Chapter 978: The Lord of Purple Maple City

Five-star Origin God level!

After completely absorbing the blood of Qingming ghost snake insect beast, Ye Nan broke through to the five-star source god level, and there was a wave of joy on his face.

The five-star source god level came so quickly!

Next, it is time to leave the north.

Ye Feng knew that staying in the north would have no effect.

After he bid farewell to Wu Xingyun, he returned to Cangyun Sect, and in the same way, he bid farewell to Cangyun Sect, and he went to the middle.

Twelve domains, the central part is the most powerful!

After a few days, Ye Feng reached the northern border.

Suddenly, an old man was seen before his eyes.

Ye Feng looked at the strength of the old man. What he didn’t expect was that the old man was also a five-star source god level powerhouse.

There is such a powerful presence on the northern border? impossible.

Ye Feng thought that if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he would definitely not believe it would be true.


The old man also found Ye Feng, his face was a bit stunned. After looking up and down Ye Feng, he found that Ye Feng was very ordinary, but I don’t know why the old man could always feel very dangerous fluctuations from Ye Feng’s body.

“Little brother, are you a powerful existence?”

The old man did not dare to despise Ye Feng, he asked Ye Feng.

“To each other.”

Ye Feng replied.

The old man was shocked secretly. He didn’t expect Ye Feng to be able to see that he was a powerful existence. This really did not occur to him.

“My name is Wang Mie, boy, are you?”

“Ye Feng.”

Ye Feng told the old man his name.

Just as the old man continued to say something to Ye Feng, a terrifying roar came into his ears.

The old man hurriedly followed the voice and looked at it, and found that it was a powerful beast!

“Nine Fierce Mephits!”

Wang Mie spoke coldly.


As soon as his voice fell, a terrifying fist struck the nine fierce mephit.


There was a burst of explosion in the area where the Nine-Ferocious Mephit was located. After the explosion, the body of the Nine-Ferocious Mephit was invisible.


When Wang Mie watched such a scene, he couldn’t help but breathe a cold breath. In any case, he would not expect Ye Feng to be so decisive!

Moreover, this nine fierce mephit is a one-star source god-level fierce beast, so it’s gone?

This is too scary!

“Ye Nan, what kind of Realm star are you?”

Wang Mie knew that he shouldn’t have asked this question in his capacity, but he was really shocked.

What he was even more puzzled was why he encountered such a powerful presence on the northern border, isn’t the northern part the weakest.

“Not weaker than you.”

Ye Feng slowly said to Wang Mie.

Listening to Ye Feng’s words, Wang Mie was shocked secretly. No wonder he could feel the Ruo Ruo Wu breath from Ye Feng’s body. Was it so terrible?

“Ye Feng, I am the lord of Zifeng City in the middle of the city. I now solemnly invite you to our Zifeng City.”

Suddenly, Wang Mie said to Ye Feng.

“what is the benefit?”

Ye Feng looked at Wang Mie in front of him.

Wang Mie was dumbfounded. He didn’t expect Ye Feng to ask him this way. For a while, he still didn’t know how to answer.


Before Wang Mie could speak, Ye Feng said to Wang Mie.

He thought that he was going to the middle part anyway, so he might as well go to Zifeng City first.


Seeing Ye Feng agree, Wang Mie showed a wave of joy on his face.

Afterwards, he took Ye Feng to the Zifeng Great City!

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