961 Defeating Lin Nan in an Instant

“My God, who is Sect Leader going to fight with?”

“I don’t know, is there anyone in the Cangyun Sect who is the opponent of Sect Leader?”

“Aren’t Cangyun Sect people challenge Sect Leader?”

The disciples of Cangyunzong in the square, they all began to whisper.

While all the disciples of Cangyun Sect were speculating, Ye Feng had already walked slowly towards the battle area in the square.

“Could it be him,” a disciple who noticed Ye Feng, his pupils dilated several times, “Want to challenge Sect Leader?”

Not only this disciple of Cangyun Sect, but many disciples of Cangyun Sect all saw Ye Feng walking towards the battle area, and their faces were shocked to the extreme.

Under everyone’s eyes, Ye Feng had already walked into the battle area, and he confronted Cangyunzong Sect Leader Lin Nan.

“Ye Feng, do it.”

Cang Yunzong Sect Leader Lin Nan said to Ye Feng that although Xu Azure Dragon is not like a lie, he really couldn’t believe that Ye Feng was better than him.

“All right.”

Ye Feng nodded at Sect Leader Lin Nan.

Immediately, he urged the starry sky supernatural power space!

Suddenly, Sect Leader Lin Nan only felt the most terrifying gravity in history, but his body was wetted with sweat in an instant. After a few seconds, Sect Leader Lin Nan fell to the ground, and he exhausted all his strength to say it. A few words:

“Starry sky power, space!”

Sect Leader Lin Nan would never have thought that Ye Nan actually possessed the starry sky power space, and the space power could give him such terrible gravity. Then there is only one possibility, this may be that Ye Feng’s strength is stronger than himself. too much.

Until this moment, Sect Leader Lin Nan finally believed that Ye Feng’s strength was the strongest of Cangyun Sect.

Everyone in the Cangyun Sect in the square watched such a scene. They fell in shock, and their pupils couldn’t stop shrinking. They absolutely dared to swear that this was the most shocking time since their birth.

They would never have imagined that Sect Leader would be so vulnerable!

Ye Feng withdrew the effect of the space power, Sect Leader Lin Nan was relieved instantly, he took a few breaths. Then he looked at Ye Feng in horror. He wanted to say something to Ye Feng, but found that he really didn’t know how to speak.

After a long silence, Sect Leader Lin Nan looked at the Elders, and said to the Elders:

“Back to Great Hall!”

With that, Sect Leader Lin Nan walked towards the Great Hall.

When the Elders saw this, they followed along to the Great Hall!

After returning to the Great Hall, Sect Leader Lin Nan was still in shock!

When Sect Leader Lin Nan just wanted to speak, Ye Feng walked in.

The Elders looked at Ye Feng as they walked into the Great Hall, and their faces showed a touch of horror.

“Ye Feng, you will be our Cangyun Sect guardian Elder from now on, what do you think?”

Sect Leader Lin Nan tried his best to calm his horrified heart, he said to Ye Feng.


Ye Feng didn’t care much about what position he was. He just came to the superstar of Shenlan, as long as he had a place to stay.

Seeing that Ye Feng agreed, not only Sect Leader Lin Nan, but also the Elders in the Great Hall, there was a wave of joy on their faces. Of course, they knew the strength of the Cangyun Sect after Ye Feng joined the Cangyun Sect. Take it to the next level.

After a few words with Sect Leader Lin Nan, Sect Leader Lin Nan asked Ye Feng to arrange a place to live, and Ye Feng left the Great Hall.

“Ding! Ask the host to sign in at Zhenmodong.”

Just as Ye Feng walked out of the Great Hall, the sound of the system appeared in Ye Feng’s mind.

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