Spirit Plant: I have an entry panel

Chapter 378 377 Dragon and tiger fight, draw the galaxy

"It doesn't matter whether it's a coincidence or not, the matter is over, let's catch him first, give him a good beating and then we'll know the whole story!"

Qiu Shen Lingshou was tired of the discussion.

No matter how powerful the treasure is, it is still a treasure. Even if it is at the level of Qianxing Dou Mu Net, it needs someone to control it in order to exert its maximum power.

It's just that no one in the lower world can gain her approval.

Having said that, His method may be one of the most effective methods.

The key to cutting through the mess quickly is to be quick!

"Dao Jin, you haven't made a move for a long time... Today I will allow you to go and make a lot of noise, and Xing Ke will catch you." Ling Shou ordered directly.

"Okay!" Dao Jin seemed to be waiting for Qiu Shen's words.

After he glanced at Xing Ke, who had an indifferent expression, countless vines and branches suddenly grew on his body - they emitted a vague crystal purple light.

It looks like some strange mineral material.

Master Xing Ke curled his lips.

With this kind of amethyst spiritual plant growing out of his body, Rice Quinoa swaggered directly into the surging River of Zhouguang. The gray river tide and fog could not stop him in the slightest.

The light he dragged flowed with lines like dragon scales.

It stretches for thousands of feet.

It really looked like a giant dragon descending from the sky straight into the river.


Dao Qi's movements were as fast as a flash of purple light, peeling off the furs of the animals created by the method of making animals, and at the same time covering them with the amethyst extending from his body.

The movements were dexterous and precise, as if they had been done countless times and were already familiar by heart.

After those amethysts broke away from Dao Chen's body, they grew crazily, wrapping those creatures curled up in pain into a round ball.

It looks like an egg.

Their shells are crystal clear, and there are rice patterns in the shape of dragon scales on the surface, but water can be seen inside.

I don't know what kind of spiritual liquid is inside the egg, but the creatures inside the "egg" stretch their limbs comfortably and fall into a deep sleep.


Those creatures that turned into eggs were patted by him casually, and were sent to the clamshell boat surrounded by his extremely cheerful roar and purple stream of light.

The Nascent Souls who had been waiting for a long time immediately acted as porters and carried all the eggs to the Mi Shen tree that had been taken out.

Rice Quinoa's amethyst can only temporarily put them into a deep sleep. To truly resolve the resentment caused by the secret method of making animals, a very troublesome purification formation is required.

Fortunately, Lingye Sect doesn't have many things but a lot of resources. There are also many formation masters here, so it's no problem to set one up on the spot.

These beings who were forcibly turned into animals may also know some inside stories, and they are special beings who can accept the secret method of turning into animals. It is not a loss to save them.


Rice quinoa was just moving among the gray river tides and groups of animals. In just a blink of an eye, it had killed thousands of animals.

His movements became faster and faster, and his expression became more and more excited, just like a wild horse running wild.

The expressions of the Yuanying cultivator and the real person Fansheng who were casting the spell were very subtle - the former was surprised, the latter was frowning.

"Nonsense, can the Amethyst Flower be used like this?"

Fansheng couldn't help but curse, but he had no choice but to lead the Nascent Souls to control the formation, using the white light as a magic sword to cut smooth paths for the rice and quinoa.

The white halo surrounding them ensured that he could quickly approach the creatures and would not be affected by the blood and resentment of the other party.

The cooperation of Lingye Sect monks has been trained to begin with. Even the top combat power in the lower world like Yuanying needs training and running-in.

Therefore, with their cooperation, Rice Quinoa was able to save those creatures faster and faster, and finally it even transformed into an amethyst dragon with flower branches and vines as its horns and rice flowers as its scales.

He was swimming freely in the River of Eternal Light, and it seemed that he was gaining the upper hand. Even the army of transformed animals could not stop him at all.

Just half a cup of tea.

Tens of thousands of animals have been rescued and thrown onto clamshell boats.

The beasts appeared far less quickly than he could handle.

If it continues, it will definitely end with a great victory for Rice Quinoa.

But the two Avatar Gods and the Qiu God knew clearly that he was approaching his limit.

