Split Sky Rider

Chapter 203 - Look at my big baby

Chen Xiaochai reduced his strength, otherwise he could really beat this guy to death with two blows.

Steven Lockheed, who was holding his belly and thrashing on the ground, gasped and said harsh words angrily.

I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!

To Chen Fei, it sounded like the rage of an incompetent person, and it was useless!

If you have a grudge, you should avenge it on the spot. This is what the strong do. Otherwise... would you still keep it for the New Year?

Instructor Anne on the side was so frightened by these two unreasonable punches that her face turned pale.

Kill me? If I give you a gun or a knife, you can't kill me!

Chen Fei put his hands on his hips and looked down at the other person with full contempt. This child lacked education, especially physics education.

It just so happened that he studied economics and knew what was the most economical method. That's right, just beat him.

That's almost it. Don't beat him to death.

Archbishop Ramya came over and saw that Chen Fei's attack was extremely heavy-handed. If anything happened, it would be difficult to collect the body.

He turned his gaze, glared at Annie, who had a white face, and said, Instructor Annie, why are you standing still here, instead of dragging her away?

Yes! Bishop Ramya!

Instructor Annie trembled with fright, quickly picked up Steven Lockheed, who was still twitching, and went to the infirmary for examination.

Humph, you dandy boy!

Bishop Ramya looked at Steven Lockheed's expression as if he were looking at a piece of mouse droppings.

Hooking up with female instructors and messing around with men and women is disgusting.

How dare the son of a mere shareholder to be so arrogant? He also wants to drag Boeing Aerospace Company into a trap. I don't know who gave him the courage.

Chen Fei smiled, no wonder Teacher Shen Fei doesn't like this guy, he is really a mess!

Although Lockheed is a shareholder of Boeing Aerospace, it is not a major shareholder. The proportion of shares it holds barely makes it into the top ten, but it cannot even make it into the top five. It wants to use Boeing Aerospace's power to bully others. Still a long way to go!

What's more, other shareholders may not agree.

Are you going to fire him?

Bishop Ramya asked Chen Fei for his opinion. After all, there was a dispute between the two parties, so it was better to go with the flow. He happened to have this power.

The training business at Eagle-Nest Eagle Nest Private Airport is originally a two-way choice. Students can choose training classes, and the training classes can naturally remove unqualified students to avoid being ruined for nothing.

Although most of the time, Eagle-Nest Private Airport, which has no shortage of connections, is selecting students.

Chen Fei said magnanimously: Forget it, if you stay, you can beat me a few more times.

Bishop Ramya: ...

Do you have any misunderstanding about the word generosity? -

In the evening, Chen Fei brought a bunch of beer, some chicken popcorn and fried peanuts to the hangar.

Turn on the lights and throw things on the wings of an F-22 Raptor jet fighter.

I set up my phone and made a video call.


Boss, get up and pee!

Damn it! This kind of employee can be beaten to death!

Because of the time difference, it was already dark in the Snow Mountain State of the American Federation, but it was almost dawn at the 911 Air Service Base.

Hana Gagel, who was wearing a close-fitting lace nightgown, yawned and said angrily: I just woke up here, and I just want to see you drinking alone?

She obviously saw a dozen cans of beer and snacks behind Chen Fei. She was living a good life!

Is it time to pay off the debt?

Jiu Defense has just been established, and the affairs are complicated. The big boss is inevitably tight on money, and he is looking for an excuse to plunder the wool!

Chen Fei patted the wing behind him and said, I just got a big baby recently and I want you to take a look.

I finally succeeded in deceiving him and got the old antique jet from David, and it took a lot of effort to get it.

But no matter how old it is, it is still much stronger than the MiG-28. Four generations can beat two generations, and the F-22 can easily beat the MiG-28 in a fancy way.

What big baby?

After finishing speaking, Hana Gagel swayed her curvaceous figure, took out a bottle of rum from the wine cabinet in the room, poured a small glass, and then waited leisurely for Chen Fei's next words.

To be honest, the boss has a really good figure. He should be taller and curvier. If he is too tall, he is too fat, and if he is too thin, he is too thin.

A boss who can provide benefits to his employees is a good boss.

Dang-dang, please look, F-22 Raptor!

Chen Fei stepped aside and took a few steps with his cell phone, completely exposing the fighter jet behind him to the camera.

Not just a big baby, but a good baby.

Such a treasure cannot be obtained by even the top military contractors. It is definitely an auspicious royal crown when used to house a house.

Didn’t you see that old David did the same thing?

Old David's old buddy? Can he give this to you? Haha, are you lying to him or me?

Hana Gagel took a sip of rum, but expressed disbelief. She was not a three-year-old child. She would believe whatever others said.

