Chapter 940-Breakthrough, Two Star Origin God Realm

The Elders in the Great Hall were a little surprised!

“Three Elder, you won’t joke with us anymore, will you?”

“I’m going, how could I make a joke about such an important thing, now Master Ye Feng is in the Divine Sword Eighteenth Cave.”

Three Elder said to the Elders in the Great Hall.

The Elders in the Great Hall looked at each other, their faces showing a touch of horror.

Ye Feng came to the Heavenly Sword Palace suddenly, wouldn’t it be that he wanted to destroy their Heavenly Sword Palace?

“Let’s go, let’s go to Shenjian Eighteenth Cave and wait.”

After pondering for a few seconds, the Heavenly Sword Palace Grand Elder said to all Elders.

The Elders nodded. They knew that if Ye Feng really wanted to destroy their Heavenly Sword Palace, they would have nothing to do.

Divine Sword Eighteen Caves!

Ye Feng has reached the seventh cave!

There are tens of thousands of divine swords in the seventh cave. He has just entered the seventh cave, and the tens of thousands of divine swords in the seventh cave are coming by thinking of Ye Feng.

Ye Feng urged the space power, and under the effect of the space power, all the tens of thousands of divine swords in the seventh cave disappeared.

He entered the eighth cave again!

Cave Eight has more than 20,000 divine swords, but in Ye Feng’s eyes, there is no difference between 20,000 divine swords and 10,000 divine swords.

With the space power, more than 20,000 divine swords once again disappeared in the eighth cave.

Cave Ninth!

The tenth cave!

Cave Eighteen!

It didn’t take long for Ye Feng to reach the eighteenth cave.

In the eighteenth cave, there are two hundred thousand divine swords.

Two hundred thousand divine swords swept towards Ye Feng!

After Ye Feng killed 200,000 divine swords, he saw the secret realm entrance.

He found a seal at the entrance of the secret realm!

If you want to break this seal, you need to enter with violence!

Ye Feng raised his fist, and the power of the Universe origin was condensed on the fist.


The fist slammed toward the seal at the entrance of the secret realm.


The seal at the entrance of the secret realm disappeared instantly.

Ye Feng looked at the entrance of the secret realm in front of him. He only hoped that there were good things in the secret realm, otherwise he would have come for nothing.

Without thinking, Ye Feng entered the secret realm!

After entering the secret realm, he was stunned by the scene in front of him. In any case, he would not have thought that this secret realm was like this.

I saw that several star source giant rivers appeared in front of him!

Ye Feng couldn’t hide his joy!

He entered the giant river of star source.

After reaching the star source giant river, he urged the starry sky abilities to swallow, and began to devour the power of the star source crazily.

“The power of the star source +999 trillion.”

“The power of the star source +999 trillion.”

“The power of the star source +999 trillion.”

The increased data of Xingyuan Power kept appearing in Ye Feng’s mind.

One month later!

Several star source giant rivers in the secret realm were swallowed up and exhausted by Ye Feng.

He broke through from the one-star source god realm to the two-star source god realm.

“It’s breakthrough after all.”

A touch of joy appeared on Ye Feng’s face.

Since the star source giant river in the secret realm has been completely exhausted, there is no need for him to stay inside.

After coming out of the secret realm, he once again went to the last cave of Shenjian Eighteenth Cave.

After coming out of the Eighteenth Cave of the Excalibur, all the Elders of the Heavenly Sword Palace appeared in his field of vision.

“Master Ye Feng, you are out.”

San Elder smiled at Ye Feng, and he quickly greeted him.

“Master Ye Feng!”

Heavenly Sword Palace Grand Elder and other Elders also screamed respectfully at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng nodded to the Elders, “Nothing has changed in Eastern Region recently, right?”


The Elders shook their heads.

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