Although the seventh-level spiritual plant, the Amethyst Flower, can give the parasitic person unparalleled combat power and immunity to most special environments, the price is that it will take root deeper and deeper.

The higher its degree of integration, the stronger its combat power will be, but if it is fully occupied... it will completely lose itself and become its puppet.

It is not an easy matter to be so wantonly in the River of Eternal Light. Even the power of the Amethyst Flower will be consumed very quickly. It can be said that... Dao Qiu is risking his life.

It's really ridiculous for an avatar to fight for his life against a group of soldiers like this.

It's so ridiculous that even Xing Ke can't stand it anymore.

"Are you going to take action?" Master Xing Ke couldn't help but ask.

At this time, the real person already has a chain made of starlight in his hand. The power of starlight shines on all the heavens and all realms, so it can naturally take effect in the River of Eternal Light.

As long as Qiu Shenpu gives an order, Dao Jin, who has been playing crazy, can be caught on the spot.

"Wait a little longer, I think he's not at his limit yet." Qiu Shen shook his head and said, "It's rare that he can play so happily. If we don't let him have fun, I'm afraid he will be nagging for hundreds of years."

There was a doting smile on this god's face.

Only then did Master Xingke remember that Daojin, who had been staying in Fudao Cave for hundreds of years, had a pretty good relationship with Qiu Shen. After all, autumn is the harvest season, and Fudao Cave is also under the control of the God of Autumn in a sense.

‘I really love my disciple so much, I don’t know how much treasure it will cost to rescue him. ’ Master Xingke slandered.

He had obviously forgotten that he truly loved his disciples to no end.

If it continues like this, it is estimated that the result will be that Master Daojun will form an army by himself and wipe out the entire livestock army.

However, the person behind them obviously wouldn’t let them do this——


An angry cow cry came from the Zhouguang River.

Immediately afterwards, countless shining rings suddenly shot towards the clamshell ship from all directions. This ordinary attack carried extremely strong pressure.

If it was really hit by these rings, the poor clam shell boat would definitely be broken on the spot, and the group of people would fall directly into the river.

But Master Xingke and Qiu Shen were very calm.

The former even bothered to touch his chin and said strangely:

"That's weird, why didn't he beat up Daojin?"

Qiu Shen resisted the urge to roll his eyes, "Do you really want him to beat your junior brother? If it is really broken, how are you going to ask Chunhui?"

His voice was filled with amusement.

You must know that the existence parasitized by the Amethyst Flower will indeed not die, but will only be broken into thousands of pieces. If it is put together in time, it can still survive, but trying to put it together... is very difficult.

During the process of assembling, it is not only necessary to straighten out all the meridians, but also to ensure that the position of the fragments cannot be wrong. Only Master Chunhui in the entire Lingye Sect has this ability.

"Uh... forget it then."

Master Xingke thought about the furious Master Chunhui, and instantly felt something bad. In order to avoid this happening, he took a decisive step forward.

There is a lotus bud made of stars in the hand.

He took the flower bud in his hand and flicked it forward.


It wasn't very harsh, but it was a tearing sound that caught everyone's attention.

It was like a crack unfolding from the void, with the light of stars spreading out from it, stretching out like a ribbon of light, and the azure light was like a galaxy stretching across the sky.

The menacing ring was swallowed up by the galaxy, which remained calm without even the slightest ripple.

This is the "Galaxy Drawing" method inherited from the Xing Ke lineage. It is actually an extremely advanced space technique that can engulf all magical powers and banish them into the world called the Star Boundary.

If there is not enough understanding of the laws of space, this magical power is almost unsolvable - Master Xingke's magic is just an introduction, and it is the star world that powers the magical power. Before the magic is cracked, it is an endless perpetual motion machine. .

However, those who came seemed to be well prepared.


A huge tiger roar resounded throughout the world. When this sound was heard, abnormal ripples appeared in the space and the River of Eternal Light, as if it was about to break.

"Tiger Roar?"

Master Xingke's face changed slightly. He was very sure that the tiger's roar was aimed at the technique of drawing the galaxy, so he quickly traced his fingers over the lotus, and an imprint of a willow branch appeared on the lotus.

A willow branch also appeared in the galaxy at the same time.

