Chapter 995

After Ye Feng left the Canglan Sword Cave, he arrived at Qianyuan Peak, ready to start cultivating the sword skills he found in the tenth floor of the Tongtian Sword Pavilion.

A month later, Wan Leiying killed his sword, 3,000 swords to reach the sky, and the cultivation of the wind chasing the star was accomplished.

He looked at the extremely desolate Qian Yuanfeng. Qian Yuanfeng had been abandoned for a long time. Naturally, he did not have a disciple. He didn’t have any idea to take care of Qian Yuanfeng. After all, he would not stay in the Canglan Sword Sect. .

“Master Ye Fengfeng!”

Suddenly, a voice came into Ye Feng’s ears.

Ye Feng looked intently and found that it was a disciple of Canglan Sword Sect, and this disciple of Canglan Sword Sect was running quickly towards him.

“Ye Feng Peak Master.”

After reaching Ye Feng’s side, the disciple of Canglan Jianzong saluted Ye Feng.

“What’s the matter with you?”

Ye Feng asked this disciple of Canglan Sword Sect with some doubts.

“Sect Leader asked you to go to Zhongjian Peak, it seems there is something big.”

This disciple of Canglan Jianzong said to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng heard that he did not stay too much at Qianyuan Peak, but headed towards Zhongjian Peak.


After Ye Feng arrived at Zhongjian Peak, he went straight to the Great Hall.

Inside the Great Hall, there are already full of people.

Ye Feng looked at the people in the Great Hall, and he discovered that they were all Origin God level stars. He could even think of them with his toes. These Origin Gods were the peak masters of the Sword Sect of Canglan.

The peak owners looked at Ye Feng who walked into the Great Hall. They were a bit stunned. Their faces were filled with puzzled expressions. In any case, they would not expect a young man to walk into the Great Hall at this time. .

“Everyone, this is the peak master of Qian Yuanfeng.”

Suddenly, Lu Li, the Sect Leader of Canglan Sword Sect on the throne directly above, said to the peak masters in the Great Hall.

The peak owners in the Great Hall listened to Sect Leader’s words, and they were all a little stunned.

“He, he is the peak master of Qian Yuanfeng!?”

Naturally, these peak masters would not have thought that Ye Feng would be Qian Yuanfeng’s peak master, how old he is.

“Sect Leader, is there anything you asked me to come?”

Ye Feng certainly didn’t think that Sect Leader called him to Zhongjian Peak just to let other peak owners know him.

“Although the Heavenly Martial Ancestor is still a bit worse than my Canglan Sword Sect, they are still good disciples. Our Canglan Sword Sect’s disciple is not the strongest genius opponent of the Heavenly Martial Ancestor, so…”

The words of Sect Leader of Canglan Sword Sect weren’t finished, but the next meaning was already self-evident.

Ye Feng listened to the words of Canglan Jianzong Sect Leader Lu Li, he couldn’t help but smile to himself, of course he would not choose to agree.

“Ye Feng, as long as you can promise, I can meet one of your conditions, as long as I can do it!”

When Ye Feng was about to refuse, Canglan Jianzong Sect Leader Lu Li continued.

“Sect Leader, can you let them go out first?”


Sect Leader of Canglan Sect Leader Lu Li nodded, and then said to the others in the Great Hall:

“You go out first.”

The people in the Great Hall were naturally a little unhappy, but Sect Leader had already said so. They did not dare to refute Sect Leader and had to leave the Great Hall.

After everyone in the Great Hall left, Sect Leader Lu Li then asked Ye Feng, “Ye Feng, come on, what do you need?”

“Essence Sword Jue!”

Ye Feng knew that this might not be a good opportunity, but he had to give it a try.

What…what! ?

Sect Leader Lu Li of Canglan Sword Sect heard Ye Feng’s words, he was suddenly startled!

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