Spirit Plant: I have an entry panel

Chapter 112 111 The Realm of the Five Elements Cave and Heaven

Chapter 112 111. The Five Elements Cave Heaven Realm

"...Fellow Taoist, I didn't mean to hide it!"

The strong monk who was shocked by Song He's voice spread his hands and said helplessly: "I didn't intentionally hide it, nor did I deliberately suppress the evil spirit. It's just the effect of the magic weapon."

Well...actually what he said is right.

Because even the body of Song He's soul could feel that something was wrong, it was indeed not hidden deliberately.

But how could he say that he didn't notice it?

It will definitely not be easy for a tiger demon who can transform into a magic weapon during the foundation building stage and possess such intelligence...

Hey, wait.

Song He calmly used magic power to "touch" a certain bulge on the glasses, and the effect of the magic weapon was immediately maximized.

Then he saw... the muscular monk had extra ears and a tail on his ears and behind his back - those were obviously the characteristics of a tiger, and the magic power in his body was not all demonic energy, but the spiritual power and demonic energy of human cultivation. mix.

‘Oh my god, it’s so annoying. ’

This scene really shocked Song He.

The cat lady herself often sees that Chen Key is forced to transform due to the infusion of magic power, so sometimes he will unconsciously show some evil-proofing characteristics.

Don't say it, really don't say it.

Jiuxie's rather cold tail, ears and horns, coupled with Chen Yao's slightly soft facial features, are really harmonious and beautiful.

But Cat Man...well.

He couldn't help but rub his eyes again.

After thinking wildly for a moment, Song He looked at the half-demon who was still kneeling on the ground, and narrowed his eyes, "Fellow Taoist, the physical healing of the human race and the demon race are completely incomparable, especially the physical body of the half-demon."

What he meant was clear.

To be honest, he was worried that he would throw away customers just after he opened his business. In addition, he was still playing the role of a "spiritual planter". He couldn't even solve the problem of spiritual planters, which was really a loss of status.

If it weren't for this concern, he would have kicked the other party out long ago - but then again, there is a big difference between retreating and being kicked out.

He just hinted to the other party to leave quickly.

But I don't know if the half-demon didn't understand or didn't care at all. The anxious and pleading look on his face did not fade away, and he took out something from a storage bag hanging on his waist.

His words became more sincere and he begged:

"I understand, senior... I hope you can deign to look at my brother's injuries. I have a spiritual seed here, which I got from the depths of the Eternal Darkness Abyss!"

As he said this, he opened the jade box covered with talismans.

Song He didn't think so at first.

Spirit seed?

The Lingye Sect has dominated the Lingzhi sect for thousands of years, and their footprints are found throughout the world of immortality. If there are any unknown spiritual species, they should have been discovered in some hidden cave.

He looked at the box nonchalantly. Inside the box was a...

No, it should be said to be a bone.

The bones had a gray-white texture, as if they had been weathered for a long time and only needed the slightest touch.

'Huh. ’

Song He was surprised and looked carefully.

I saw countless squirming blood-colored threads on the surface of the bone, which was at most the size of the little finger phalanx. They were so densely packed that the patient was afraid that he would die on the spot if he saw them.

This strange spiritual plant is filled with a blood color that makes people feel very uncomfortable.

He did not check the information displayed on the panel immediately, but chose to judge it through his own experience - because the bacterial body was unable to perform some unique identification techniques, he could only use his eyes and spiritual consciousness to see it.

After observing for a moment, he checked the panel.

[Name]: The fruit (seed) of the Blood Bone

[Level]: Fourth-level low-grade

[Status]: Fruit/Seed

①. Blood turns into bones (purple): This spiritual plant needs to be watered with essence and blood during its growth. When the essence and blood are enough, it will sprout quickly and grow into a complete spiritual plant, and it will grow completely with the essence and blood provider. Same fruit.

This fruit will continue to grow with the increase of time and spiritual power supply, and eventually grow into a blood-shell body with the same skeletal structure as the meridians of the essence and blood provider.

The blood shell body can hold the soul.


Fourth level?

Am I so lucky?

Song He was blinded by the fourth level, and the function of this spiritual plant...accommodating the soul? Blood shell body?

Somehow, Song He immediately thought of his current bacterial body, and then thought of the spiritual plant that he had not yet believed in, which could help monks transform their dantian.

The sense of déjà vu is so strong.

The main body, who was far away in the sect, immediately took out the inheritance jade slip and searched directly in the Jade Slips for Spiritual Plants - but actually no such spiritual plant was found!

Although this inheritance jade slip cannot be said to contain 100% descriptions and illustrations of all spiritual plants, such trees cannot be found in it.

That means...

'The uncollected spiritual plant... It's still a fourth-level uncollected one. It seems that I have to ask this guy about his brother's situation. ’

Narrowing his eyes, Song He had already made a decision.

