Split Sky Rider

Chapter 201 - Advanced Training Class

A lot of scrap metal can't just be thrown into the airport and cause pollution.


System: Ding! Absorb 1,000 tons of alloy body (daily upper limit), composition ratio: iron 45%, aluminum 27%, manganese 10%, titanium 9%...

+1000 energy points!

Energy points: 1081/5000

This is the daily limit of the Swallowing Metal skill. If it exceeds the limit, it will not be absorbed and no energy points will be given.

So there was nothing he could do if Chen Fei was given an aircraft carrier.

While the High Fidelity Reproduction in the skill shop is still on the list, grab it quickly.


1000 energy points!

Energy points: 81/5000

Although the energy points are good, they can't hold up the flowers!

Early the next morning.

+1000 energy points!

Energy points: 1081/5000

The huge discarded metal bricks that Old David got from the town were missing by a third. Chen Fei spent 2 energy points to add an F-22 Raptor jet fighter to the old man's exhibition hall. .

This is a product that can only light up the cockpit but cannot start the engine. It is more than enough for display.

The one that can actually fly is parked in the hangar.

Chen Fei secretly activated the Universal Data Transceiver skill, pressed his finger into the data port of Old David's tablet, and packed and copied all the data on the F-22 Raptor jet fighter, turning it into another skill file. Management Plugins” first loot.

There is another My Documents in the interface of the dog system.

After coming out of the exhibition hall, Chen Fei came to the flight training class. The time was neither early nor late, exactly nine o'clock in the morning.

Chen Fei, good morning!

Bishop Ramya von Kennedy took the initiative to say hello.

Being able to repair old aircraft like the F-22 is enough to win his respect. From the maintenance technician class to the flight training class, this young man is definitely not an ordinary person. Even people with super powers rarely can do this. .

Good morning, instructor Kamla!

The opponent's status in the world was so high that Chen Fei didn't dare to show off and responded quickly.

The other three students at the same time looked at him up and down in surprise, faintly aware that the two of them seemed to have known each other for a long time.

Find a place to sit!

Instructor Ramya pointed to many locations in the classroom.

There are only four students including Chen Fei in the classroom that can accommodate forty students.

This is an advanced training class, and there are entry requirements. Zero knowledge is definitely not enough. At least you must be able to fly a propeller aircraft independently, so the number of students must be relatively small.

The air force ace of the American Federation must be too lazy to teach those guys who have never even touched the joystick. Four students can just take care of it.

The space was very spacious, so Chen Fei immediately picked a place to sit down and carefully laid out his pencil case and notebooks.

Being able to come here, you must have some flying experience. Let's introduce ourselves. Let's start with me. My name is Ramya von Kennedy. My flight name is 'Sloth'. I once served in the Federal Air Force 223. Wing, serving as captain of the 'Papans' group, with 11 kills.

Archbishop Ramya straightened his back, stood as motionless as a javelin, and his voice was particularly loud.

When the last mention of the number of shots down was 11, there was a small exclamation in the classroom.

Damn it, if he shoots down one more, it will be the three aces' brilliant record.

For fear of scaring these young people, Archbishop Ramya did not mention his experience of participating in the Abyss Arena.

Special pilots who can come back alive from the Abyss Arena have the potential to become sky knights.

The four students looked at each other, and one of them spoke first: My name is Ashka Copernicus, my call sign is 'Pumpkin', I have 345 flight hours, I am an employee of Milan International Logistics Company, and I will become a cargo aircraft in the future. Driver.

For him, this advanced training course is just one part of the publicly funded training program.

The second student followed and said, My name is Callan Phillips, my call sign is 'Piranha', I have 287 flying hours, I come from Feiyu Commercial Airlines, I used to be the HR director, and now I am a pilot.

It turned out to be in the order of time when entering the classroom.

The third student glanced at Chen Fei and introduced himself: Tempern Schneider, his flight code is 'Panda Claw', he has 240 flight hours, and he wants to find a job with a military contractor.

If there were no corporate wars, being an employee of a military contractor would be a good job, but the surrounding environment is a bit harsh. After all, the air service bases scattered in various regions of Blue Star are almost all in barren and cold places.

But armed with sharp weapons and murderous intentions, once a corporate war breaks out, human lives are like mustard oil lamps, and they don't know when they will be wiped out.

Chen Fei couldn't help but take another look at the other person, and then said: My name is Chen Fei, codename is 'Rookie', and I have 62 flying hours.

The other three students were stunned and looked at each other. They had a real rookie sneak into this training class.

Chief Ramya’s shoulders were twitching. He had 62 hours of flying experience and was worthy of being a “rookie”!

