Spirit Plant: I have an entry panel

Chapter 177 176 Fighting with the Living Plant and the Pure Glazed Bamboo

Chapter 177 176. Fighting against the Living Plant and the Pure Glazed Bamboo

"Just in time!"

When Senior Sister Jing Wei saw those dark spirits, her eyes suddenly glowed—the spiritual light was really bright.

Her figure suddenly soared into the air, without turning her head, she just said: "I have been holding in my anger for three years, but I am really unhappy, so leave these monsters to me!

You are not allowed to interfere, otherwise I will be angry! "

Zhao Yueyuan and Senior Sister Ye Ying both took a step back. Seeing this, Song He also took a step back.

He made it clear that he would never interfere.

He was very curious, as a core disciple of the Lingye Sect, what would his combat effectiveness be like?

He found a good seat to sit down, and took out some fruits he grew and shared them with the two senior brothers and sisters next to him.

The three of them were eating melon while watching Jing Wei's performance.

Not worried about anything happening at all.

Really lazy.

far away,

I saw one water ball after another floating around Senior Sister Jing Wei. Inside the crystal clear water ball... were one after another fish with jagged bodies and very cute looks.

Those fish have crystal clear spines one after another on their bodies.

Each one looks like a small halberd.

[Name]: Ice Spurfish·B

[Level]: Fourth-level low-grade

[Status]: Mature

①. Ice halberd is Wu·Yi (orange): This spiritual plant will transform into ice attribute and grow frozen halberd spines independently.

When this spiritual plant possesses spirituality, it will be able to launch attacks according to the monk's thoughts or independently.

Current Frozen Halberd Thorn Level: Golden Elixir Great Perfection.

‘Spirit Plant…Looking at the name of this entry, is it possible that there is Bingding underneath? ’ Song He squinted his eyes and looked at the fish floating in the bubbles.

He was very sure that there was no such thing in the jade slips that Master gave him, so it was probably Senior Sister Jing Wei who made it?

However, the appearance of these fish is only the beginning.

Next, countless spiritual insects that looked like bees appeared around Senior Sister Jing, but the stings of those spiritual bees were extremely bright... chrysanthemums.

Yes, it is a golden chrysanthemum.

But the chrysanthemum is not a real flower. Its petals are all curved with sharp thorns, and there seem to be wisps of fire shining on them.

[Name]: Fire chrysanthemum stinging bee

[Level]: Fourth-level low-grade

[Status]: Mature

①. Whirling thorns·Fire (orange): The petals of this spiritual plant will turn into whirling thorns with fire attributes. After being launched, the outer shell will explode, and the flower core inside will return and grow again.

When this spiritual plant possesses spirituality, it will be able to launch attacks according to the monk's thoughts or independently.

The current level of the Whirling Flower Fire Thorn is: Golden Elixir Great Perfection.

‘It’s another kind of living plant that I’ve never seen before. Tsk, isn’t the position of this chrysanthemum too strange? ’

Song He's emotion hadn't ended yet, and before he even had time to bite the melon in his hand, he saw a third kind of biological plant appearing behind Senior Sister Jing, or behind her head to be precise... It looked like a spider.

The huge flower disk is connected by spider silk. A huge flower spider with colorful surface lies quietly in the center of the spider silk web.

If you look carefully, you can see that the spider's legs are all connected to the spider web, as if a spider grew out of the spider web.

As soon as it appeared, it stretched out countless threads, which were densely packed, like a rain of threads falling from the sky, winding towards the monsters.

Soon a web of spider silk was formed, blocking the black ooze-like monster from outside.

The spider web... flashed with the light of thunder and lightning.

[Name]: Thunder Web Spider Silk Flower

[Level]: Fourth level top grade

[Status]: Mature

①. Spider Silk Thunder Web·A (Orange): When a spider-like spiritual beast enters spiritually, or the spiritual plant itself is born spiritually, it will change its flowers into the shape of a spider web, and its pollen will turn into silk threads .

The power of thunder and lightning will be attached to the silk thread.

The power will vary depending on the level of the entry and the level of the spiritual plant, as well as the power of lightning absorbed during the growth process.

Currently: the early stage of Nascent Soul.

Well, this is even more outrageous, it is directly at the early stage of Nascent Soul...

I saw three kinds of living beings growing powerfully behind the senior sister——

The ice halberds fell one after another, and exploded the moment they fell. Countless ice edges exploded with a "bang", each one creating a small ice wind tornado.

Combined with the petal-like golden red chrysanthemum thorns, it creates a taste of ice and fire.

As for the thunder and lightning spider web, it is a matter of checking and filling in the gaps.

Make sure no dark spirit can get through.

Senior Sister Jing Wei's powerful consciousness is like a radar, directing these three kinds of living things, and there seems to be magic power flowing around her, strengthening the ice halberds, fire thorns, etc. that are fired.

Just relying on two kinds of biological plants, they suppressed the tide-like Dark Spirit and other monsters. It was a wild bombing, and the suppressed opponent couldn't even get close to the thunder net.

