Chapter 989 Climbing the Heavenly Sword Road

One hundred meters…

Two hundred meters…

Three hundred meters…

Three kilometers!

It didn’t take long for Ye Feng to reach three kilometers.

You must know that the most powerful genius of Canglan Sword Sect is only three thousand five hundred meters. The disciples who were climbing the Heavenly Sword Road and the disciples under the Heavenly Sword Road looked at such a scene, and they all couldn’t help but pale in shock.

“Who is this, it can reach a distance of 3000 meters.”

“I don’t know, could it be that the genius hidden in Canglan Sword Sect failed?”

“Nothing to see, he can’t break the record again.”

The disciples of the Canglan Sword Sect were all talking about it.

The old man saw that Ye Feng rushed to 3,000 meters so easily. He was a little dull. He thought that Ye Feng could not rush to 3,000 meters because Ye Feng had just entered the Canglan Sword Sect.

Three thousand five hundred meters!

Ye Feng reached three thousand five hundred meters!

Oh My God!

When the disciples of Canglan Sword Sect saw Ye Feng reach 3,500 meters, they were panicked to the extreme, and their eyes opened for the biggest time in history.

They knew that Ye Feng only had to advance one meter further to break the record.

The old man was dumbfounded, Ye Feng was so terrible?

“3551 meters, a record break!”

Suddenly, an exclamation sound reached everyone’s ears.

Suddenly, there were more and more disciples on Tianjian Road!

Four kilometers…

Five kilometers…

Six kilometers…

Ye Feng has reached the position of six kilometers!


The disciples of the Canglan Sword Sect watched such a scene, and couldn’t help but gasp. They would never dream that Ye Feng would be able to climb a distance of six kilometers.

“Ten thousand meters, I’m on the top!”

Everyone looked at the next scene, and they all lost their color in shock. In any case, they would not have thought that Ye Feng would directly climb 10,000 meters from a distance of 6,000 meters, and directly cross 4,000 meters.

At this time, all the disciples of Canglan Sword Sect who watched Ye Feng ascend the Heavenly Sword Road, they all froze in place like wood-carved clay sculptures, unable to speak for a long time, this was the most shocking thing for them.

The old man watched such a scene, his whole body’s strength was even more drained, he shook his head vigorously, backed up, and almost fell to the ground because of a stagger.

Ye Feng flashed away before reaching the old man again.

“How about it?”

Ye Feng said to the old man.

“This, this…”

How could this old man say a complete sentence? He looked at Ye Feng dumbfounded.

The disciples on Tianjian Road saw that Ye Feng was in front of them in an instant, and they quickly rubbed their eyes because they felt that they must be wrong, but they told them that they were not wrong.

“Follow me to see Sect Leader.”

Abruptly, an old voice appeared in Ye Feng’s ear.

Ye Feng turned around and found that it was an old man who said something.

“Five Elder!”

Everyone present shouted at the old man one after another.

Ye Feng didn’t say too much. After he nodded to Wu Elder, he followed Wu Elder to the Great Hall of Canglan Sword Sect.

It didn’t take long for Ye Feng to enter the Canglan Sword Sect.

Canglan Sword Sect was already full of powerful people, all powerful beings in the Origin God Realm.

“You are the peerless genius who climbed to the top of Heavenly Sword Road.”

Tian Jianzong Sect Leader Lu Li said to Ye Feng.


Ye Feng replied to the Sect Leader Lu Li of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

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