Chapter 993

“Little friend, your talent is too scary.”

The old man of the two-star source god realm swallowed his throat and spit, looking at Ye Feng in amazement. If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he would never believe that there would be a genius like Ye Feng on the superstar of Shenlan.

“It’s okay.” Ye Feng nodded at the elder of the Second Star Origin Divine Realm. Suddenly he thought of something and said to the elder of the Second Star Origin Divine Realm: “Senior, do you know the origin sword? ”

As soon as these words came out, the old man of the Two-Star Origin Divine Realm was dumbfounded. He didn’t expect Ye Feng to ask the Origin Sword Jue.

Ye Feng looked at the expression on the face of the old man of the two-star source god realm, he secretly let out a sigh of relief, he was just trying, after all, he didn’t know where the original sword jue was.

But now it can be seen from the face of the old man in the Two-Star Origin Divine Realm that the Origin Sword Jue is in the Canglan Sword Sect.

“Little friend, why are you asking this?”

“Um, I’m just a little curious, I don’t know if senior can tell me.”

When signing in, he obtained the half-primitive sword battle, and Ye Feng naturally wanted to find the other half of the root sword battle.

“Well, since you want to know, then I will tell you.”

With that, the old man of the Two-Star Origin God Realm went on to say: “The Origin Sword Jue was split into two for a long time ago for unknown reasons. One half is in my Canglan Sword Sect, and the other half is missing, Canglan Sword. Zong also searched for a long time, but found nothing.”

“Senior, I don’t know where the half of the Origin Sword Jue is in Canglan Sword Sect?”

“On Sect Leader’s body.”

The old man of the Two Star Origin Divine Realm replied to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng listened to the old man’s words, his face instantly showed a touch of boring color. He thought in his heart that it would be too difficult to get the other half of the original sword fight, it was actually on Sect Leader’s body.

Without thinking about it, he decided to find a good sword on the tenth floor of the Tongtian Sword Pavilion. After all, he couldn’t come here for nothing.

“Thank you, senior.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Then I will go to the tenth floor.”

After the elder of the Second Star Origin Divine Realm nodded, Ye Feng reached the tenth floor of the Tongtian Sword Pavilion.

After reaching the tenth floor, Ye Feng discovered that there was no one guarding the tenth floor of the Tongtian sword pavilion, which indeed made him very unexpected.

But after thinking about it, he was relieved.

The first nine floors of the Tongtian sword pavilion are already so difficult to enter, and it is no big deal that there is no one guarding the tenth floor.

Immediately, he looked at Jian Jue on the tenth floor of the Tongtian Sword Pavilion.

The swords in the tenth floor are varied and dazzling!

Great Sky Shadow Slash, Streaming Sky Sword, Hundred Kings Slash, Supreme Ten Kill Sword!

Ye Feng looked at the dense array of sword tactics. These sword tactics were very good, but in Ye Feng’s eyes, he felt that they were average.

After choosing a few sword skills at random, Ye Feng left the Tongtian Sword Pavilion.

He originally thought that there must be good sword skills in the tenth floor of the Tongtian Sword Pavilion, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that.

“Ding! Please go to Canglan Jiandong to sign in.”

Suddenly, the voice of the system appeared in Ye Feng’s mind.

Ye Feng listened to the sound of the system wind in his mind, a touch of joy appeared on his face, can he finally sign in again?

The coordinates of Canglan Jiandong had appeared in his mind.

Without any hesitation, Ye Feng headed towards Canglan Sword Cave.

After a while, he went outside the Canglan Jiandong.

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