A raging fire light instantly illuminated the sky.

The Secret Technique of Requiem is currently Zhong Chen's only skill that uses divine points, and it is powerful enough to kill gods and immortals.

The fire shot straight into the sky and appeared in everyone's field of vision.

The power of destroying the world swept across all directions. Everyone looked in the same direction invariably. Even the human towns noticed the firelight shining directly at Xiaohan.


The lord of the nearby town heard the report from his subordinates, stood up, and looked at the mushroom cloud produced by the explosion above with somewhat frozen eyes.

"No, it’s not fireworks, it’s a cult in action."

Besides, a middle-aged man wearing a white top hat stood next to the lord. His aura seemed to be obscured by black mist, and his true appearance could not be seen. The origin of this man was mysterious, and even the lord did not know his last name.

He was not The subordinates of the lord, but the eagle-dogs affiliated with the Divine Word Religion.

The middle-aged man’s name is Joseph, but his name is not important.

What is important is that his son is a reincarnation.

In an accident, the elf The tribe used despicable means to snatch away his son, massacred his family, and destroyed everything about him with a fire.

Needless to say, he was sad.

From then on, he remained anonymous, worked for Pope Dustin, and thoroughly investigated a large number of children. The source of the abduction incident.

The truth is not far away from him.......


The lord's face was solemn.

Even though the Goddess Cult and the Divine Word Cult are mortal enemies who hate each other, most of the various human wars revolve around these two major religions.

But neither religion has ever claimed that the other is a cult.

In fact, there is a third largest religion in this world.

It is the spiritual religion that the elves believe in.

No matter how the Goddess Cult and the Divine Word Cult fight to the death, they all have one major consensus. Both major religions treat the Divine God Cult as a cult!

The exclusivity of religion is inherent, but no religion is as hopelessly crazy as the Religion of God.

They can do anything to achieve their goals.

The sound of swallowing was clearly audible, and the lord wiped the sweat from his forehead. Little did he know that those lunatics were actually causing trouble in his city-state.

This place can't stand the gods coming down to earth, so he just wants these cults to finish their work quickly and leave this place.

"This matter is serious and has been reported to the Pope."

Joseph, who was hiding in the black mist, said calmly.

"That...Will the Pope send someone?"

"No, no need."

Joseph waved his hand.

"Although these cultists are very strong, the opponents they face are not weak either."

"I'm sure the magic like that just now is not the magic of a cultist. Such a powerful and destructive fire magic did not cause a mountain fire, which shows that the other party's magic control ability is very powerful. Maybe he can fight with the cultist."

"As for you, you should still be on guard in the city, implement a curfew, control access, and avoid riots in the city. The church will take care of the rest."

The reason why Joseph is sure that this magic is not cast by a cultist is because the magic is obviously powerful, but it unexpectedly has the effect of requiem. To put it simply, killing people will not cause any pain and can comfort the souls of the dead..

Such skills can never be displayed by cultists who have no respect for life.

The lord hesitated slightly,"This...In fact, I also have a responsibility. How about letting the soldiers in the city help each other and do some small things?"

"it's useless."

The man in the black mist just shook his head lightly,"You staying in the city will be the greatest help."

He is telling the truth.

In a battle of this level, ordinary combat power is just a number.

The Pope received the news that the appearance of the Divine Spirit Religion this time is for the saint of the Divine Religion. The saint is extremely important to each sect. It is important.

She is a symbol, a belief.

Or an excuse.

As long as the saint's sword points, believers will fearlessly flatten any city and slaughter all creatures in sight.

The same.

God There is also a saint in Yanjiao.

And he knows that this saint is a reincarnation, which is of great significance.

Moreover, this saint is also well protected. There are some of the strongest warriors in mankind who guard the saint all day long. So they can understand the reason for the madness of the Divine Spirit Cult.

They are quite lucky. If the saint of the Divine Spirit Cult appears in this city, Joseph says without hesitation that the city is doomed. The

Divine Spirit Cult’s The believers will slaughter everyone present as a sacrifice to welcome the saint.

But fortunately, the place where the divine religion and the mysterious people are fighting is in the suburbs more than ten miles away.


The blood-red field shrouds the city. Up.

This is the [Blood Sacrifice] field of the elves. The effect is that it can absorb the life force of all creatures in the field except the elves. The elves receive a massive supply of vitality and become immortal beings. Of course, this kind of extraction The effect of vitality has only a negligible effect on strong people, but ordinary people, including trees, etc., will get a serious illness if they stay in it for a long time even if they don't die.

