Chapter 987 Half Origin Sword Art

Ye Feng also didn’t understand how strong the super kendo talent was, but it sounded quite powerful.

He felt that his own kendo talent was not the top level. After all, he had only acquired weapon talent at Blue Star. To be honest, it didn’t have much effect.

The old man let out a sigh of relief. He thought that it was good for Ye Feng to test his kendo talent, or else he would miss a super kendo talent, he would not regret it for a lifetime?

“Congratulations, your kendo talent is very good, and you passed the assessment of Canglan Sword Sect.”

The old man said to Ye Feng.

There was no fluctuation on Ye Feng’s face. Of course he knew that he could pass the assessment of Canglan Sword Sect. He just wanted to enter the Canglan Sword Sect to sign in as soon as possible.

Immediately, the old man walked up to Canglan Sword Mountain with several young girls.

During the period, these young girls looked at Ye Feng in admiration, and they secretly thought that if they had super kendo talents, it would be great.

After a long time, they finally entered the Canglan Sword Sect they dreamed of.


After entering the Canglan Sword Sect, these young girls were shocked by the buildings inside. Their mouths became an O shape, and they looked like people who had never seen the world suddenly arrived in a big city full of feasts.

“Ding! The host has arrived at Canglan Sword Sect. Does the host sign in?”

The voice of the system appeared in Ye Feng’s mind.

“Sign in.”

“Ding! Sign-in is successful, get sign-in reward half-primitive swordsmanship.”

Looking at the sign-in rewards he received, Ye Nan was a bit dull, half-rooted sword art, what did this mean.

That is to say, there is another half of the original sword art?

The key is that Ye Feng doesn’t know where it is!

Ye Feng also knew that since it was called the Origin Sword Art, this sword skill was destined to be extremely terrifying.

“Ye Feng, which sword master do you want to worship?”

Immediately, the old man took out an atlas and asked Ye Nan to choose the sword master. The atlas contained the introduction of the sword masters and their sword peaks.

Canglan Sword Sect has a total of 81 sword mountains, and each of the 81 sword mountains has a sword master of Origin God level.

As for the more powerful existence, it is in Zhongjian Peak!

“Senior, can I ask, what is Realm’s most powerful star in Bluelan Sword Sect?”

At that time, Ye Feng forgot to ask Zifeng City Lord King to kill. He only knew that Canglan Sword Sect was terrifying, but to what extent was it terrifying? This is still an unknown puzzle.

“Nine Star Origin God.”

The old man said to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng was secretly shocked when he heard this. He knew that Canglan Sword Sect was terrible, but he would never have thought that the most powerful star of Canglan Sword Sect would actually be the Nine Star Origin God.

“Ye Feng, you are a super kendo talent. All swords masters will welcome you. You should choose a sword master.”

Seeing that Ye Feng hadn’t selected a swordsman, the old man continued to say to Ye Feng.

“Senior, I don’t want to choose a swordsman, I want to…”

“Do you want to worship Sect Leader as a teacher?”

The old man listened to Ye Feng’s words, he said quickly.

Ye Feng was startled, worshiping Great Master as a teacher?

Of course he would not have such an idea!

“By the way, senior, Canglan Sword Sect has 81 sword peaks. Are there any abandoned ones?”

“Yes, there is one!”

The old man said.

After speaking, the old man’s face was very puzzled, and he asked Ye Feng in a puzzled way: “But why are you asking about this.”

“I just asked, it didn’t mean anything special.”

Ye Feng smiled frankly.

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