Chapter 801 Azure Dragon Star Domain

Everyone in the Great Hall saw the lord walk out, and they also walked out.

Before long, they saw Ye Feng and Xiao Tianbei.

Of course Ye Feng and the others knew it, but Xiao Tianbei and the others had never seen it.

“Ye Feng, this is…?”

The master Xu Yuan looked at Ye Feng.

Everyone around Xu Yuan, the leader of the world, also turned their attention to Ye Feng.

“He is Xiao Tianbei, the patriarch of the Red Spirit Python clan.”

Ye Feng said.

When everyone present listened to Ye Feng’s words, they were all stunned.

Xiao Tianbei, the patriarch of the Red Spirit Python clan?

In other words, Master Ye Feng persuaded the Red Spirit Python tribe, and the Red Spirit Python tribe agreed to help them defend the Heizhou together?

In this case, their human chances of winning would be even more.

“You are the realm master of the Dragon God Star Realm?”

Suddenly, Xiao Tianbei looked directly at the world lord Xu Yuan.


Master Xu Yuan nodded.

“I heard Ye Feng say that you are a powerful star, but I want to know how powerful you are.”

Xiao Tianbei continued.

All the stars at the scene understood that the patriarch of the Red Spirit Python clan didn’t believe in their human strength.


I saw that the master Xu Yuan nodded.

Immediately, he summoned seven golden sacred dragons in his body.

Suddenly, the golden sacred dragon shocked the sky!

All the stars know that the world master is the ruler of the seven stars, so there is not too much consternation on their faces.

However, Xiao Tianbei, the patriarch of the Red Spirit Python clan, saw this scene, but he was shocked to the point of no more.

It’s really… Seven-Star Ruler!

He knew that everything Ye Feng said was true.

Ye Feng looked at Xiao Tianbei who was shocked, he slowly said:

“Clan Chief Xiao, how is it?”

After a long time, Xiao Tianbei came back to his senses. After a sigh, he said to Ye Feng:

“I agree to let the Red Spirit Pythons join the human camp.”

All the stars on the scene listened to the words of Xiao Tianbei, the chief of the Scarlet Python clan, they were all stunned, and then they all showed a touch of excitement.

“Well, I’ll go to Azure Dragon Star Territory first.”

Ye Feng said to Xiao Tianbei.

Xiao Tianbei nodded.

Ye Feng urged the starry sky supernatural power wind, and he left Heizhou.

The landlord has given orders to the eight star regions!

After receiving the order, the eight star regions have different attitudes.

They never thought that the realm master would give them an order.

For a while, they didn’t know what to do.

In desperation, the Azure Dragon star domain had to invite the remaining seven star domain masters to come to the Azure Dragon domain master mansion to discuss together.

However, what he didn’t expect was that after the Hailou Star Territory received the order of the realm master, it actually began to mobilize.

Because, when the landlord issued an order to Hailou Star Territory, he added Ye Feng’s name after the signature.

Azure Dragon star domain, Azure Dragon domain master house.

Domain Lord’s Mansion.

A man sits on the throne directly above.

He is waiting for the arrival of other domain masters.

The man is no one else, but Wang Mu, the ruler of Azure Dragon star domain, the two-star ruler!

Azure Dragon star field is also the most powerful star field in the Dragon God star realm.

After a while.

The domain owners began to enter the Azure Dragon domain master’s Great Hall one after another.

Azure Dragon star domain master Wang Mu quickly got up to greet him.

Except for Wang Mu, the rest of the domain masters are all one-star masters. Except for the Hailou Star Region, the domain masters all gathered in the Azure Dragon domain master’s Great Hall.

“Lord King, what do you think about this time?”

Vermillion Bird star domain master Luo Tiancai asked Wang Mu.

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