Therefore, this kind of field can be said to be notorious.

Various forces and major countries, including the Divine Word Sect, have clearly banned the existence of this field, but the elves still use it openly.

However, the effect of the blood-colored ritual in absorbing life force is also uneven. In the center The life force of the creatures will be absorbed by the field until death. In the edge zone, one-fifth of the life force will be absorbed, so the current impact is not that big. The problem is that if all the creatures in the central zone die, it will be the city's turn. At that time , there will be no living person in this city.

This is what Joseph is worried about.

However, the Pope will definitely do his best to protect the safety of all the people in this city! (Watch the violence For cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Joseph thought so.

But he didn’t know that Pope Dustin was also a giant who regarded human life as nothing. The huge power of the Requiem Secret Technique destroyed everything around him. Sweeping across the sky, all the places burned by the flames turned into dust.[]

The dozen or so attendants turned into dust, and even the resurrection effect of [Blood Sacrifice] could not save them.

This is because the secret method of requiem has the effect of soothing the soul. No matter how restless the soul is, it will instantly become Buddha-nature and directly ascend on the spot.

Without a soul, even a resurrected goblin is just a walking corpse.

"It's not a good place to stay for a long time, their purpose is to take you away."

After defeating these servants, Zhong Chen's uneasy feeling still exists.

He can clearly feel that someone is eyeing him and Emilia secretly.

But the strange thing is that even he can't clearly judge the location of the other party.


Zhong Chen picked up Amelia and flew backwards. He couldn't fly in his human form, but with his physical strength, he was still very fast.

Being held in his arms by Zhong Chen like a princess, Ai Milia's breathing was a little rapid, and her heart was pounding like a deer. She didn't know whether it was because of danger or something else.

In fact, she once imagined being held in the arms of a tall and handsome prince.

But she was so humble and humble. , how could she be so blessed.

But today, her dream came true.

Even if the crisis has not been resolved, she still feels happy.

At this time, Zhong Chen’s unemotional reminder fell

"The realm of the elves has a [regeneration] effect, which is very troublesome. For ordinary people, it is easy to say, but if it is a bishop-level figure, it will be troublesome. Moreover, these elves seem to have a way to lock your specific location. Leave here first and join Bai Zhi and the others."

"Fighting is inevitable, so be prepared."

Hearing Zhong Chen's words, Amelia nodded and slightly shrank into her arms.

Although she knew it was just an extravagant wish, it would be just one second if she could enjoy it for a second.

She could easily be satisfied..

Zhong Chen took Emilia and quickly left the original position. Before that, his eyes fell on the places where the elves were wiped out. The secret method of requiem strengthened with godhead points not only increased its power several times times, and seems to have the ability to ignore the rules of this world.

Otherwise, even if the Requiem Secret Technique can kill the soul, it will not kill the opponent so easily.

In other words, people killed by the Requiem Secret Technique cannot be resurrected by any method. Including Shulein's Compassionate Dominator.

And he still has ten useless godhead points, which can be used to deal with this crisis.

The person who is hiding in the dark will definitely know that he has such an ability as the Requiem Secret Technique. He will be wary, but the other party definitely doesn’t know that he still has ten godhead points that are useless.

When the time comes, all ten godhead points will be slapped on the other party’s face, which will make him happy!

But there are also dangers, and the other party can do it without knowing what is going on. It is obviously not easy to create such a huge domain without realizing it.

Zhong Chen has already regarded the other party as a giant like Potimas.

The next battle will be a tough one.

His eyes are on the front.

The figure gradually slowed down.

Because ahead, he found an old man standing in front. There were several magicians beside the old man. In terms of ability value, any one of them could defeat Ronant.

Although Ronant was a human race The number one magician, but it was just a title given to him by the country. In the final analysis, it was just blown out. The truly powerful magicians in the human race are all in the Divine Word Sect. These magicians are very low-key, and the outside world does not even know their existence.

And this is the one in front of you. As an old man, he couldn't be wrong.

The human giant Dustin!

The Pope of the God's Word Sect!

Even the Demon King is a little afraid of the existence.

The old man smiled at him and seemed to be waiting for him.

PS: Chapter 80 was blocked because of his opposition to Sophia's yandere attributes have been described, and the reason is that it is vulgar.

The young author is deeply reflecting here, and cannot write such vulgar scenes in the future. The author's moral character and spirit should be as noble as the readers of this book!

Readers' meeting They selflessly gave their flowers and rating votes, but the author actually wrote such a vulgar plot to deal with them. It's really shameless!!!

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