Spirit Plant: I have an entry panel

Chapter 166 165 Dongtian as a plaything

Chapter 166 165. Dongtian as a plaything

Earlier, inside the Divine Leaf Cave.

Several Nascent Soul Masters sat together.

Masters Kang, Ye, and several masters from Tianwentang and Yingxingtang were all prominently listed.

His face couldn't be described as heavy at all.

I can only say it was very relaxing.

And what makes them so relaxed is precisely the object among them.

The bright golden prism held a black ball. The inside of the ball was dark, and layers of dark clouds enveloped the world below.

Mountains, rivers, sea, land and lakes.

The thick black liquid seemed to be alive.

Full of unspeakable yin and resentment.

"The concentration of Taiyin's annihilation power inside is too high, and Master Nephew Song's Dawn Luminous Power is not as good as it." Seeing that these guys were silent, Kang Zhenren could only speak first.

Along with his voice.

A picture appeared above the black ball. It was a few morning luxuriant plants taking root in the black earth, but they were teetering on the edge, and the blackness spread to the clear and bright flowers.

Black is about to overwhelm the light.

Obviously he can't hold on for much longer.

However, the morning lumen exudes a lot of spiritual energy... It's like draining its life and potential of its last spiritual energy.

"The level is insufficient, and this spiritual plant has no spirituality. It cannot actively cooperate with the formation we have arranged. It only knows how to eat and drink." Another black-robed master agreed.

"But it cannot be denied that it is indeed useful. If the Taiyin Annihilation Power in this world is measured by spiritual veins, there are dozens of mysterious spiritual veins."

"It would be a shame to lose it."

Nascent Soul, the only female present, sighed and said, "But if we spend so much time, it seems unnecessary."

"How to advance spiritual plants has always been a problem we have to study. Fortunately, the cultivator of this thing happens to be within the sect."

Ye Zhenren looked around and suggested: "There is a cave on the left and right. How about letting a few of these juniors give it a try?"

"Who?" Another Nascent Soul asked curiously: "Senior Sister Ye, who do you belong to?"

"Master Nephew Jing, Master Zhao, Master Nephew Song and Master Nephew Ye."

These nephews are actually the current core disciples of the sect, Jing Wei, Zhao Yueyuan, Song He and Ye Ying.

Although Song He has not explicitly accepted the trial, based on his current achievements, he has long been recorded in the sect's golden book and jade book.

Registered with Mr. Fusheng.

"...Is Master Ye also in the sect?"

"Of course, Little Ye Zi just came back from outside, so she can also participate... Hey, this is my selfishness, senior sister." Ye Zhenren made no secret of his partiality.

"That's fine." A young Nascent Soul nodded.

"Yes." The other person also nodded.

"It's just a cave, let the children play with it."

Several Nascent Soul Masters nodded.

One of them also volunteered: "I will enter with my spiritual consciousness and record the internal situation for the nephews, which will save them from investigating.

It's best to come up with a plan for discussion! "

In a few words, the fate of a cave was decided by several Nascent Soul Masters.

This is not surprising either.

In the tens of thousands of years since the Lingye Sect's predecessor entered this world, it has acquired many caves, and many of them have been contaminated by various reasons.

Some caves are too polluted. Although they can be purified, it is extremely difficult to turn them into treasure places that can support humans to survive and plant spiritual objects.

Simply put...it's not worth it.

Therefore, many caves can only be sealed.

There are many, so naturally I don’t care much.

On the other side, inside the Mi Shen Tree.

Inside the mushroom forest.

Kang Jue and Ye Rong, two siblings, took the rabbits that had obviously developed intelligence and cooked a pot of... mushroom soup.

The main material inside is naturally fire-warming fungus.

But other materials...

Chen Yao said nothing, watching Kang Jue sitting on the lotus platform, holding a spoon bigger than herself in her hand, bending over and humming a tune while stirring the pot of red soup.

The hot steam that came out of the soup was enough to steam a mortal. When it got close to Kang Jue, it immediately separated, and even the lotus platform could not be approached.

Ye Rong on the side took out one material after another from his small bag embroidered with carp and lotus flowers from time to time.

The Geng gold knife that he had used to pick candies was used as a tool for processing materials. The knife flashed and the coordination with his sister was flawless.

After following Song He for a long time, Chen Yao was able to distinguish some spiritual materials, which seemed to contain the whiskers of Jiuqu Lingshen, dried fruits made of crimson vermilion fruits, dream-returning grass, Jiuguangzhi...

There are more than a dozen kinds of spiritual materials in bits and pieces.

‘Aren’t these all spiritual materials that replenish vitality? So much... Even if a Nascent Soul is depleted of energy and blood, drinking a bowl can replenish a lot of spiritual energy, right? ’

She was murmuring in her heart.

There's no denying that these are good things.

Moreover, the timing and amount of investment by these two children are very methodical.

But no matter how good something is, you can’t overdose on it, right?

The young patriarch didn't understand, and the young patriarch was shocked.

She didn't know it, but Song He outside also looked confused - who likes to drink medicine!

No matter how delicious the spiritual materials are, if so many are mixed together, they will turn into medicinal soup, right?

He, Song, is in very good health.

There is absolutely no need to drink medicine to replenish vitality.

