Chapter 954

The Dean of Blue River College was shocked. He knew that Ye Feng was an extremely powerful existence, so powerful that he couldn’t even look up. But after Ye Feng suddenly disappeared in the office, he couldn’t help being shocked.

Ye Feng has returned to the martial arts training ground of Blue River College.

Ye Xiao and his classmates are still under the statue in the martial arts ground.

“Ye Xiao.”

Ye Feng called to Ye Xiao.

The students heard someone calling Ye Xiao, and they all looked at the sound coming and going.

Ye Xiao heard Ye Feng’s voice, his whole body shook. Such a voice was too familiar to him, and he turned around tremblingly.

Ye Xiao didn’t know how many times he had seen the person in front of him in his dream, and he froze in place like a petrified person.


A few seconds later, Ye Xiao recovered, and he yelled at Ye Feng.

The students present were all stunned when they heard what Ye Xiao said, and they never thought that the man in front of them was Ye Xiao’s father.

Does that mean that this person is that adult! ?

Suddenly, all the students present could not speak a complete sentence, and they froze in place like wood carvings and clay sculptures.

“Dad, why are you here?”

Ye Xiao finally fully reacted, he accepted from his heart the fact that own father really appeared in front of him.

“Come and see you.”

Ye Feng said to Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao’s face was very happy.

“Ding! Does the host plant a god-level talent?”


“Ding! The implantation was successful.”

Ye Xiao just wanted to say something to Ye Feng, but he suddenly froze because he felt the change in his body.

“Strange, what’s wrong?”

Ye Xiao’s face was a little puzzled, he didn’t understand why he suddenly felt that he was different.

“Go, come back with me.”

Ye Feng said.


Ye Xiao nodded heavily.

Immediately, Ye Feng and Ye Xiao left Blue River College under the stunned eyes of the students.

They arrived in the blue palace.

“Dad, are you here to find auntie?”


Ye Feng nodded to Ye Xiao.

After finding Little Sister Ye Xue, the family boarded the space train and headed towards the main star of Dragon God.

Dragon God main star!

Ye Feng and several people have already arrived in the main star of Dragon God.

Ye Feng didn’t expect that Blue Star and Dragon God’s main star had actually built a space channel.

After they arrived at the main star of Dragon God, they headed towards Haotian City.

Ye Feng hadn’t returned to Haotian City for a long time. After Haotiancheng, he looked at Haotian City and found that the changes in Haotian City were not great.

“Are they in the Realm Master Hall?”

Ye Feng looked at Ye Xue.

“Yes, brother.”

Ye Xue nodded in response.

They arrived at the main hall of the Haotian city.

After entering the main hall of the world, Ye Feng saw a very familiar person.

This person is no one else, but Xu Yuan, the Lord of the Dragon God Star Realm.

Xu Yuan also saw Ye Feng walking into the main hall of the world. His whole body was shaken, and his pupils couldn’t help but shrank rapidly.

“Ye, Ye Feng?”

Immediately, the master Xu Yuan made a move that was extremely inconsistent with his own identity. He hurriedly rubbed his eyes because he felt that he must be wrong.

But no matter how he rubbed his own eyes, the result was the same, Ye Feng still appeared in front of his eyes.

The master Xu Yuan was delighted to the extreme, he quickly walked to Ye Feng’s side and held Ye Feng’s hand heavily.

“Ye Feng, you are finally back.”

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