bishop Ramya said something in the communication channel and flew the Red Eagle high-education aircraft onto the main take-off and landing runway.

There must be a brave man under the heavy reward, and there are security guards who are desperate for money and risk their lives to stay at the airport. They use high-power multi-functional telescopes to observe the movements of the multi-legged monsters. When they realize that the monsters have stopped hunting on the farm, they turn around and head to the airport. Mobile immediately issued a warning.

Hurry up and take off, that big guy is coming.


Chen Fei pushed the throttle push rod and controlled the F-22 Raptor jet fighter, following behind the T-7C Red Hawk advanced trainer aircraft.

The two jets rushed into the sky one after another.

As soon as their front legs took off, the many-legged monsters rumbled onto the main take-off and landing runway with their back legs.

The two jets flying higher and higher let out a piercing roar, and the huge sound set off a terrible air wave, which came first and swept through the body, causing a slight tremor.

'Rookie', I am the lead pilot and you are the wingman, no problem!

Still in the cockpit of the T-7C Red Hawk advanced trainer aircraft, Commander Ramya looked back at the F-22 Raptor following closely behind.

Chen Fei immediately agreed: No problem!

Following the wingman position, when he was at the 911 air support base, he practiced countless times with deputy squadron leader Devil Pepper Illini Lucius.

The two-machine formation of Big Mouth Monster can exert the effect of 1+1\u003e2, and the attack will become sharper and more ferocious.

First climb to an altitude of 16,000 feet (nearly 5,000 meters), and then dive and tease it.

Bishop Ramya, whose flight call sign was Sloth, was indeed experienced, and he was worried that the mutants who couldn't catch up would take out their temper on others.


Chen Fei immediately understood Ramya's intention.

The evacuation time for everyone was not long enough to move to a safe distance.

The only two jets at the Eagle-Nest Private Airport that have a chance to take off must buy enough time for the others and try their best to hold off this huge mutant until the federal air force arrives.

Turn around, dive at 45 degrees, use the cannon to greet it, and then pull up at an altitude of 4,000 feet (about 1,200 meters).

After Commander Ramya finished speaking, the T-7C Red Eagle advanced trainer aircraft turned around and began to point its nose towards the ground, launching a dive attitude without slowing down at all.

The T-7C Red Hawk advanced trainer aircraft is the third version of the T-7A. It still continues the same aerodynamic shape as the F-18 Hornet and can almost be regarded as a single-engine Hornet. Even the engines are the same.

The maneuvers that the T-7C can perform are even more capable for the F-22 with superior performance.

Using the HUD on the front of the cockpit to locate the mutants snarling on the ground, Bishop Ramya asked casually: Do you know why we need to dive? We don't have missiles or aerial bombs.

Even at this juncture, he still assumed the role of instructor and even gave Chen Fei some on-site practical teaching.

Among the four trainees, only Chen Fei's job nature is closest to that of the Federal Air Force where Bishop Ramya once served.

Chen Fei said without thinking: The dive impulse can increase the kinetic energy of the cannon bullet and improve the penetration.

He used to do this a lot when he was playing Big Mouth Monster.

Bishop Ramya's tactics are known only to those veterans.

That's right! So we need to work harder!

Bishop Ramya immediately pushed the T-7C's throttle valve all the way, and the engine instantly erupted with a ferocious roar.

There was a crisp sound and the sonic boom cloud only lasted for a breath or two before the advanced training aircraft successfully broke through the sound barrier.

A watermelon thrown from a high-speed train, no matter what it hits, will cause far more damage than a watermelon thrown on the ground.

Think about a watermelon traveling at 10 kilometers per hour and a watermelon traveling at 300 kilometers per hour. The former will be smashed to pieces at most, while the latter can definitely kill someone.

In the absence of air-to-surface missiles, aerial bombs and fully armor-piercing bomb chains, this is the only way Bishop Ramya can think of to increase the existing attack power.

Apart from the cannons, the two jets only had to throw auxiliary fuel tanks and hit each other with kerosene in the face.

Snapped! ~

The cockpit shook slightly, and the F-22 Raptor entered supersonic speed after a few seconds.

Under the lights of the Eagle-Nest Private Airport, Chen Fei finally had a clear look at the big guy on the ground.

This thing is basically an oversized money string, and its scientific name is centipede.

Having said that, even the original Qianchuanzi is flesh-eating, poisonous, and very scary in appearance.

Now that it's getting bigger, it's even scarier.

Bishop Ramya finally saw the big guy on the ground clearly.

What the hell is this!


Next session, around one in the morning.

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