Today's Jiu Defense Big Boss, after all, once served as a second-level inspector of the Internal Affairs Department of Tianqi Defense Group. With a little thought, you can roughly deduce several possibilities.

Many people know that the old David of Eagle-Nest Private Airport is the former super pilot Eagle King David Sheed. He has a deep affection for this Raptor and has been trying to find ways to repair it. .

However, if you want to completely restore an antique that is more than thirty years old, not only is it lacking various parts, but there are also so many hidden defects, it is simply not something that can be repaired with money.

People with metal powers may be able to repair some parts and completely solve the hidden damage of this F-22, but there are very few people who can understand fighter jets, so they can't use their energy at all. Those who understand fighter jets don't have metal powers. , the mind is more than enough but the strength is not enough.

Old David from the Eagle-Nest Private Airport finally managed to find a student who knew both fighter jets and had metal powers. Maybe he might be deceived by this guy.

But there is only one F-22 in the entire airport, and Old David, who regards it as his lifeblood, may not be willing to give it away.

Hey, I'm drinking alone here! Count me in!

An old voice came.

With a bang, another can of beer was thrown onto the wing of the F-22, followed by a large plate of vegetable salad mixed with grilled beef tenderloin.

Chen Fei turned his head and said seriously: Hi, old David, I'm reporting to my boss!

Reporting to work? If you drink during work hours, you will be punished by one drink!

The old man took a can of can, opened the ring, and had a drink with Chen Fei.

Hana Gagel was stunned when she heard the voice and asked tentatively: Is it the 'Eagle King' David Sid?

She never thought that Chen Fei would actually be able to establish a relationship with the owner of Eagle-Nest Private Airport, and even drink together.

This silly boy is really a little lucky.

Hana Gagel couldn't tell that Chen Fei was not a sociable person, but he was very lucky.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

On the first day of registration, Old David cooked steak for Chen Fei with his own hands. No one had ever been treated like this before.

He himself was very carefree, he ate generously without being polite at all, and even asked the old man for a nice bottle of wine.

The boss of Jiu Defense? That little girl from the Gagel family?

Old David heard the voice coming from Chen Fei's cell phone, took a look, and immediately laughed.

He patted Chen Fei on the shoulder, You're so generous, young man!

The so-called BOSS is wearing exquisite pajamas and holding a wine glass in his hand. He talks about work like this. If I were forty years younger, I would also like a job like this!

Hana Gargel quickly put on a professional suit jacket and said respectfully and seriously: Hello, Mr. Sid, I am Hana from the Gargel family, my father is Williams, and my uncle It’s McAllen.”

Not many people dare to use the title Old David on their lips like Chen Fei.

This old David has very deep connections in the Federal Air Force, otherwise he would not be able to bring his old buddy home and start such a prosperous training business at his private airport. Many people who participated in the training besides On the one hand, I want to learn excellent technology, and on the other hand, I also want to use this layer of personal connections. Only in a certain sense, my own talents can get more relative fairness. This invisible industry threshold is always there.

The Gagel family and old David still knew each other, otherwise, there would be no way to send Chen Fei over for training.

Hello! Little Hana!

Old David greeted him politely.

Hana's father, Williams Gagel, is at best a junior introduced to him by one of his old comrades. With such a layer between them, it is natural that the relationship cannot be said to be very close. It is nothing more than a slight support for the junior.

Hana Gagel did not dare to neglect anything. She cautiously asked: I heard from Chen Fei, are you going to give him this F-22?

She was just listening to Chen Fei bragging, and now she wanted to know if he was a braggart who was trying to make her happy.

Old David slapped the wings of the plane hard and said cheerfully: It's not preparation, the old guy is already his.

He picked up the can of beer and bumped into Chen Fei, who was pulling a vegetable salad and eating grilled beef tenderloin strips.

The old man can be reborn, which is more worthy of happiness than taking the elixir and rejuvenating his youth. When a person lives to this age, money and beauty are not as important as feelings.


Hana Gagar did not expect that Chen Fei was not bragging, but really awesome.

I just don't know what kind of ecstasy soup was poured into the old man, and he actually deceived his beloved.

She had heard about the AK-47 owned by Captain Chekov of the True Fragrance Squadron. Although Chen Fei's gold-type superpowers tend to be combat-oriented, it does not mean that they cannot be used in the industrial field. Can be fixed.

The combat effectiveness of a Raptor is comparable to that of a MiG squadron. It is indeed a big treasure, a good treasure!

The Jiu Defense Company, which owns the 911 Air Service Base, is even more powerful. Among the various air service bases in the Kush Mountains of Hindustan, its strength is definitely second to none.


There is another section, around two o'clock in the morning.

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