It was gentle and graceful, spinning around the galaxy, looking like a dancer with a graceful figure and a soft waist. With a gentle dance, it instantly smoothed out the turmoil in the space.

But that's not all.

You come and go, I try to do whatever I want.

A colorful giant tiger suddenly jumped out from the unknown void. It had a proud posture, an extremely huge body, and an eternal spark burning on its tail, and it headed directly towards the amethyst dragon.

A dragon and a tiger fought directly together.

In the blink of an eye, the sound of dragons roaring and tigers roaring could be heard.

The giant dragon transformed by Master Huashen was naturally very strong, but the colorful giant tiger that suddenly ran out was not a weakling. Tiger hair and dragon scales instantly flew all over the sky.

With this colorful giant tiger joining the battlefield, Daojun naturally has no way to continue to clean up the animal army.

As if they had found an opportunity, the number of beasts doubled in an instant, and they swarmed towards the clamshell boat like ants.

Qiu Shen frowned and said: "Hey, has the Tail Fire Tiger come out too? Xingke, what happened to your magic weapon?"

The words were still meant to be teasing.

As early as when they discovered that it might be Ox and Taurus, they considered whether other constellations would follow. After all, for weapon spirits, good and evil are not so clear-cut.

Even if Ox and Taurus fall, they are still their brothers. Relatively speaking, they will definitely help their brothers.

"Alas, I still didn't guard against this guy." Master Xing Ke was also helpless. Tiger Roar was originally a very wide-area space magical power, but its spiritual source, Taihuohu, was one of the twenty-four constellations.

Xingxiu, hearing this name, you know it must be related to the stars, and it has some kind of suppressive power over the stars and space.

It can be said to be a professional counterpart.

Otherwise, even if it were a monk who was about to become void, it would be absolutely impossible for him to casually crack the method of drawing the galaxy.

"Then what are you going to do?" Qiu Shen continued to ask: "Before coming, you should have considered this situation, right?"

"Yeah, but we still have to wait."


"Wait for the rabbit to come out." The old god Xingke is here.


Qiu Shen seemed to have thought of something. He took a deep look at Master Xingke and said nothing more.

The other side.

Since Song He knew nothing about the method of transforming animals, he had no choice but to seek help from the Four Seasons Treasure Light Tree again.

This tree did not disappoint Song He.

She immediately replied: "How to transform animals? I heard the old master talk about it."

"Is there any way to solve it?"

"Yes, actually the method is very simple..." Her tone was a little subtle: "As far as I know, these creatures will be starved for seven or forty-nine days after being clothed in animal skins.

To begin with, living beings have a very strong desire for food, let alone those who have lost their intelligence and are plagued by hunger.

If there is a sufficient amount of food that can purify resentment, their resentment should be removed, and at least a crack will appear. "

Song He frowned.

"You mean just let them eat it?"

This method is really a bit unexpected. If the Four Seasons Baoguangshu hadn't proposed it, I would never have thought of it.

Baoguangshu's voice hesitated: "This is what the old master told us in a casual conversation, and it seems to involve a very important magic weapon...

I don't know why, but I can't think of the whereabouts of that treasure, and my memory seems a little confusing. "

"Can't think of it? Just let go of your thoughts and I'll check it for you." Song He's expression immediately became serious.

This thing is really strange, there must be a reason.

It may even be directly related to the current situation. The method of creating animals with three cows can be postponed, and there must be no problem with the Four Seasons Baoguang Tree.

He had a hunch that the solution to the problem might be here.


Baoguangshu did not refuse. She opened her sea of ​​consciousness to the Song River, which was a gray-blue lake with countless radiant spheres settling and suspended in it.

Those spheres were her memories.

How many memories can a tree with a long life have?

It can be said that any memory in this alone can burst a mortal's mind and turn him into a fool.

It is not easy to find something wrong among such numerous memories. Fortunately, Song He has some opportunistic methods.

He controlled the world inside the Mi Shen Tree and projected wisps of moonlight into the sea of ​​consciousness of the Four Seasons Treasure Tree - this pure moonlight could reflect some abnormal places.

However, what was waiting for him was only the tip of a tail sliding silently under the moonlight.

The tip of the white tail just flashed playfully in front of Song He's eyes and then disappeared. (End of chapter)

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