"This spiritual species should be related to the flesh and blood body...but it is indeed rare. Fellow Taoist, please bring your brother."

The half-demon was immediately ecstatic.

"Senior! Please wait a moment, I'll go right away!"

He stood up quickly, put the box on the table in front of Song He, and then ran out directly. He was so fast that he disappeared within the scope of Song He's consciousness.

Song He slowly put away the seeds.

The next activation of the sect's teleportation circle will be in two days. It can only be left in hand for two days, and then it can be asked to ward off evil spirits and bring the Mi Shen tree back, and by the way, it has changed shifts.

I thought I wouldn't have to wait long.

The result was: Song He waited from day to night without seeing him come back. During this period, he made several deals - the sword cultivator brother was very helpful and really helped him spread the word.

It was getting darker and darker.

The flowers and plants responsible for providing light sources inside the bamboo city began to close or turn to emit a slightly dim soft light.

In fact, those strange little flowers will not close easily as long as there is a supply of spiritual power. It's just that the senior brother specially reduced the supply of spiritual power and controlled it artificially.

In this way, dusk and night are naturally formed.

The more the place is inseparable from day to night, the more important this rotation of day and night is.

The bacteria body stood at the door of the store, looking at the stores that had started to pack up and close, and finally decided to stay in the store.

Anyway, the requirements for the bacteria are not high, so it doesn’t matter if you leave it open overnight.

By the way, wait for the half-demon.

Everything was collected, but he had no intention of abandoning it.

But somehow, he had a premonition... This guy probably wouldn't come.

At the same time, on the other side.

Senior Brother Lu is finally back!

This made Song He, who had been sitting in the same room with a Nascent Soul monk all afternoon, breathe a sigh of relief. Although the female cultivator in colorful palace clothes has been immersed in her own world, the huge gap in cultivation still makes Song He a little "frightened".

"Junior brother, please wait...I went to Tianwen Hall to test it with the help of Fu Sheng Tian Hui Ye's power. This thing does not have the ability to directly form spiritual roots."

Senior Brother Lu gave the answer directly: "Your situation is really special, and it may be related to the Mi Shen Tree and the power of the cave in your body."

"Senior brother, is there any harm?" Song He asked the question he cared about most: "Will this spiritual root affect my practice?"

"No." Senior Brother Lu shook his head and said, "Not only will it not affect you, your spiritual roots may still be able to grow."

growing up?

Song He showed a puzzled expression.

Senior Brother Lu didn't show off. He said slowly: "Although I don't know the reason, your spiritual root is made up of spiritual veins... Then, I guess it should be able to swallow the spiritual veins and grow."

He reached out and made a move, and a crystal clear crystal ball flew in front of Song He, with five spiritual veins clearly visible inside.

"You go back to the cave and try to see if you can absorb all these spiritual veins. I'll wait for you here."


Without hesitation, Song He directly summoned the portal through the cave core on his finger, and then entered the cave.

Thinking about his previous experience, he took out his spiritual veins, took out a drop of jade paste and held it with his magic power, while controlling the ring to mobilize the power of the cave.

One second, two seconds.

Waited quietly for a while.

Nothing happened.

There was no change in the jade-melting paste wrapped in his magic power. The power of the cave was also being mobilized, but the spiritual veins were motionless...

He felt like an idiot standing there.


After thinking about it carefully, Song He ran to the spiritual field where the five elements were fused, trying to recreate the scene of the conflict between the five elements.

After his arrangement.

The scene of spiritual conflict reappeared—exactly the same as the situation in the morning.

And the miracle happened at this moment.

The molten jade paste emitted five colors of light, and his magic power also shone with five colors of light.

The power of the cave automatically suppressed the spiritual veins into rivers, which surrounded Song He's body and began to flow towards his body.

But before Song He could be happy, he looked inside and discovered that the power of the spiritual veins did not seem to be going towards his spiritual roots, but towards the Mi Shen tree rooted in his Dantian!

The small tree firmly took root, its leaves shone under the light of Dantian's magic power, and five streams of water of different colors were directly injected into its body.

That's the time.

Song He saw an evolving state appear on its panel... At the same time, an entry was slowly taking shape——

[The Realm of the Five Elements Cave and Heaven (exclusive to Purple Mi Divine Tree): The internal space of this spiritual plant will get rid of a single attribute and become all five elements.

The prerequisite for upgrading this entry is to consume enough spiritual veins and cave power.

The current power of the Five Elements Spiritual Veins: 10.

Current upgrade required: 1000.

Current cave power: 5.

Current upgrade required: 100. 】

‘That’s weird…then what is my spiritual root? ’ Song He looked at another entry this time.

As a result, he discovered that the entry for "Spiritual Plant Symbiosis" had also changed, and there was an additional line at the bottom -

Complete the missing spiritual roots!

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