However, she has a whole world to fight against!

In such a vast cave sky, how many dark spirits can be produced by the annihilation power of the moon inside?

Farther away, in the dark and deep world, in the earth and mountains where not even a shred of light can be seen, there are dark spirits struggling to get up one after another.

Come this way.

"What do you think, Junior Sister Jing, do you want to help you?" Zhao Yueyuan shouted loudly.

"No need!" Jing Wei didn't even look back.

With a wave of her hand, more than a dozen crystal clear glazed bamboos fell on the lichen leaves, and then grew fine roots and took root inside.

Those crystal bamboos are as thick as pillars, and there seems to be a strange shadow inside each bamboo joint.

The phantoms are lying or lying down, each with a happy and contented look, surrounded by the holy Buddha's light, and a halo suspended behind the head, which looks really strange.

...It's like chanting a sutra.

As soon as they appeared, the Buddha's shadow inside each bamboo joint shot out countless glazed lights, as if they were laser guns, shooting in all directions.

Each ray of light will penetrate at least dozens of dark spirits before they can stop, but the subsequent glazed beams will follow, almost continuously, and only a few bamboos can suppress the huge number of dark spirits unable to move forward. further.

Coupled with the living creatures around Senior Sister Jing, it is really like an impenetrable network of firepower...

"Oh." Senior Brother Zhao Yueyuan raised his eyebrows, "Isn't this a spiritual plant created by the teachers of Tianwen Hall and the monks of Chenhuan Temple?"

Ye Ying also opened her eyes and observed carefully.

"This is the first time I've seen it, little sister. It looks like it's made of Qijing Glazed Bamboo, but how is the virtual image of the Buddha's shadow placed inside?"

The two senior brothers and sisters were discussing over there. Song He had already seen the root of the bamboo through the panel——

[Name]: Guangjing Glazed Bamboo·Test

[Level]: Fifth level middle grade

[Status]: Mature

①. Glaze Pure Light·Killing (exclusive for Red·Light Pure Glazed Bamboo): During the growth process, this spiritual plant needs to absorb the Buddha's light refined by the Nascent Soul and above Buddhist cultivating sacrifices. It will be accumulated inside the bamboo and can be controlled and stimulated.

Emits the pure light of glass that is equivalent to the Buddhist cultivation in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Upgrading this entry requires "Liu Li Jingguang·Si Bu (orange)", "Liu Li Jingguang·Jiye (white)", "Liu Li Jingguang·Pudu (blue)".

After meeting the upgrade conditions, it will automatically be converted into the entry "This world's colored glaze shines (gold)".

②. Glazed Pure Body: This spiritual plant has been transformed into Glazed Pure Body, and its growth environment must be a chaotic place.


Senior Sister Jing, this is really a humanoid treasure trove. Can such a thing be produced?

Song He frowned, always feeling that this thing was a bit weird. The second entry was clearly called Liuli Pure Body, but it liked to grow in chaotic places.

What is a place of chaos?

Isn't that a world like this weird cave?

‘You have really seen the treasure of Buddhist cultivation. ’

While Song He was watching the show, oh no, watching Senior Sister Jing show off her power, she sent a message:

"Junior Sister! The Pure Glazed Bamboo requires an extremely large amount of spiritual energy. I'm here to support it, and I'll leave it to you and Senior Brother Zhao to make the formation!"

Who was it that just now swore that he didn’t need help?

Song He glanced at Senior Brother Zhao.

The latter has taken out one formation base after another from the storage magic weapon, and his spiritual consciousness is controlling several huge brushes.

I started writing and drawing on the lichen leaves.

His speed was extremely fast, and the place was not very big to begin with, so he was quickly covered with formation patterns.

Senior Sister Ye took out long tubes... yes, the kind of hollow tubes inside, and connected them to the capybara beasts buried in the black mud.

After the tube was connected, circular light shields appeared on the body of the capybara, covering it inside - its function seemed to be to guide spiritual energy.

When the formations and tubes come together, they unite.

Wisps of spiritual energy were connected to the pure glazed bamboo as if it had self-awareness, and the originally shiny and transparent bamboo suddenly became more holy.

The number of beams seems to have increased a lot.

Just relying on the pure light of these glass, the dark spirit was forced to retreat, without the help of the living creatures at all.

Senior sister Jing Wei also took back the living plants surrounding her and landed next to Song He.

She had just experienced a big battle and had expended so much spiritual energy. She was not tired at all. Instead, she was full of energy and smiled:

"With the supply of spiritual energy, the range of this pure glazed bamboo can cover thousands of miles. Even if we push forward, we will have support."

"Ten thousand miles?" Song He clicked his tongue, feeling that if this thing were placed in mid-air, wouldn't it be a discordant space-based weapon?

As soon as this thought came up, he suddenly had an idea. He looked at the dark sky and said:

"Senior sister...junior brother has an idea. Can you see if it's feasible?"

He smiled happily when he said this.

Apparently he remembered something happy.

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