Spirit Plant: I have an entry panel

Chapter 124 123 Breeding Silkworms and Carrying Babies

Chapter 124 123. Breeding Silkworms and Carrying Babies

"Don't show such an expression. Just rest assured. Your uncles will definitely help you control that consciousness as soon as possible."

The senior brother saw Song He's scruples at a glance. He patted Song He's shoulder affectionately. With this action, a consciousness came quietly -

"Junior brother, Ye Zhenren has something to ask of you. Regarding the heart jade bud that day, you know..."

In just a moment, senior brother explained everything about Tianxin Yuya clearly, just like reading a detailed explanation.

Song He had actually known about it for a long time, and he had even checked the status of Lingzhi through the panel——

[Name]: Tianxin Yuya


[Status]: Seedling, growing (10%)

①. Tianxin Casts Young Wisdom·Linghui Enlightens Magical Powers (Red): This spiritual plant has special laws inside. When a creature in its infancy swallows this spiritual plant, its understanding will be slightly increased and its foundation will be cleansed.

And there is a very small probability of comprehending 1 to 3 special magical powers.

Upgrading entries can increase the amplitude and probability.

There is no doubt that the earlier a monk builds his foundation, the higher his future achievements will be - at least in most cases this is the case.

It happened that Master Ye and his wife were pregnant with twins, so it was normal for them to be concerned about this thing. If Song He was greedy, he could even use this thing to wait for a price and sell it at a high price.

Of course...then my impression in the other person's mind will be extremely bad.

While he was thinking, Master Ye showed a slightly embarrassed expression on his face and said:

"Master Nephew Song, there is a spiritual plant called Tianxin Jade Ya in your sacred tree, but my uncle has the audacity to beg for one!"

"Uncle Master, these words really offended me!"

Song He immediately said righteously: "Uncle Master is willing to lend me the immortal weapon because he already has a big stake in it, so how can he be so shameless?

When the jade bud of Tianxin matures, my nephew will definitely offer it to me with both hands! "

This is indeed beautifully said.

In an instant, the eyes of Ye Zhenren and his wife when they looked at Song He became softer and kinder. Just as Song He said, the sect entrusted the immortal artifacts to the couple for safekeeping and they could use them at will.

But after all, it is the property of the sect, and it is a "private matter" that consumes the source. Naturally, they have to bear the responsibility for any consumption - the treasure is given to you, you can't recharge it and let the sect do it, right?

The senior brother was also very satisfied with Song He's answer.

The sect provides benefits, and the disciples repay the sect.

help each other.

This is how Lingye Sect has been passed down to this day.

Master Ye said gently: "My nephew is so lovable when he talks. No wonder little Ye Zi speaks highly of you. My husband has this novel gadget..."

As she said that, she glanced at her Taoist companion.

The latter immediately took out a strange magic weapon from somewhere and put it on the ground.

The magic weapon looks like a beehive, but what comes out of it is not a spiritual bee, but...


Although those bugs are white and fat and look like silkworm babies, they don't have the intimidating and terrifying image of some bugs, and they are even a little cute.

However, there were too many of them - hundreds of them came out of the small nest, and Song He was still a little numb when he saw them.

The bugs lined up after leaving the nest. Although they were just bugs, they felt inexplicably like a military order.

Quite peculiar.

Kang Zhenren, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke:

"This is the latest insect trained by Ying Xingtang. They will look for spiritual plants that lack spiritual energy and feed them with spiritual crystals bred by absorbing spiritual energy.

Even though they are inconspicuous, they are truly third-order spiritual insects. Their predecessors were the famous spiritual silkworms. "

Well... this involves Song He's knowledge blind spot. There is indeed a vast amount of knowledge in his inherited classics, and naturally there are spiritual insects.

But I don’t have time to watch it!

It’s too late to read other things, so how can I have time to read the introduction of spiritual insects?

"Just watch it!"

Seeing his confused look, Kang Zhenren shook his head helplessly, casually took out a piece of... the best spiritual stone and threw it into the pile of spiritual silkworms.

Those white and tender silkworms saw the Lingshi's eyes glowing - the small eyes as big as sesame seeds were shining directly, and then they squirmed around them one after another.


It was obviously eating the spirit stone, but it made a sound like silkworms eating mulberry leaves. A spirit stone was not big to begin with, and it was surrounded by so many silkworms. Naturally, it was eaten in the blink of an eye. Clean and tidy.

The bodies of the soul-nurturing silkworms lit up like this.

The chubby body is like some kind of electric light tube, all from the head down, shining with the shimmering blue light of water spirit stone.

He is truly worthy of being a Nascent Soul cultivator. He even takes the best spiritual stone for an experiment...

Song He and his senior brother watched with great interest, watching the squirming soul-nurturing silkworms, and soon found a spiritual plant taken out by Zhenren Ye nearby, and then went up to it——


A spiritual silkworm spit out a blue crystal thread from its mouthparts and plunged directly into the stem of the spiritual plant.

The blue crystal thread is obviously conveying spiritual power.

You can clearly see that the blue light on its body is fading away, and instead of it, the wilting spiritual plant seems to have been injected with chicken blood, and it is visible to the naked eye that it is full of energy.