‘If it doesn’t work out, I’ll have to accept it on my behalf. ’

Someone glanced very vaguely at the juniors sitting around him, who were his cousins, and decided that it would be better to die as a fellow Taoist rather than as a poor Taoist.

Anyway, he has felt that the spiritual energy inside has been transformed into something that is too explosive for ordinary monks. Even if these minor Qi refining cultivators drink it, the spiritual energy will not explode and die.

At most...it lasts for a few hundred days.

Several juniors trembled.

Inexplicably, the surroundings suddenly felt cold for a moment.

He shrank back and muttered to himself: It's not cold here either. There are flowers like spring all year round. How could it be cold?

Half an hour later.

The soup was finally cooked, and the two junior brothers and junior sisters happily walked out of the Mishen Tree carrying the pots.

The big pot goes directly to the inside of the yard.

The abundant spiritual energy and an indescribable fragrance inside overflowed and penetrated straight into people's noses.

"Brother Song!"

Ye Rong has already filled a bowl of soup for Song He. There are fire-warming fungi and a bunch of spiritual materials in it. It looks pretty good.

And the scent is really nice too.

"Thank you~" Song He said with a smile, "Can you please help me with one more thing?"

As soon as Ye Rong heard that he was helping Song He, before Ye Rong had time to answer, Kang Jue next to him squeezed over and hugged Song He's thigh.

He raised his head and said with bright eyes:

"I'll come, I'll come! Brother, what do you want to help me with?"

"Haha." Song He rubbed her head, then touched Ye Rong next to her who was overtaken by her sister, and said with a smile, "I'll also serve a bowl for my brother's younger siblings and uncle."

"Oh!" Kang Jue nodded immediately, then took his younger brother, and the two excitedly started to scoop up the red mushroom soup, and then distributed it to the others one by one.

Not to mention what it was like for those people to enjoy the meal served by the real son of Nascent Soul and the fungus soup served in jade bowls worth tens of thousands of spiritual stones.

Song He had already closed his nose and took a sip.


It wasn't as bitter as he imagined.

On the contrary, it is full of strange fragrance and extremely delicious. The fire-warming mushrooms are cut into small and medium-sized pieces. When you drink it in one sip, it really feels like flames are flowing in your throat.

Slippery and tasty.

The different flavors of other spiritual materials are mixed with the aroma of these fire-warming fungi. They are not obtrusive at all, but complement each other.

Dozens of strange flavors echoed in the mouth.

That wonderful feeling...it's like being ecstatic, not to mention the abundant spiritual energy inside, which will be an excellent experience for any monk.

"It smells so good!" Song He couldn't help but praise.

The Kang Jue siblings on the side immediately puffed up their chests proudly.

"Brother, I have been learning this for a long time, and I even stole my mother's recipe."

"Me too, brother, I learned this method of processing materials from my aunt. She even scolded me several times."

The two took credit like this.

That look really made Song He couldn't help laughing.

Tang Nuan, these two children made him feel quite warm.

It’s really not easy to study specifically just to cook a meal, and it obviously takes a lot of effort.

He was about to give a few compliments, but suddenly he felt two familiar breaths and an unfamiliar breath outside the cave.

The familiar ones seemed to be Senior Sister Ye and Senior Sister Jing.

If you are not familiar with it...then you are not familiar with it.

"Eh..." Song He squinted his eyes, thinking that there must be some big deal with these people coming together, so he simply opened the formation.

They were allowed to be brought in by Jiuxie who was waiting at the door.

"Did any of my brother's friends come?"

Kang Jue asked curiously.

"Not just my brother's friends, but also your brothers and sisters." Song He couldn't help but reached out and touched her head.

The latter nodded obediently and said nothing.

Just open your eyes and look at the sky.

Within a few breaths, three rays of light came together and then landed together - two of them were Senior Sister Ye Ying and Senior Sister Jing Wei whom they had just met some time ago and had not seen for a long time.

As for the last one... he is a tall young man. His face still has a childish look that has not faded, but his eyes are blue.

As pure as the sky.

[Name]: empty eye fruit

[Level]: fifth-level low-grade

[Status]: Fully mature

①. Kongmu Kanwu (exclusive for red and empty-eye fruit): The fruit grown by this spiritual plant can be used as eyes. Those who use this object will have a pair of "heavens" that can see through evil spirits and cannot be blocked by all fog. Eyes".

The current upper limit is broken: the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Improving the level of the entry can increase its effectiveness.

'Empty Eye Fruit... This should be Zhao Yueyuan among the core disciples. Legend has it that he got this thing in the Shenyuan Cave. ’

Song He recognized him instantly.

Then he hurriedly stepped forward to greet him, but he was curious in his heart.

What is going on?

Three core disciples are here?

Thanks to "Book Friends 20230119205146044", "Come in and take a look", "Book Friends 20230521214958545", "Book Friends 20210301105360679292", "My Neighbor Totoro Bus Driver", "ZX19950804", "Shigure Qianyi", "Can't afford it", "The wind blows in the sky, Nanning East and West", "The old dream of Fanshang is full of frost", "Live up to the good times_CB", "Lucky廾匸", "Book Friends 20230316080436143", "Nothing is said", "Storm Amber", " Thank you very much for your monthly votes and recommendation votes from the big guys at "Fantasy Star Night" and "Fenglanyuan"!

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