Chapter 803 The Shocked Seven Domain Lords

The domain owners in the Great Hall quickly searched for Ye Feng’s figure.

However, how could Ye Feng’s figure be captured at their speed?

I saw that Ye Feng had reached the side of Azure Dragon star domain master Wang Mu.

Azure Dragon star domain master Wang Mu was shocked!

Ye Feng’s hand was already placed on his neck.

“You are dead.”

The other domain masters are all one-star masters. They heard Ye Feng’s voice, only to realize that Ye Feng had reached Azure Dragon star domain master Wang Mu’s side, and had already controlled Wai Wang Mu.

“You, how could you…?”

Azure Dragon Star Territory Lord Wang Mu swallowed his mouth and spit, looking at Ye Feng with horror. He wanted to say something to Ye Feng, but he couldn’t say anything.

Ye Feng ignored Wang Mu, he looked at the domain masters present, “How about it, would you like to support the Dragon God main star?”

The domain masters did not speak, they were all silent, and they were all waiting for someone to speak first.

But Azure Dragon star domain master Wang Mu calmed down his own mood. He stared at Ye Feng and sneered.

“If, I just don’t want to? You kill me at most, but our Azure Dragon star domain will not support the Dragon God main star!”

Azure Dragon star domain master Wang Mu seemed to have grasped Ye Feng’s psychology, and he smiled coldly at Ye Feng.

The eyes of the domain masters also immediately turned to Ye Feng, and they all wanted to know how Ye Feng would answer.

I saw that the corner of Ye Feng’s mouth rose up, and a strange amplitude emerged. He slowly spoke to the Azure Dragon star domain master Wang Mu:

“Sorry, you didn’t die alone, I will slaughter the entire Azure Dragon star field.”


The domain owners in the Great Hall listened to Ye Feng’s words, they couldn’t help taking a breath of air, how could they think that Ye Feng would say such a thing.

Slaughtered the entire Azure Dragon star field?

This sounds like a fantasy.

But they didn’t know why, they didn’t think Ye Feng was joking.

Because, when Ye Feng’s voice fell, the entire Great Hall was already full of murderous aura. Such murderous aura, even they, as the domain master, have never experienced it.

Suddenly, the territories in the Great Hall had a look of horror on their faces, and their bodies were wet with cold sweat.

“Exhausted the entire Azure Dragon domain owner, you, do you have such strength?”

Azure Dragon star domain master Wang Mu was obviously also frightened, and his tone was a little trembling.

“Perhaps not.”

The sound falls.

Ye Feng urged his mental power.

Suddenly, the bodies of the seven domain masters in the Great Hall were all controlled by Ye Feng.

what! ! !

The domain masters in the Great Hall fell in shock, how could they have thought that Ye Feng was still a spiritual teacher.

“you you you……”

The domain masters couldn’t say a complete sentence at all, and their faces were still frightened besides fright.

“I want to kill you, it’s easy!”

After speaking, Ye Feng withdrew his mental power.

“All come out with me.”

Ye Feng’s words were like giving orders and couldn’t resist.

He walked out of the Great Hall.

The domain masters looked at Ye Feng who walked out of the Great Hall, they glanced at each other in horror, and immediately followed out.

The domain owners followed Ye Feng out of the Great Hall. They were a little confused, and they didn’t understand what Ye Feng had for them to come out.

“what is this?”

Suddenly, Ye Feng’s hand pointed towards the Azure Dragon Domain Lord’s Mansion.

The domain owners were startled. Isn’t this the Azure Dragon domain master’s mansion? Is there anything surprising?

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