"It's so magical." Song He praised.

"It's indeed magical." The senior brother also nodded.

Although the spiritual fields have been adjusted by the earth's veins, now that there are more spiritual plants, there will be some unlucky guys who cannot absorb enough spiritual energy in time.

It would be great to have these spiritual silkworms to check for leaks and fill in the gaps...

"Wait a minute, Uncle Master, can these spiritual silkworms only move like this? Is that too slow?" Song He suddenly thought of his blind spot.

As soon as he asked the question, Kang Zhenren smiled and pointed at the silkworm: "Look!"

Then, Song He saw the silkworm spit out a tough silk thread from its mouth, directly connected to the stone wall on the side, and then flew over with a "whoosh".

Sticking firmly to the stone wall.

It swung back and forth on a silk thread, and finally landed firmly in the pile of silkworms.

Song He: "..."

The silkworms flying over the walls give such a strong sense of déjà vu!

"The junior brothers of Ying Xingtang just like to bring out some strange spiritual beasts. Last time I remember they made a flying turtle, and this time they made silkworms that can't spin cocoons..."

Ye Zhenren shook his head and said: "It's really weird."

"Weird things also have their uses, Master Nephew Song, these soul-nurturing silkworms are given to you. If you don't understand anything, you can come to me at Wangxue Peak."

Song He shook his head.

"Uncle Master accepts his kindness, but he has already received a lot of benefits from him. This spiritual silkworm is really too ashamed to accept it!"

He really wanted it, but he couldn't act too greedy. He had already received a lot of benefits.

"Just keep it as you are told. It's just a bunch of spiritual silkworms. There's no point in squirming around." Kang Zhenren picked up the nest, put it into a ring and stuffed it forcefully.

He also used his eyes to signal He Song not to refuse.

Seeing the situation, Song He couldn't refuse anymore and could only say thank you.

"Thank you, uncle, for the gift!"

"You're too polite. It's nothing like your master." Kang Zhen said.

Speaking of Master, Song He could only smile.

Fortunately, Master Ye suddenly said in time:

"Have you forgotten that today is my children's 100-day banquet? Alas, then Junior Brother Miao... sooner or later I will have to give him a good beating to relieve his anger!"

His face was full of anger and dissatisfaction.

When he mentioned this, Song He suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

The people of Zhenren Yuanying all left because of the incident caused by Zhenren Miao, and the originally lively Hundred Days Banquet became so deserted.

It sounds like he has some responsibility.

"Let's go, the food is ready, don't let it go to waste!" Kang Zhenren said, leading the two of them outside.

As a result, as soon as they left the pavilion, the four of them saw a purple shadow flashing in front of them, followed by a crane flapping its wings hard.

He kept shouting: "Little master! Don't fly again! Little master!"

The voice was very old, and Song He instantly imagined the scene of two dandy boys galloping in front of them, with the loyal old slave behind them following with all their might.

The monks' eyesight is naturally excellent.

You can clearly see two pink and jade dolls sitting on the lotus platform. The boy is holding on to the girl's clothes tightly, his eyes are shining, while the girl is sitting in front, flying on the lotus platform.

That little face was actually filled with a happy and proud look.

Liantai suddenly reached the speed of a flying sword and ran around in the plum forest.

Four people: "..."

Hmm...so energetic.

"Ahem, my nephew remembers that it takes quite a lot of mana to control this lotus platform. How do my junior brothers and sisters keep flying like this?" Song He changed his attention and asked curiously.

Hearing this, Ye Zhenren glanced at his Taoist monk, and then explained in a friendly manner: "My husband has not yet made two long-life locks for them, which are filled with the magic power of my husband and I's hundreds of years of hard work, which can make them Take as you will.”

The magic power of two Nascent Souls who have practiced hard for hundreds of years?

No wonder he could race like this, he finally understood.


While several people were talking, the lotus platform suddenly flew over quickly, and the girl jumped up from the lotus platform.

The small body rushed towards Song He.

Her actions almost frightened several people present. Master Ye and Master Kang frowned and cast spells. The poor old crane even landed on the ground and covered its eyes with its wings.

It seemed that he couldn't bear to look at it anymore.


Song He was so frightened that the flow of mana stopped for a breath, and he quickly stepped forward to catch her steadily. The latter hugged Song He with his chubby arms contentedly, then tilted his head and fell asleep directly. past.

"..." Song He didn't dare to move, his body was stiff, for fear of disturbing the little ancestor's sleep.

Ye Zhenren and his wife took back their magic power and smiled happily. Especially when they saw their son looking dazed on the lotus platform, they couldn't help laughing.

"Master Nephew Song, since Dabao likes to be held by you, I will trouble you to hold him for a while!" Ye Zhenren stepped forward and hugged his sluggish son, his tone was gentler than before.

"No worries, no worries!"

Song He, who had never held a child before, felt really uncomfortable all over, but he had to imitate some movies he had seen before and support his little junior sister with his hands to make her sleep more comfortably.

The senior brother and the two real people watched Song He adjust his hug posture. The former couldn't help laughing, while the latter's eyes became softer.

He was treated completely like a nephew.

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