Chapter 948 True Dragon Island, Great War

This humanoid insect beast smiled and looked at Ye Feng faintly.

“Why are you so calm?”

Ye Feng looked at this sixth-rank Origin God-level humanoid insect beast, his face was a little puzzled.

“Why is it so calm?” The sixth rank Origin God-level humanoid insect beast smiled, “Human, do you think this is the question you should ask?”

With that said, this humanoid insect beast took another sip of wine.

Ye Feng thought this humanoid insect beast was really interesting.

“Human, it seems that you are very curious about me. If you are so curious, then I will tell you why I am so calm.”

The humanoid insect beast on the throne directly above smiled frankly at Ye Feng, “Because I am a six-star source god!”

From the point of view of this humanoid beast, Ye Feng would be frightened when it said the real Realm, but what made this humanoid beast very unexpected was that there was no fluctuation on Ye Nan’s face. , As if nothing was heard.

The humanoid beasts gritted their teeth a bit!

“Human, do you think you will be able to leave alive if you kill the insects and beasts outside!?”

The six-star source god-level insect beast roared at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng’s face didn’t fluctuate too much. He looked at the six-star source god-level insect beast, the nine-star source god-level used only one hour, and he didn’t intend to continue wasting time.

“Okay, I don’t want to talk nonsense with you.” Ye Feng looked at the Six-Star Origin God-level Insect Beast in front of him, he put up a finger, and terrible fluctuations condensed on the finger.

This six-star source god-level insect beast looked at the terrifying wave on Ye Feng’s finger, and it was a little horrified.

“Human, you, you…”

However, before this six-star source god-level insect beast had finished speaking, the terrifying wave on Ye Feng’s finger suddenly struck him.

This six-star source god-level insect beast was shocked and frightened! It even dreamed that Ye Feng would be able to strike out such terrifying fluctuations.

“Hurry up, hide away!”

The Six-Star Origin God-level insect beast yelled.

What made this six-star source god-level insect beast even more terrifying was that it found that it could not even dodge such an attack.

This six-star source god-level insect beast was scared and silly!

The terrifying finger light was only a line away from this six-star source god-level insect beast, but this six-star source god-level insect beast had no way to avoid such an attack.

The heart of this six-star source god-level insect beast has already regretted it to the point where it can’t be added!

what! ! !

But regret is useless. The terrifying finger light has penetrated the six-star source god-level insect beast. With the scream of this six-star source god-level insect beast, its life disappeared in this world forever. superior.

After slaying the six-star source god-level insects and beasts, Ye Feng left Haitian City.

He is going back to True Dragon Island to see!

The one-hour use time of the Nine Star Origin God Level has ended, but Ye Feng knew that the most powerful insects and beasts in the Zhentian sea area had all died, and he was not afraid of other insects and beasts at all.

True Dragon Island!

When Ye Feng reached the sky above True Dragon Island, what he didn’t expect was that True Dragon Island was actually engaged in a terrifying battle.

Moreover, he also saw familiar faces such as Xu Azure Dragon, the lord of the God of War temple, the ancient holy monk, and Jinghong, the lord of the Imperial City.

Ye Feng shook his head and smiled. Naturally, he would not have thought that these strong men on Falling Stars would choose to enter the Zhentian sea area and fight the insects and beasts.

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