Chen Fei was too embarrassed to report his kill count for fear of scaring them.

It starts with a dragon, and then lands in a box on the spot.

62 hours, good, at least it's not zero, isn't it?

Archbishop Ramya forcefully concealed his embarrassment.

As a true pilot, it is never wise to proactively anger a highly skilled maintenance technician.

Tell me next, what types of aircraft have you flown? Ashka, you go first!

M-39 biplane agricultural aircraft and L-22 primary trainer aircraft.


L-22 primary trainer aircraft.


EMB-130 primary trainer aircraft.


A-39B Big Mouth Monster, and a self-assembled gyroplane.

Chen Fei really didn't have much to say. He didn't have the dazzling flying qualifications of the students, so it was no longer easy to survive.

Everyone was stunned, why did everyone start from a serious junior trainer aircraft, but you had to become a turboprop fighter as soon as you started.

In order to prevent the other three students from looking at Chen Fei strangely, Commander Ramya took the initiative and said: Uh! 'Rookie' Chen Fei is also a maintenance technician with a very good technical level. He just got the A-39B Maintenance qualifications for many aircraft such as the 'Big Mouth' and the MiG-28.

It turns out that this is the case, you can fly as soon as you practice!

After all, those who are near the water and the towers get the moon first!

The three students automatically made up their own answers.

In fact, that is not the truth at all. The truth is far crueler than they imagined.

Okay, now that we've introduced each other, let's move on to the next step, simulated flight. Please follow me.

Bishop Ramya clapped his hands and motioned for the four students to follow him.

As he walked, he said: There is actually not much difference between jets and propeller aircraft. As you can see from their names, the main engine determines their speed, altitude and maneuverability. We need to be more careful and careful in their allocation. Good motivation...

As the ace pilot of the Federal Air Force, his comments from a high position are naturally authoritative.

The group of people soon came to a tall and spacious room, in which were lined up ten machines that were as big as a minivan.

Flight simulator?

Not only Chen Fei, but the other three students also called out the names of these mechanical bodies in unison.

It was precisely because the 911 Air Service Base did not have two-seat jets or flight simulators that Chen Fei traveled thousands of miles to come to this private airport training class in the American Federation to learn how to drive a light jet. This was Hana· Gagel’s connections.

In fact, the people who can come here to receive training, whether they are maintenance technicians or pilots, are almost all well-connected people who can beat around the bush. Ordinary people can't even find the way or channel to register.

Even Chen Fei, who has the fewest flying hours, has at least 62 hours of flying experience. Bishop Ramya pointed directly at the mechanical bodies and said: It seems that you all know, so I won't explain more. Just pick one and try it out first.”

One advantage of teaching advanced training classes is that you can save a lot of saliva on various basic knowledge. As long as you just touch on the key points, you can complete the teaching well.

With the help of a flight simulator, it's even easier. Just fly and you're done. The simulator can't kill people anyway. If you fall and fall in the simulated environment, the jet will fly. It's rough and simple.

Almost everyone came here this way.

What's more, on the basis of already flying a propeller-type primary trainer aircraft, this adaptation process will be shorter.

Chen Fei did not fly a professional junior trainer aircraft step by step like others, but the Big Mouth Monster itself has the pedigree of a junior trainer aircraft, and it is exactly the same when using the flight teaching mode.

Chen Fei was not unfamiliar with the first time he came into contact with a flight simulator, because the inside of the simulator was exactly the same as a real light jet. It could even be adjusted to the instrument interface of different aircraft. In fact, it was basically the same.

The flight simulator cockpit Chen Fei chose happened to be the fighter operation interface of the American Federal Air Force. It was almost the same as the MiG-28 and F-22. Each functional control area was in a position he was familiar with, which saved switching.

Turn on the power button, which is not available on the real aircraft, and put on the aviation helmet equipped with SVR imaging lenses. The flight simulator system finally starts up. After three seconds, the self-test is completed and you can select the aircraft model.

He actually wanted to choose the F-22 that he had just acquired and could barely complete the replica, but the one he was most familiar with was the MiG-28.

After the selection is completed, the control interface in front of you disappears, and the surrounding becomes a simulation scene.

Looking to the left and right, I saw that I was inside a MiG-28 jet fighter on the tarmac. The main runway in the distance and the airport building on the other side were clearly the Eagle-Nest Private Airport, just like the real thing.

The SVR lens combined with the panoramic cockpit cover can almost look real.


I gave birth to a son at home. When he got older, he started to have problems every day. He did not exercise properly at school, his eyeballs were bleeding, and the edges of his pupils were red. He had to be taken to the hospital in the afternoon. In less than a week, he went back to the hospital twice.

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